Sandro announcement possibly a week away

Friday, 23 June, 2017 219comments  |  Jump to most recent
A report in Spain suggests that no confirmation of Sandro's proposed move to Everton will be made until after the U21 European Championship finals.

The 21-year-old's £5.2m switch from Málaga to Goodison Park is reported to be almost done but Dario SUR indicate that it won't be formerly announced while Spain U21s are still involved in the Euros.

Like England, Spain are into to the semi-finals of the competition and, on current form, are likely to be involved in the final as well which means that Sandro could face his new Everton teammates, Jason Pickford and Mason Holgate.  

Reader Comments (219)

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Soren Moyer
1 Posted 23/06/2017 at 18:09:14
I'm sure he will sign for Atletico!
Mike Gaynes
3 Posted 23/06/2017 at 18:16:21
Who do these people think they are?

Is there no consideration for us ToffeeWebbers whose drab lives are on hold until this thing is finalized?

Don't they know we need this deal announced so that we can move on to our next rumour?

How the hell are we supposed to properly trash the Andre Gray reports if Sandro is still hanging?

Very rude, these Spaniards.

Jason Broome
4 Posted 23/06/2017 at 18:19:17
I hope so, along with Dembele. I don't want Andre bloody Gray replacing Lukaku. Seriously average striker.
Chris Jones [Burton]
5 Posted 23/06/2017 at 18:19:22
Let it go... between now and next week we'll probably get gazumped (most likely by those free-spending buggers on the dark side of Stanley Park).
Jon Bentley
6 Posted 23/06/2017 at 18:26:57
Everton that!!
Ken Buckley
7 Posted 23/06/2017 at 18:31:44
This latest round of drip feeds demonstrates that, apart from club officials, no-one is in the know unless, of course, the club want something leaking.

Best go back to the fail-safe – believe nothing until a shirt or scarf waves on the clubs OS.

Colin Glassar
9 Posted 23/06/2017 at 18:47:37
Dead right, Mike Gaynes!
Dermot Byrne
10 Posted 23/06/2017 at 19:08:39
"Holgate Breaks Spanish U21 Opponent's Leg"?
Chris Gould
11 Posted 23/06/2017 at 19:20:00
Not so bothered or excited since it's been widely reported he has a release clause which kicks in after a year. He's clearly not particularly committed to us. He's coming for the money and using us to put him in the shop window up until the World Cup.

I wanted to dismiss the whispers of a release clause as an unsubstantiated rumour (which it pretty much is), but it's being widely reported in Spain and is likely to be true seeing as we aren't his first choice.

He's basically coming on a season-long loan.

Colin Glassar
12 Posted 23/06/2017 at 19:26:05
Well Chris, we could put in a 㿞m buyout clause and, if he has a great season, we end up with a 㿔m plus profit.
Paul Smith
13 Posted 23/06/2017 at 19:26:35
This guy looks the real deal. Release clause, loan, only getting him because of Atletico's ban, I don't care.

If he signs and has a blinder and the team get Champions League, whose to say he wont stay.

It's a no-brainer for me.

Brian Porter
14 Posted 23/06/2017 at 19:30:59
Chris Gould (#11).

I tend to agree with you. It is beginning to feel more like a loan than a transfer. I understood that Koeman wants players who are committed to, and want to play for Everton.

As much as I was initially excited about signing Sandro, I now feel as if we're being used and disrespected by the player and/or his agent. One year? No thanks. Move on. There are other good strikers out there.

Lev Vellene
15 Posted 23/06/2017 at 19:41:07
I'm of two minds here! He's good, so we would really like to have him playing for us next season. But if he wants away after the first season, would it not be better to have someone else in this spot?

Even if not that prolific (as we'd pray he'll be!), would he be so good for us that we shouldn't really have a long-term player in that position; who would then be the hoped-for real deal the following seasons?

I can understand club/location "loyalty" (like he is presumably aiming for), but why should any serious football team take on a one-year mercenary, while they are building a real team for all the other positions?

Barry Lambert
16 Posted 23/06/2017 at 19:42:41
It would appear that there is some serious egg on the face of the people who put in place what looks like a derisory buy-out clause. I will be astonished if this deal goes through.

I'm not convinced that the lad is that interested. I think he's angling for a bale-out clause. That way, he can make a shed load of money for maybe one season and eventually get a move that he really wants.

I may be wrong but I think we should ditch this one. All the time these Spaniards are fart-arsing around ,we have to shelve other options. In no time at all, pre-season is on us and we end up with scraps.

Chris Williams
18 Posted 23/06/2017 at 19:44:30
Of course we are all absolutely certain that the 12-month release clause is an absolute fact, are we? We are all absolutely certain that Koeman, Walsh and Moshiri would sign up to such a contract?

Or maybe it's just the usual shite dreamed up by gobshites whose job description presumably includes reeling in the gullible???

Lev Vellene
19 Posted 23/06/2017 at 19:51:12
Chris (#18),

No, we are not... but we are asking how that should affect us if that was actually so. At least, that is the point I'm starting from.

If we were to sign him on a normal 3-5 year deal, I'd be tempted to learn yodeling his name, just to make an ass out of myself from the joy...!

Brian Williams
20 Posted 23/06/2017 at 19:51:12
Ffs... people will believe any fucking thing!!!
Dermot Byrne
21 Posted 23/06/2017 at 19:55:23
Good last para, Chris (#18) – I tend to feel you are right.
Colin Glassar
23 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:04:11
I believe (along with Abba) in angels, Bri.

Personally, I think this is all just made up journo crap. The lad will sign next week, unless Vinny O'Keefe tells me otherwise.

Jack Convery
24 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:06:31
He's not exactly burning up the rubber to get here is he – appears very reluctant to me. I do hope I'm wrong as he's a class act from what I've seen and heard from those in the know.

As regards the 12-month thing – even Kenwright wouldn't agree to that! Or would he??

Chris Gould
25 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:11:36
I'd usually stick with the default mode of not believing any unsubstantiated reports. However, the idea of a release clause in this instance is plausible. All Spanish clubs have them in all of their contracts.

It's mandatory in Spain for tax purposes. So it's not a stretch to believe that Sandro would want one, especially as it's worked out well for him with Malaga, and we're not his first choice.

Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean he'd go. He could fall in love with both club and City and refuse any club that triggered it. However, if he has a great season and Atletico come sniffing, then it's game over. Time will tell, but if the clause does exist, it won't be made public until his agent starts spouting off towards the end of next season.

If Sandro and his agent insisted on the clause and we refused, he wouldn't be short of offers. We aren't negotiating from a position of strength. I wouldn't be surprised if we relented in the knowledge that we'd get him for the season and hopefully make a profit.

As many have pointed out, it could be bullshit, but it is plausible and worthy of discussion.

Dermot Byrne
26 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:14:35
Echo is always to be relied upon!
Paul Kossoff
27 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:21:28
I don't want this Andre Gray anywhere near Everton, he's a ace prat with his homophobic​ tweets and nasty posts, another toerag like Vardy.

Colin Glassar
28 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:24:25
The Echo lost all credibility for me after they announced Bobby Robson as our new manager, Dermot.
Mike Allison
29 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:25:00
I can't see Gray happening, he makes Lukaku look like N'Golo Kante.
Dermot Byrne
30 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:31:33
Col, what has struck me all through this is the club has said nothing as Echo republish stories they probably got off TW. I admire the club for that. Jesus they almost give me the feeling they are in control. Wow!
Stephen Driscoll
31 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:31:42
By the time Sandro signs, Atletico's transfer embargo will be spent!
Mike Gaynes
32 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:37:45
No, guys, don't start. I can't properly concentrate on Gray when I'm sending mental messages (through my space aliens) to Sandro.

However, when we do start talking about Gray, I'll be a "no thanks."

