Season › 2018-19 › News Everton to launch first-stage public consultation for new stadium Thursday, 15 November, 2018 54comments