Not because he was a gangbanger and homophobe 5-6 years ago... I do believe he has properly apologized and worked to make amends for those disgusting tweets... but because for all his pace and talent, he is wildly inconsistent.

Dyche finally had his fill and dropped him near the end of last season.

Minik Hansen
33 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:45:26
Spain eventually meeting England looks hopeful in the Sandro transfer. Meant to be? The lads will have a story together, they can share. COYB.
Brent Stephens
34 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:47:51
Patience. Not easy, I know. Put your slippers on, make a cup of cocoa. What will be.
Tony Hill
36 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:54:38
If there is a break clause after 1 year, can that work for us? I suppose it could if he was brilliant and pushed us on in a major way and we could then regard him as the stepping stone for us if he decides to go. But is he that good? I doubt it.

Oddly, of course, if he's not really good then he's likely to stay and might improve. Or he might not be really good ever.

All sorts of permutations. But I like Everton players who are prepared to commit and who are likely to be respected by their fellow players. If someone arrives so obviously hedging his bets then I'm not sure he'll get a warm reception in the dressing room unless he's full of hat-tricks.

I suppose we should wait and see.

Brian Williams
37 Posted 23/06/2017 at 20:56:15
Me too, Col. I think people are mixing up Spain's "buyout" clause and "release" clause.

Nigel Johnson
38 Posted 23/06/2017 at 21:14:54
Here goes... I am going to get moaned at because I think the Sandro deal is a bad one for Everton. It is basically a loan deal for £5.5 million. The only way its a good deal is if a super high fee is put into the clause. If it was such a great deal, one of the top 6 teams would have been interested in him.

Everton should look at other options and get the deals done quickly as most teams are looking for a great striker.

Dave Williams
40 Posted 23/06/2017 at 21:24:47
It wouldn't surprise me if the one-year clause is just journos connecting the current one year buy out with the knowledge that he reportedly fancied Atletico but they can't get him for a while. I can't imagine such a clause getting into the public domain at this stage but, that said, nothing surprises in football.

I want players who want to play for the club but that isn't common these days as they are mostly out for themselves. Worst case scenario is that it is true, he has a blinder of a season scoring a shedload of goals awfully like the scenario with the current incumbent! Then we lose him for a whacking great profit – I don't really see a downside in that.

Ray Roche
41 Posted 23/06/2017 at 21:24:57
I wondered why no other teams have been in for him, I mean Chelsea, United, Arsenal etc. are all supposed to be after another striker aren't they?

And then I thought, well, maybe they have tried but have been knocked back because he has signed or the deal is set in concrete and he is ours. It's as good a bet as all the other rumours that are flying about.

Mark Morrissey
42 Posted 23/06/2017 at 21:30:35
Stop worrying and stop standing there sucking your thumbs. It'll go through. I can't believe the worry. You can cut the tension with a knife.

It will happen, have some faith in the new team at Goodison. It will happen

Dave Abrahams
43 Posted 23/06/2017 at 21:42:10
What's a week? We're not playing for another four weeks and Sandro will be getting extra time off before he even starts training with us.

Relax... he's coming, and don't start slaggin' him when he puts his first pass astray.

Colin Glassar
44 Posted 23/06/2017 at 21:42:52
Ray, maybe it's because teams like that think anyone valued under 㿏m isn't worth getting out of bed for. It's like the posh neighbour getting caught buying in Primark.
Dermot Byrne
45 Posted 23/06/2017 at 21:45:55
Ray (#41) – if someone on Sky Sports News said that, folk on TW would go ballistic.
Ray Robinson
46 Posted 23/06/2017 at 21:47:30
Well, we've missed out on re-signing Anichebe, who is reportedly signing for Beijing Enterprises. I wonder what Chinese healthcare is like?
Dennis Ng
47 Posted 23/06/2017 at 21:51:17
Dermot 45, chances are that they are not interested or can't guarantee him first team anyway. I'm more of the thought we acted decisively. All-in-all a good thing and we would hopefully see him wearing our shirt soon!
Peter Morris
48 Posted 23/06/2017 at 22:09:35
This could all go a bit smelly, but there are fewer things in life smellier than football transfers are there?

So anyway, my thoughts.

The guy is a 21 year old kid. He probably wants to do well in the game, earn as much as he can, but probably in Spain? Unlikely will he be versed in the intrigue, smoke and mirrors of the vipers nest that is the Sky/Premier League transfer window.

I guess, given a free rein and an unrestricted choice, he would sign for Atletico Madrid. However, they can't sign him and he gets invited to meet EFC officials at The Titanic, over a weekend,when the hotel is full of stag and hen parties getting hammered.

Everton tell him he can join 'Ronald's project', potentially muscling into the Premier League top 4, new stadium and the rest of it,and he and his agent leave after a good dinner, paid for by EFC.

Once alone, his agent and him the agree..."What a fucking dump! I'm staying in a hotel next to a shit factory and a scrap yard, and we can't get any sleep, because the hotel guests are singing karaoke and fighting in their bedrooms."

"But, fucking hell, look at the money they are offering!"

Agent says "tell you what, let's come here and let the daft twats pay us. I'll get them to agree to a 12-month release clause, after squaring it with Atletico first. You will only have to stay in this hell hole for 30 weeks, tops. You'll end up trebling your money on the back of these monkeys, and you'll be back in Madrid before the start of next season!"

If any of this is even 20% true, fuck him off is my view.

Chris Gould
49 Posted 23/06/2017 at 22:11:18
Brian (#37), it's been reported in the Echo and The Guardian that Sandro has a low buy-out clause in his Malaga contract, as opposed to a release clause. And yes, I mixed the two up.

My understanding is that they pretty much mean the same thing. One is triggered and paid for by the buying club, and the other is triggered and bought out by the player (the club he intends to sign for gives him the money to buy-out his contract).

So, both still allow him to leave as soon as the clause is met.

Usually the buy-out clauses in Spain are huge but it would seem Sandro was allowed a small one. Whether he's tried it on with us is anyone's guess.

Apologies if I've got that wrong.

Peter (#48), as far as milking us for 12 months with the intention of then going to Atletico – I think you're bang on.

Hopefully he'll play his heart out every week and fall in love with the club.

Not sure if buy-out or release clauses make a lot of difference anyway; if a player says he wants to leave and kicks up a stink, most of the time he'll get his wish regardless of the contract.

Dermot Byrne
50 Posted 23/06/2017 at 22:27:10
Peter (#48): that sets a new precedent. We make up a story out of thin air and then say "If any of this is even 20% true, fuck him off is my view.".

Will give that a go tomorrow. Already I have gnomes and small snarling crayfish lined up.

Garry Corgan
52 Posted 23/06/2017 at 22:34:59
To those who say they're not happy that he'll be off after a year if the rumours of this clause are true...

Perhaps we've just seen a player available for ٣.2m that we feel, given a half-decent season in the Premier League, we could get 㿀m for. Perhaps our sole reason for buying him is to turn a quick and decent profit. These things do work both ways after all!

Gordon Crawford
54 Posted 23/06/2017 at 22:46:33
I still wouldn't buy him, Garry.
Don Alexander
56 Posted 23/06/2017 at 22:54:34
Peter (#48), you've pretty much summed up the reality of football in these agent-pillaging days, speculative as your piece may be. There's way too many accounts of agent skulduggery already in the public domain to deny it routinely exists.

That said, the kid is only 21. He wasn't born when we last won anything. The English climate and life is unknown to him. His options for Mediterranean sun or diet here will be way different to what he's used to. He has a lot to think about and naturally enough he'll start (and likely finish with) "What's best for me?" He'll likely rely on his agent to spell the answer out, with him, the agent, maximising his own wedge for now and in the future.

Such is life. Everyone involved in Premier League football becomes millionaires before they've done anything worthy of memory and us fans pay through the nose for absolutely everything, even Chang.

Gotta stop now, the Samaritans are phoning me.

Paul Birmingham
57 Posted 23/06/2017 at 22:54:39
Waiting to see the progression of Spain in this tournament and thus Sandro, signing for EFC. Both facts are gelled?

The result: he's on a 5 year contract and will become an EFC legend, he is a proper footballer?

Sick to the back teeth of the daily crap from the Echo and other sources. EFC must get wise?

Once upon a Time.."

Brian Williams
58 Posted 23/06/2017 at 22:58:24
Chris (#49). No mate I think you're right. The unusual thing in this case is, as you say, the buyout clause is incredibly small. I think Ronaldo's is a billion Euros!

I posted.on here before that IMO Malaga allowed such a low clause because they wouldn't have otherwise got him. Sandro himself has insisted on it because, again IMO, he has confidence in his ability and believed after a year he'd get a top move.

I think Atletico's transfer ban has put a spanner in the works of his plan. Having said that, I would be very surprised if Koeman and Everton would accept a clause letting him call the shots after one season, I really would.

I don't think it fits with what Koeman is trying to do.

Chris Gould
59 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:00:34
Andy, in fairness to anyone who made the claim that Sandro signed Wednesday or whenever, they may be correct?

As for Keane, if he signs next week then they wouldn't be far off. But maybe their future 'done deal' claims should come with a disclaimer.

Brian, I'd like to think you're right, but I can't help but feel this buy-out clause is very plausible.

As Don has just said, he'll want what's best for him and undoubtedly considered Atletico as his first choice.

He didn't want to go out on loan and then join Atletico in January, which makes it all the more believable that he would join us with the option to leave if Atletico are still interested in 12 months time.

Si Cooper
60 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:10:21
Important questions:

Did Brian Williams start a rumour that has gotten way out of hand, or did he just accidentally stumble on the truth?

Will Geoff Lambert ever explain why his info has not panned out?

Is Jamie Sweet looking for another double or quits?

Martin Nicholls
61 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:11:02
Colin/Dermot – either of you guys remember another great Echo headline, "Good Morning Goodison, Revie's Yours"?!
Si Cooper
62 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:14:33
Chris, you'll have to explain the secrecy if he did actually sign on Wednesday? I can't think of a good reason for it – who does it benefit in the slightest?
Chris Gould
63 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:17:48
Si, I think Sandro and his agent were reading ToffeeWeb to get a feel for the fanbase. They came across Brian's post and thought that it was a fucking great idea. They then told Koeman/Moshiri that they wouldn't sign without the clause, and it's now all gone to shit.

Brian has caused this mess. I can't believe you named and shamed Geoff Lambert.

Edit: just saw your last. I have absolutely no idea who, if anyone, it benefits. Only going on what The Echo said...oh and Geoff. Let's face it, nobody has a clue.

Paul Birmingham
64 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:19:15
Normal grace. Let's see what happens.
Drew Shortis
65 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:21:04
I would love for this transfer to happen but the biggest factor in that wish is the low release clause. He does look like a real talent, but if he decides to go elsewhere, there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

For the first time in years, I'm not stressing over transfers. Don't get me wrong, I'm probably checking on an hourly basis, but I have a feeling that at the end of this window we will be a better team and the right players (ie, players who want to pull on the Blue shirt like Klaassen) will be sourced. For the first time, ever I'm not worried about Barkley or Lukaku or whoever leaving. If they go we get in Dembele & Sigurdsson or equivalent plus one or two others. This is the first window ever where I feel confident we will take a big step forwards and not two back.

Lukaku's goals will be difficult to replace, but with more coming from midfield and a solid keeper, the potential to get results and points will be there. It's great to have a striker challenging for the golden boot, but at the end of the day it's results that matter more and that only happens with a solid team.

I have confidence that Moshiri will put money in and re-invest any we get from sales and I have confidence Koeman and Walsh will spend that wisely. Now come on and bloody sign Sandro!

David Israel
66 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:22:40
Bomb Cadiz, I say, like good old Sir Francis Drake did (it's in the same province as Malaga)! And they want Gibraltar back! Not until the Bourbons leave the throne! I know my history! (double-meaning).

Trust these low-lives to try and scupper any deal involving well-meaning, honest people. They were the only European country – repeat, only European country – to support the Argentinians during the Falklands War!

Joe Hurst
67 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:27:56
Si (#60), you have added a cliffhanger aspect to this that reminds me of "Soap".

Thanks for that. Being able to smile amidst this messy possible transfer, really is a help..

Rob Halligan
68 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:28:01
So now the Red Echo are reporting that the signing of Sandro is a formality, but only after Spain's U21 tournament comes to an end. This has been backed up by some Spanish newspaper.

Meanwhile, the BBC sport website are reporting that the Red Shite signing of Mohamed Salah is the best signing in the history of football!!!

Dermot Byrne
69 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:32:39
"Soap". Now that was funny.

And yeah Martin, I recall. At least then we had the Daily Post for some sense.

Brian Williams
70 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:37:12
Chris (#63).

Guilty as charged. Next time someone encourages me to start a daft, totally out-of-the-blue rumour, I'm gonna make sure it's one that's to our advantage!!!

Dan Davies
71 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:43:28
Apparently he's asking for a £15 mil release clause. Just saying.
Brian Cleveland
72 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:44:21
That article starts with "El fichaje de Sandro por el Everton està cerrado y màs que cerrado" which roughly translated equates to more than 99.99%... god help us!
Chris Gould
73 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:46:49
Bloody hell, Dan. Where's that come from?! That's a shitty buy-out clause.

If any of this is true then it's all a bit messy. I understood when we allowed Barça the buy-back clause in Geri's contract, but I don't like the sound of this.

Dan Davies
74 Posted 23/06/2017 at 23:54:47
Just trying to flush the lying bastard websites out, Chris. Probably be in the Red Echo day after tomorrow.

Also heard he won't sign unless he gets the No 9 shirt. Or was that No 19?

Hmmmm... why hasn't the fucker signed yet?

Brian Williams
75 Posted 23/06/2017 at 00:00:33
I heard he's holding out for a house between Crocky and Norris Green so he can immerse himself in the authentic local culture.
Don Alexander
76 Posted 24/06/2017 at 00:08:02
That'll deffo make him a legend Brian!
Brian Williams
77 Posted 24/06/2017 at 00:11:40
Don. If he survives!!
Geoff Lambert
78 Posted 24/06/2017 at 00:18:28
Andy Crooks!!!!!

Maybe I was not the only one hey???

"Everton officials flew to Poland, where he is on Spain U-21 duty, on Wednesday to finalise the transfer and unveil the capture of one of Europe's most exciting young attackers.

It was widely expected that confirmation would come yesterday, but Malaga's part in the deal has slowed things."

Gordon Crawford
79 Posted 24/06/2017 at 00:29:47
I heard he wants a signed copy of "The Very Best of Cilla Black", that might be a problem.
Si Cooper
80 Posted 24/06/2017 at 00:43:25
Not prepared to give it up Gordon? Divided loyalties... c'mon, who d'ya love more, EFC or our Cilla???

Geoff, who published that excerpt? From what I can tell, the whole media circus has being getting their information from the likes of you and Brian on TW!

Gordon Crawford
81 Posted 24/06/2017 at 00:49:40
Not divided loyalties Si, blue blood runs through my veins. :)
Geoff Lambert
82 Posted 24/06/2017 at 01:05:01
Si!! .... "the whole media circus has being getting their information from the likes of you and Brian on TW!"

And you actually believe that?

Echo sport page.

John Smith
83 Posted 24/06/2017 at 01:30:36
A wealth of riches. We're complaining about not signing one of the shining lights of Spanish football.

Flashback to times under David Moyes where we had no money to sign anyone, and were hoping for loans of squad quality players to help the ginger minge park the bus.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm liking this a lot.

Daniel Lim
84 Posted 24/06/2017 at 01:45:03
Where is Keane's announcement? Should be on Thursday, right?
Colin Metcalfe
85 Posted 24/06/2017 at 02:20:03
And where's Siggy's announcement? Should be tomorrow, right?
Si Cooper
86 Posted 24/06/2017 at 02:21:03
Feckin' hell Geoff. Talk about a one-eyed edit! What I wrote was 'For all I can tell... etc, etc' which clearly shows that I don't actually believe 'it'.

The point I am making is that it is nigh-on impossible to work out what is based on facts and what is merely speculation / rumours. The situation is not helped when certain people give the impression that they know something significant but then fail to clarify things when their information doesn't pan out as they said it would.

Stop having a go at others and give everyone a credible explanation.

Si Cooper
87 Posted 24/06/2017 at 02:25:24
I wrote 'From what I can tell...' but it still wasn't meant as a serious comment.
Jamie Sweet
88 Posted 24/06/2017 at 02:57:11
Si (#60). I'm going double or quits until the Monday after the U21's final. I believe my debt would then be up to 2,048 pints!

Or maybe I should accept that the "ITK" whom I trusted to be on the money with this one was actually full of shit, and pay out while we're still on 2...

It's like the pain and anguish of 11pm on deadline day has been stretched out over a week. I can't stand it anymore, and gullible muppets such as myself clearly haven't helped the matter! Sorry!

James Watts
90 Posted 24/06/2017 at 06:09:51
Well, the passage of time has certainly shown Geoff is doing a very good Bill impression. Hang on, it's not you is it Bill? Think I've solved the mystery!
Brian Porter
91 Posted 24/06/2017 at 06:18:20
Of course, we can always offer him a salary that beats anything Atletico or anyone else can afford. Then, if they do come knocking after 12 months, it would entail him taking a pay cut to leave us. The devil or the deep blue sea situation.
William Cartwright
92 Posted 24/06/2017 at 06:50:12
David Israel (66)... Tongue in cheek or head up arse? Your call.

I suggest he has signed; Malaga are really pissed that he has escaped their clutches at such a low fee.

I suggest he has signed the contract and as befits a world class performer (as opposed to your every day man in the street) He really is focused on performing for Spain U21s and respect for that.

Potential clash of interests between Everton having players featuring on both teams in a final? No issues. It has happened before and it will happen again.

All the background noise is being generated by attention seeking by-standers or self interested spoilers.

Don't fall for it. he has signed, it will be confirmed next week after the tournament is over, and he will be playing for Everton next season The only issue will be his shirt number.

Next issue is Keane who I think will join us.

Sigurdsson will follow but closer to the start of the season (posturing etc.).

The jury is still out on Ross + Rom, so the incoming striker is a grey one... Moussa Dembele looks to be the favorite and an experienced forward as support and mentoring role.

COYB and keep doing the business in the respectful professional manner as always.

Dermot Byrne
93 Posted 24/06/2017 at 07:35:26
So Cooper (#86): can I just confirm that a source who worked in advertising at the Echo has told me that every morning the Echo editorial team gets together for their daily TW scan. This then gives the basis for the days Exclusives.

They have a direct feed to BBC online and then Teletext rumours and this in turn is sold to NewsNow and subsequently Sporta Newsa Buenas Dias.

At the end of the process someone takes time from their worry about being kicked out of Spain post Brexit and spots the story. They post it on TW but mix up the name of the player.

This leads to a flurry of emails that begins with a slating of Walsh and RK and ultimately allocating blame for Kings Dock and Bret Angell. This then generates a nostalgia feature in the Echo and the cycle begins again with Sporta Newsa Buenas Dias's sister site, Basura Diaria, saying Everton have brought in a religious consultant to beseech the archangels for someone to actually make a bid for Ross.

So you are 100% right!

More seriously. See no evidence of probs with this transfer (actually no evidence we even want him if I am frank). Reckon we will get Keane with McCarthy going other way and will get Dembele and one other midfielder.

But in the end who knows – not me... or Frank.

Mike Andrews
94 Posted 24/06/2017 at 08:38:25
Just seen in the Italian press that Geri's agent is pimping him to Roma. "It's a great club. It's a possibility."
Jim Burns
95 Posted 24/06/2017 at 09:04:20
Jon @ 6 – why ' Everton that'? A player not finalising personal terms while he's away involved in an International tournament – ever heard of that?
Dave Abrahams
96 Posted 24/06/2017 at 09:28:39
Brian Williams (#75) don't start bringing Norris Green into this affair. It's a nice quiet area, we don't want footballers and their WAGs upsetting the serene atmosphere around here.
Ernie Baywood
97 Posted 24/06/2017 at 09:51:14
If there is truth in the release clause query then good on him. There's a bit to be said for a player who keeps adding in low(ish) release clauses. Keeps his wages high, his transfer fees low and his options open.

Does that bother me? Not at all – it's just negotiation. If we sign him we push up the release clause as far as we can while he tries to pull it down. If the deal doesn't make commercial sense then one of us pulls out. Do we think a release clause affects whether he loves the club? He either wants to be here or he doesn't – contracts don't change that.

Of course it could be bollocks and he's just concentrating on achieving the biggest prize of his career to date.

Paul Birmingham
98 Posted 24/06/2017 at 10:01:46
Usual hyperbole BS overload. It's critical times for the club, this transfer window is massive in context of where we are and aim to be.

The solace I take is the club is schtum, the lad himself is on tour and focusing on the next game.

The Rag paper that projects it self as a genuine source is sadly pathetic and is so out of sync with real time, is always a safe bet to be BBS overload.

The RS Echo is as usual desperate for any news... and so it shows daily.

All-in-all, as Evertonians, we know via life that we should never assume or presume anything.

I hope against hope we get him as he looks to be a proper footballer. Time will tell.

Brian Williams
99 Posted 24/06/2017 at 10:44:23
Dave (#96).

Sorry, mate – just reporting what I heard from Sandro's hair dresser (part time obviously). :-)

Barry Williams
100 Posted 24/06/2017 at 11:00:25
So they Echo reported that he'd be unveiled a few days ago and got it wrong. The Echo (possibly using other sources) have reported that there is a release clause in his contract. They could be wrong about this too!

Until he is officially announced and is holding an Everton shirt, I don't consider him signed, hasn't history told us this?

Can anyone show me one official source regarding this transfer? Nope.

Simples really!

William Cartwright
101 Posted 24/06/2017 at 11:28:57
Well stated, Ernie. seems like he is a bright and single-minded sort of chap, or he has a clever agent! Free movement of labour is a one of the pillars of democracy; but not for footballers it seems.

The right to offer and accept a contract works both ways. And if handled correctly then both the parties are winners.

It would be nice if he were to lock himself in to the Club ethos, and he may do in time. The best method likely to lead to success is the professional approach, and Everton are possibly one of the best in the business at that approach. Meanwhile those on the sidelines have to be patient.

Also Sandro just might be concentrating fully on the tournament and he should be respected for that, as I am sure he would appreciate patience from our side.


Zahir Jaffer
102 Posted 24/06/2017 at 11:29:43
Since there are so many concoctions being stirred, I thought I'd throw in a bit of realism with possibilities and probabilities. Numbers don't lie.

Possibility of Sandro transfer: Very High
Probability: 97%

Possibility of Keane transfer: High
Probability: 72%

Possibility of Sigurdsson transfer: Low
Probability: 40%

Possibility of Deulofeu exit: High
Probability: 81%

Possibility of Lukaku exit: Low
Probability: 20%

Possibility of Barkley exit: cannot comment; insufficient information
Probability of Barkley exit: N/A

Possibility of new transfers coming in: IMMINENT
Probability of new transfers coming in: 100%

Terry Underwood
103 Posted 24/06/2017 at 11:44:12
No announcement till after etc, etc. This means. "With a bit of luck, I might get a better offer"
Brian Williams
104 Posted 24/06/2017 at 11:45:12
Probability of those numbers being plucked from thin air: 100% ;-)
Ray Robinson
105 Posted 24/06/2017 at 11:48:10
Zahir, you want to inject some realism into the transfer rumours but then suggest Deulofeu's exit is 81% probable. How on earth do you get 81%!!? Is there a precise algorithm for calculating potential transfers?

And numbers do lie unless they are facts. These are just your opinions?

For the record, I would put Lukaku's departure at 90% – but that's my personal opinion.

Michael Adamson
106 Posted 24/06/2017 at 11:49:38
This is already a done deal, all paperwork signed up.

Rooney was in for talks a few weeks ago but demands on salary are too high.

Chris Gould
107 Posted 24/06/2017 at 11:50:34
Zahir, that made me laugh.

It was supposed to be funny – right?

Daniel Lim
108 Posted 24/06/2017 at 13:36:34
I'm just glad that, in less than 12 hours time, I will start my 8-day holiday and don't have to suffer from this transfer nonsense.

But I know I will check this website every morning when I wake up in the hotel room or when I'm taking the subway or in the car. I will try not to, I swear!

Colin Glassar
109 Posted 24/06/2017 at 13:44:06
Michael, the Rooney saga is a strange one. A few weeks ago I'd have given his return a 95% chance of happening. Today that's around 23.4%.

He is either happy to sit on the bench and collect his wages or, he is in fact going to China for a massive pay day.

I'd give the former a 78.9% chance happening and the latter a 22.1% chance.

Matthew Williams
110 Posted 24/06/2017 at 13:53:33
There is still one very important part of this whole transfer saga Blues...Mr Farhad Moshiri.

We must keep the faith!

Dermot Byrne
111 Posted 24/06/2017 at 14:04:00
22.1%? You kidding? Easily mid 20s...
Dave Abrahams
112 Posted 24/06/2017 at 14:12:32
I've got an appointment with a fortune teller at 3:00pm. When I get back, I'll give you all the news, she's red hot on football.
Michael Adamson
113 Posted 24/06/2017 at 14:19:10
Colin – Yeah, I have a decent source on the Rooney case – it's in his court now... drop the wage demand or head elsewhere. Same source for Sandro... all signed up and done.
Chris Williams
114 Posted 24/06/2017 at 14:37:22
The odious Stretford won't accept a drop in his income. He wants to sweat his meal ticket for as long as possible.
Brian Williams
115 Posted 24/06/2017 at 15:11:00
And what about Ross Barkley, eh?
Geoff Lambert
116 Posted 24/06/2017 at 15:18:20
Michael (#113) – correct but we are just waiting on Malaga who are stalling on the paperwork; otherwise it would have all been completed as said. As for Keane, his signing is being held up by the Sandro saga!!!!

Have some faith – our new empire won't be built in a day.

I am sorry I upset some on here but I can only report what I hear at the time. It makes a change to be moaning about signings not being done before the window has even opened.

I will keep it to myself in future as I don't need the personal insults for trying to give you some honest information I have heard.


Brian Williams
117 Posted 24/06/2017 at 15:26:54
Geoff, don't doubt you but it seems daft to me that the Sandro delay should delay signing Keane. Have we not got more than one team to handle signings?

I posted on here recently that I couldn't believe we had to do our signings in a certain order. I could understand if it was a case of two players in the same position but striker and centre half?

Come on, Bill, if you're short of someone to sort out Keane's transfer, give me a bell.

Oh, and Geoff – don't be upset by the personal insults. They mean you've made it, mate!

Gordon Crawford
118 Posted 24/06/2017 at 15:34:24
Ray (#105), spot on.

Also, I see Lukaku is at it again with his lack of respect for our Club and us, the fans. There is a footage of him playing five-a-side football while surrounded by Chelsea badges. Please, please go, Rom.

Dermot Byrne
119 Posted 24/06/2017 at 15:41:24
1. "Michael (#113) – correct but we are just waiting on Malaga who are stalling on the paperwork. Otherwise, it would have all been completed as said. As for Keane, his signing being held up by the Sandro saga!!!!"

2. "Yeah, I have a decent source on the Rooney case..."

3. "I've got an appointment with a fortune teller at 3:00pm. When I get back, I'll give you all the news, she's red hot on football."

Number 3 for me!

Brian Williams
120 Posted 24/06/2017 at 15:43:54

I have to say, getting annoyed about him playing five-a-side where there happens to be Chelsea badges is ridiculous. Fuck's sake – if he was photographed eating a Chelsea bun, should we rage???

If you want to be annoyed at him, be annoyed for the fucker not only trying to tap in young Tom Davies's great goal against Man City (and failing) but then trying to claim he actually had touched it. Now that's the sign of a gobshite... but playing footie where there happens to be another club's badges????

Nicholas Ryan
121 Posted 24/06/2017 at 15:47:42
Michael (#113),

Don't fret! I have a (very) reliable source, who says the same as you; ie, that Rooney has been told to 'put up or shut up'; and that Sandro signed his contract last Sunday, at about 4:00pm.

Dermot Byrne
122 Posted 24/06/2017 at 15:54:07
Who Nicholas?

"I cannot name a gobshite source..."!

Brian Williams
124 Posted 24/06/2017 at 15:55:42
Does he say anything about any more signings, Nicholas?
Daniel Lim
125 Posted 24/06/2017 at 15:59:28
Just now I walked pass a fortune teller, I couldn't resist and walked in. I was told to calm down as, in the course of the next 8 days, EFC is going to announce multiple signings that cost us £87.6m.

But the better news is that, also in the course of the next 8 days, our net spend is going to be something like negative £5.4m

William Cartwright
127 Posted 24/06/2017 at 16:04:13
Brian, I totally agree with Rom's poor-spirited attacking of Tom Davies's goal against Man City. I have watched the replay a couple of times and it really is embarrassing.
Brian Williams
128 Posted 24/06/2017 at 16:04:14
䀉m for the big fella? Hope the fortune teller's right and the 䀉m isn't from more than one outgoing!
Daniel Lim
130 Posted 24/06/2017 at 16:07:09

I asked the same question but he just smiled and wouldn't answer me.

Have a good week creating rumours, mates. The tabloids will come and pick up ideas here.

Brian Williams
131 Posted 24/06/2017 at 16:11:17
Awwwww, Daniel... you made that up, dintcha?
James Hughes
132 Posted 24/06/2017 at 16:15:51

Was it the same fortune teller as Dave (#112) saw?

I had an appointment with one yesterday. When I got there, she was closed – "Due to unforeseen circumstances"

[I'll get my coat.]

Jamie Tulacz
133 Posted 24/06/2017 at 16:26:19
Colin (#109) – 101% in agreement with you there about the Rooney to China rumours... ;)
Michael Adamson
134 Posted 24/06/2017 at 16:27:44
Source is related to Steve Walsh... is that enough or do you need their passport number as well? :)
Phil Bellis
135 Posted 24/06/2017 at 16:32:14
Mystic Meg's the only soothsayer ever got anything football-related correct
In Jan 84, Year of the Rat, she said we'd win the FA Cup... Wonder if she's still with us
Brian Williams
137 Posted 24/06/2017 at 17:08:38
Michael (#134).
Just the first four digits'll do. ;-)
Michael Adamson
138 Posted 24/06/2017 at 17:11:29
Brilliant, Brian... it's 1878!!
Brian Williams
139 Posted 24/06/2017 at 17:14:23
What else COULD they be??? :-)
Colin Glassar
140 Posted 24/06/2017 at 17:21:14
Brian (#120), if he was seen eating a Chelsea pensioner then that would seriously worry me.
Brian Williams
141 Posted 24/06/2017 at 17:29:05
Ooh, Col, I have three really good retorts to that but two of em would get me banned and the other would have the PC brigade on my case, LOL.
Brent Stephens
142 Posted 24/06/2017 at 17:33:32
Personally, unless somebody is willing to name their (obviously credible) source, I'd prefer they didn't post any "ITK" titbits.

What's the point? We all know there are rumours and pure guesswork posted on here, often presented as fact. We can't distinguish between all that and somebody who really is ITK. So why post ITK stuff? It's NOT informative.

Gordon Crawford
143 Posted 24/06/2017 at 17:43:17
Brian he knows what he is doing; he could have declined the five-a-side and said thanks but no thanks, but he didn't.

Also, I haven't seen that goal in a while, but I thought he pulled his foot away at the very last minute, might be wrong though.

Brian Williams
144 Posted 24/06/2017 at 17:44:45
Brent, I have it on good authorty from a club source that it IS informative. Obviously can't reveal my source.
Brent Stephens
145 Posted 24/06/2017 at 17:52:24
Club sauce is all you've got, Brian! The brown variety!
Brian Williams
146 Posted 24/06/2017 at 17:52:44
Gordon (#143).

You're sort of swaying two ways there mate. He could have said thanks but no thanks? Really, you really think he sbould have done that?

By the way I should explain. I've no time for him. Not a team player, so full of himself he's fit to burst, made a twat.of himself with the Harry Kane comment, but refusing to play footie coz of some badges? Even I'm not that sensitive.

With regard to the goal. If he tried to take his foot away why try'n celebrate and claim it.

To sum up. For the five a side, not guilty! For the Davies incident – he's a twat. All IMHO of course.

Hope he goes and we get Dembele, Sandro and another top striker.

Brian Williams
147 Posted 24/06/2017 at 18:38:24
Brent (#145).

HP Fruity is my weakness.

Mike Gaynes
148 Posted 24/06/2017 at 18:40:52
The five-a-side pitch in LA where Rom was playing is located at a place called the US-5 Center that offers ten outdoor fields. (I was there once.) The manager tells me that particular pitch has always been decorated as it is because Adidas sponsors that pitch and they also sponsor Chelsea, so they put up Chelsea badges. ZERO reason for any outrage at Rom. (The manager still sounded excited that Rom was there last night.)

As for the Davies play, all I can do is laugh at how many people are still gnawing on a three-second video clip from six months ago. The word "silly" doesn't even begin to cover it for me.

Mike Gaynes
149 Posted 24/06/2017 at 18:44:21
PS... all the fields there are equipped with remote HD cameras so the players can watch replays of themselves. Very smart business idea. That's how we're seeing the video of Rom.
Martin Nicholls
150 Posted 24/06/2017 at 18:49:07
Right lads, cards on the table. I have no sources and am not ITK so can only speculate like most others – my guess is that Sandro has already signed and is one of ours.

With that in mind and, as I am currently on holiday between Barcelona and Tarragona, I decided to canvas local opinion as to whether or not Sandro is any good. The English speaking barman knew little about footy but asked his mate (who had clocked my EFC polo shirt) what Sandro is like.

The cryptic response was "Some of the best players play for the smaller teams"! I assume he meant Malaga and wasn't taking the piss!

Colin Glassar
151 Posted 24/06/2017 at 18:54:26
Sandro just spotted in the chippy on Spellow Lane. He ordered a taco burger with chips and gravy.
Colin Glassar
152 Posted 24/06/2017 at 19:00:03
The pitch Lukaku was playing on has had Chelsea promo stuff on for years, according to the Echo. So no worries there.
Brian Williams
153 Posted 24/06/2017 at 19:21:31

Sandro, and this is true honest, had permission to travel to Merseyside to choose between three houses in Crocky before they got snapped up.

Colin Glassar
154 Posted 24/06/2017 at 19:40:20
So he's off to Toxteth then? Posh isn't he?
Andy Crooks
155 Posted 24/06/2017 at 19:48:20
Who wants Lukaku?
Ron Marr
156 Posted 24/06/2017 at 20:15:44
I'm 6,000 miles away, what's the guy in the pub saying?
Rob Halligan
157 Posted 24/06/2017 at 20:42:04
I'm in Tenerife at the moment. Sandro was born in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, which is not that far away from Tenerife, and on a really clear day, can be seen from where we are staying.

All the news I'm getting from the locals is that he's already signed, and the announcement is after Spain are finished in the U23s tournament.

Terence Tyler
158 Posted 24/06/2017 at 21:03:56
Rob, that would fit in with what the player said himself when questioned, he said he wanted to concentrate on this tournament before making any comment about his future.

U21s, by the way, Rob; you can blame the sun stroke for that little error Rob, or the San Miguels.

Rob Halligan
159 Posted 24/06/2017 at 21:43:32
Get to our age, TT, it's all the same!!
Brian Williams
160 Posted 24/06/2017 at 22:27:41
Talking of the U21s, can someone explain to me how Italy topped their group when Germany had the same points and a better goal difference? Confused AF!!
Rob Halligan
161 Posted 24/06/2017 at 22:32:24
First criteria is head to head I think, Brian. Italy beat Germany, so top the group.
Brian Williams
162 Posted 24/06/2017 at 22:33:33
Ah I see. Cheers, Rob.
Stan Schofield
164 Posted 24/06/2017 at 23:33:34
Brian@153: If he goes to Crocky, or Norris Green, or Toxteth, he'll be able to see plenty of replays of himself (along the lines of Mike@149), because there's loads of cameras.
Jason Bowen
165 Posted 25/06/2017 at 00:02:41
The sooner Spain get booted out, the better. I've got a good feeling about this one!
Colin Glassar
166 Posted 25/06/2017 at 08:56:34
Good to see Rom get angry on instagram. He's obviously not ready to burn any bridges.
Steven Jones
167 Posted 25/06/2017 at 11:19:36
I get the feeling that Man Utd are talking to Rom's agent – on the basis that non of their top targets appear to be landing easily – they would have to keep up second and third choices options and dialogue open. They will be qualifying what it would cost and the fact Chelsea are in the hunt they would love to get one over on them.

If we get Sandro and Keane this week, then it may get Rom thinking about staying. Then again, it may be the circumstances where Everton then feel they can move Rom on as their risk of getting an overall good set of replacement signings reduces a lot.

Credibility and momentum are important for EFC this Summer, so getting our "improvements" in first is a sound game plan.

Colin Glassar
168 Posted 25/06/2017 at 11:57:15
I still think Rom will stay until at least January.

A) That will give him time to see if the team is really progressing with the new players (that was his argument for not signing the contract) and might convince him to stay.

B) If he's off to a good start, it might convince his suitors to cough up what we're asking for; he leaves and his replacement(s) is bedded in. Everyone is happy.

Jim Knightley
169 Posted 25/06/2017 at 12:04:25
I'm expecting Rom to go to Chelsea but I wonder if the rumoured availability of Lewandowski (who I think will stay at Bayern ultimately) has put the stops on things for the moment, as well as our overly high asking price. I expect Morata will go to Man Utd and Rom to Chelsea. The January call is interesting though – especially as Costa wants an Athletico move so might be staying around for a little longer.

Barkley is annoying me. If we are asking for £50mil then we've gone insane – he wouldn't be worth that if he had a 5 year contract. I'd flog to anyone willing to buy for £25-30mil. We can't risk him leaving for nothing next summer.

The issue is that this invariably holds up other business. I expect that we have targets lined up in the event of both going (Sigurdsson and King or Dembele maybe?) But those will get more tricky as the window goes on and might be brought by others. We don't want to be selling these guys in August, especially Rom, who has no replacement in the squad.

Andy Crooks
170 Posted 25/06/2017 at 13:56:39
My original comment has been removed (rightly, no doubt) about those in the know. I wasn't on the site for a while so I do not know what the responses were. However, it is never my intention to offend, and if I did, well, I apologize.
Colin Glassar
171 Posted 25/06/2017 at 14:04:01
Jim, everyone is asking crazy prices nowadays, eg, 㿔m for Siggurdson, 㿲m for Van Dijk, 𧴦m for Mbappe etc . These are, obviously, opening moves and the final prices will probably decrease.

If we ask for 㿅-30m for Ross than we will only be offered £15-20m. Why sell ourselves short? Ross might leave this summer but it won't be for 㿞m.

Michael Kenrick
Editorial Team
172 Posted 25/06/2017 at 16:00:41
Thanks, Mr Crooks. Just to clarify, calling people who posts on here "utter fantasist pricks" will get your post removed.

In relation to the nonsense surrounding this literally unpredictable transfer, I don't mind folks posting what they might have heard from whatever source, and don't wish to discourage that. As the thread shows, even the most reputable media sources ('fake news' notwithstanding) have not yet been able to call this one right.

Chris Williams
173 Posted 25/06/2017 at 16:22:37
Tim Cahill currently playing against Chile. His hundredth cap.

Putting himself about a bit!

Kieran Kinsella
174 Posted 25/06/2017 at 16:28:32
The prices are bizarre. Glenn Whelan targeted by Villa for $500k. Now he's not my favorite and he is 33 but what kind of logic is there when the Monaco kid is priced at $120 million after one good season and Whelan is $500k?

So you could get 26 Whelans for one year of Rooney's salary.

Andy Crooks
175 Posted 25/06/2017 at 16:28:33
Fair enough, Michael, the post was ill-judged and I withdraw it and apologize unreservedly.
Will Mabon
176 Posted 25/06/2017 at 16:34:57
Chris @ 173; once a winner...
Chris Williams
177 Posted 25/06/2017 at 16:36:11
Cahill just booked. Could have been off. The FX Mike has picked up what is described as Cahill industrial language.

He's a touch fired up and doesn't appear to have mellowed.

Chris Williams
178 Posted 25/06/2017 at 16:46:21
Australia 1 up now. A tough physical team with Cahill leading from the front. He's still a bloody nuisance with a touch of nark, a fucking nightmare to play against.
Kieran Kinsella
179 Posted 25/06/2017 at 16:51:22

Cahill was posting on Facebook earlier about being "ready to fight" and had pics of him squaring up to Vidal at the World Cup. Maybe some bad blood?

Chris Williams
180 Posted 25/06/2017 at 16:57:09
I don't know, Kieran... all I know is I'm watching a man who hasn't lost one drop of his leadership, fight, aggression, or will to win. Quite happy to get himself involved if necessary, as they say.

Still moves the ball about nicely, but maybe playing a touch deeper these days.

Oh for a 25-year-old Tim these days.

John Smith
181 Posted 26/06/2017 at 01:13:57
Final score 1-1
Will Mabon
183 Posted 26/06/2017 at 05:11:57
"Oh for a 25-year-old Tim these days."

I second that. He was so often the force behind the team.

James Watts
184 Posted 26/06/2017 at 05:23:26
There is a flip side, Colin (#171). By asking for £50m, it may well put any team off from bidding until the 11th hour when they know we'll be desperate to sell.

£50m is totally unrealistic and I mentioned when the season finished that we would be lucky to get £15 to 20m for him if he doesn't sign.

Very few clubs, even with today's prices, would pay more than that for a pretty average player who is in the last year of his contract.

I hope we do mug someone of course but just can't see it. 12 months from now, he's on a free and heading to West Ham.

Colin Glassar
185 Posted 26/06/2017 at 07:44:13
James, average championship players are being valued in the £15-20m price range now. Ross is in a different category and we will get a lot more money for him than that.
Gordon Crawford
186 Posted 26/06/2017 at 08:06:33
Ross is anything but average; he's a fantastic footballer. But sadly he is very inconsistent. But we could struggle to get a decent fee, solely because smart teams will wait until the end of the season.

Any news on Sandro?

James Watts
187 Posted 26/06/2017 at 08:21:12
Guess we'll see, Colin. Not convinced, just wouldn't make sense for a team to spunk anything over that on him in his situation. Well to me anyway but we may get lucky with West Ham or Newcastle being desperate towards the end of the window.

Gordon, he might be a fantastic footballer ability wise but being very inconsistent makes him average in my book. He's not a player we can rely on as he may play a worldie but is more likely to stink the place out, just like the majority of the last few years. Certainly agree with the rest of your statement though.

Looks like we're just waiting on Spain being knocked out for anymore Sandro news!

Steven Jones
188 Posted 26/06/2017 at 09:11:14
Ross is not ordinary – he was in the top three chance creators last season for a club in 7th.

Yes he needs to be more productive - yes he has areas to improve; however, you will only truly see and feel his value when he has gone. Hopefully not but looking very likely now.

I personally love seeing him on the ball and my son worships him and asks all the time about him.

Can't wait to get the Sandro deal done this week – almost wishing Spain get beat on Wednesday!

Michael McCarthy
189 Posted 26/06/2017 at 10:52:11
Steve, how true. Ross in the Swansea team would see more assists, more goals. Take Lukaku out and replace him with Sandro – you will have a goal scorer and provider. Which means more goals from Ross.

Ross gives the ball away and that's all we hear. His defensive work is far superior to Sigurdsson's. Is 'productivity' how many intensive runs, assists or goals? Give him the ball, he makes things happen.

James Watts
190 Posted 26/06/2017 at 10:56:50
Steven, I think we'll have to disagree on that. One stat doesn't mean anything. I have no proof but I wonder, if he's also in the top 3 for how often his indecision gave the ball away or the amount of times he kept the ball without doing anything or the amount of times he stood around doing sweet fuck-all.

Ross has pretty much gone backwards in the last 3 years, some of his game has improved but most of it hasn't, it's deteriorated. If he wasn't a local lad, many of us wouldn't give a rats arse if he left, for free or a fee. I'm just going on what my eyes tell me, but luckily for you and your son my view isn't important!

I think he'll go, but either on a free at the end of next season or maybe around £15m on transfer deadline day. I can't see how Koeman is going to back track.

Anyway, back to the topic! Sandro Рma̱ana! Ma̱ana! Maybe!

Bobby Mallon
191 Posted 26/06/2017 at 11:59:07
Just forget this lad. He does not want to come to Everton. He is just using us for other Spanish clubs to make bids; move on.
Bobby Mallon
192 Posted 26/06/2017 at 12:03:14
I have just learnt that Real Madrid want him now.
Colin Glassar
193 Posted 26/06/2017 at 12:10:07
Oh, for god's sake, is anything ever easy and straightforward with Everton? If he doesn't want to come let him go and rot somewhere else like Fernandes, Sissoko, Gosling etc . All of them made great career moves, didn't they?
Charles Barrow
194 Posted 26/06/2017 at 12:16:25
Why would you go to Real Madrid when you can play for Everton? Doesn't make sense.
Andrew Clare
195 Posted 26/06/2017 at 12:20:42
Aren't we led to believe that the deal is done and we are just waiting for the formal announcement?

If it's being reported that Real Madrid are interested, then I think what we have been told is untrue.

Oh well... there is always Burnley's striker to set Goodison alight.

James Watts
196 Posted 26/06/2017 at 12:27:03
Panic, panic, panic!! said he's going to Madrid. Must be true. We are doomed! DOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously people, get a bloody grip.

Colin Glassar
197 Posted 26/06/2017 at 12:28:09
Marca is a load of old tosh. Their rumours are about as trustworthy as Calciomercato or HTIC.
Colin Glassar
198 Posted 26/06/2017 at 12:29:00
Quiet down, Fraser, you foolish Scotsman.
Gordon Crawford
199 Posted 26/06/2017 at 12:49:53
That's it – I'll never support Everton again, totally devastated. We will see what happens, but isn't the deal already done?

Anyone got George Weah's number? Want to ring him and see if he has any talented cousins.

Eddie Dunn
200 Posted 26/06/2017 at 13:04:37
Didn't the guy say he wasn't talking about it until his involvement in the Under-21s tournament was over? Therefore, all this conjecture is premature.
Martin Nicholls
201 Posted 26/06/2017 at 13:09:15
Real Madrid? Sandro left their biggest rivals, Barça, in search of 1st team football so can't see why he'd go there, particularly when we're told that his "dream" move is to their City rivals Atletico!
Martin Nicholls
202 Posted 26/06/2017 at 13:10:11
Eddie (#200) – you're right, he did.
Colin Glassar
203 Posted 26/06/2017 at 14:23:24
We can still panic, Eddie and Martin. It's our constitutional right and it's what we Evertonians do.
Dennis Ng
204 Posted 26/06/2017 at 14:51:02
There will be time for that on Friday, Colin. We can also start complaining about the lack of transfers at the start of July. Surely a lot of topics to panic on...
Colin Glassar
205 Posted 26/06/2017 at 15:09:33
Two players last week and then bugger all. Come on, Everton, I'm starting to feel a massive downer approaching.
Andrew Clare
206 Posted 26/06/2017 at 15:23:01
I feel the same, Colin. We need at least 7 new first team players of a better quality than we have already to mount a serious challenge next season.

As for the panic about Sandro, I think it's justified bearing in mind our previous unsuccessful ventures in he transfer market.

Tony McNulty
207 Posted 26/06/2017 at 20:53:54
A former Barcelona player off to Madrid?

It's conceivable I suppose (after all, Jamie Carragher made it onto the TV with a speaking part).

However, it would be a pretty brave decision for him to take.

Brent Stephens
208 Posted 26/06/2017 at 20:59:31
Tony (#207) "It's conceivable I suppose (after all, Jamie Carragher made it onto the TV with a speaking part)".

Superb. An oasis in the desert of discussion about rumours about rumours.

Tony McNulty
209 Posted 26/06/2017 at 21:12:14
Hope you're having a good Summer, Brent.

I guess we are all looking for diversions as we await the latest transfer news and the new season.

In the meantime, there's Pat Nevin speaking at the London fans' meeting on Saturday to look forward to.

Brent Stephens
210 Posted 26/06/2017 at 21:22:17
You lead a rich life, Tony!
Peter Barry
211 Posted 27/06/2017 at 03:52:06
The longer this farce drags on, the more likely it seems that it will all end in tears.
James Marshall
212 Posted 27/06/2017 at 14:50:56
I still think this will happen after the Under-21 Euros finishes. All the other stuff seems like column inches to me.

Sandro seems like a sensible pro, and having been through the Barça academy you would expect nothing less.

He's not made much comment and deflected attention when he has – all the paper talk is likely just that, paper talk. The BBC are still reporting that the deal is pretty much done, medical, personal terms, agreement with Malaga all in place.

Joseph Terrence
213 Posted 27/06/2017 at 17:02:05
Apparently there is no release clause in his contract.
Terry Smith
214 Posted 27/06/2017 at 17:05:52
I have heard he will be officially signed on Wednesday 28th June.

Expect Keane to be in by the 1st July!!!

Mike Gaynes
215 Posted 27/06/2017 at 17:09:57
US fans can watch him play today on ESPNU, channel 208 on DirecTV. Spain plays Italy at 3pm Eastern time.

Watching England – featuring Pickford and Holgate – running all over Germany right now.

Jeff Armstrong
216 Posted 27/06/2017 at 18:38:56
Real Madrid apparently interested now!
Paul Smith
217 Posted 27/06/2017 at 20:38:48
Guy on Sky reckins Real are in for him; "gazumped" he said.
Colin Glassar
218 Posted 27/06/2017 at 20:47:17
Paul, we're screwed then.
Brian Williams
219 Posted 27/06/2017 at 20:49:16
Guy on Sky said "there were reports" that Real were in for Sandro.
More journo bullshit.
Dermot Byrne
220 Posted 27/06/2017 at 20:54:11
Rumour rumour. He is ours. The rest just increases the hits by us.
Colin Metcalfe
222 Posted 27/06/2017 at 21:07:17
So Sandro who came through the ranks at Barcelona and played for the first team is going to sign for Real? Eh?

Let's just think about that... No, sorry, not going to happen in a month of Sundays. Plus it was in that reputable and factual newspaper, Sport! Honestly, I don't believe a word of it, total bollocks!

Colin Glassar
223 Posted 27/06/2017 at 21:17:22
Rumour has it that he's either going to Stoke, Newcastle, WBA, WHU, Birmingham City or Huddersfield.
Dermot Byrne
224 Posted 27/06/2017 at 21:33:56
It's just some folk getting the jitters based on the past. Look forward and risk hope. These are different times and you will have forgotten Lukaku and Ross in no time and be wondering what Shanghai Wednesday saw in them.
Nicholas Ryan
225 Posted 27/06/2017 at 21:38:09
Surely, only Everton fans could complain about a lack of transfer activity, when the window isn't even open!

ps: Anyone going to Holland or Belgium?

Colin Glassar
226 Posted 27/06/2017 at 21:41:09
Ross is staying, Dermot. Well, according to Twitter, he is.
Dermot Byrne
227 Posted 27/06/2017 at 21:48:40
Some Twitter guy in Kirkdale, you mean, Col. Well, if he is right, Ross will not be close to an automatic place and may well need some education on thinking fast. Over to EitC.
Chris Gould
228 Posted 27/06/2017 at 21:49:54
The Madrid rumour is utter nonsense.

Firstly, Sandro wants guaranteed football in order to push for a World Cup place.

Secondly, he's come through the Barcelona ranks and clearly fancied Atletico Madrid.

Thirdly, Real Madrid would have no place for him in their first team unless of course Ronaldo leaves, and if that happens they will replace him with a proven superstar. Their fans would demand it.

If Madrid did want Sandro, it would be to sit on their bench as a bit-part player, in place of one of their current bi-part players who has got fed up and is leaving. Sandro has made it clear that he wants guaranteed football.

Dermot Byrne
229 Posted 27/06/2017 at 21:51:51
Chris G... enough logic!
Andy Crooks
230 Posted 27/06/2017 at 21:52:53
Nicolas, if the window isn't open... yet we have somehow snuck two players through it.
Mike Gaynes
231 Posted 27/06/2017 at 22:00:46
Nicholas #225, the window has been open since June 9.
Jon Cox
232 Posted 27/06/2017 at 22:08:35
Breaking news:

Sandro could be ours in yet another 48 hours. Yes, EU economists say that, after the sure-fire deal to get Greece out the shite, Sandro will sign for Everton Football Club in three days.

Bill Kenwright was alleged to have remarked that it was "Everton that done it."

Eric Hardman
233 Posted 27/06/2017 at 22:11:47
Quoting Wikipedia:

"Although, in England, the transfer window formally opens on 9 June, transfers between clubs in the same league can take place as soon as the last competitive fixtures for the season have been played. However, many transfers will not be completed until 1 July because many players' contracts expire on 30 June."

This may explain the confusion.

Dermot Byrne
234 Posted 27/06/2017 at 22:40:19
Time for great optimism. Spent tonight at a work leaving do with our accountant. Cautious by nature, even he was the man who pointed out new starlet. Be careful, mate – optimism may hit ya!
Colin Glassar
235 Posted 27/06/2017 at 22:40:35
Jon, I've heard that Sandro is part of the Brexit deal. Once we are out he will sign.
Jon Cox
236 Posted 27/06/2017 at 22:45:18
Colin, in that case I go to bed a happy man, on so many levels...

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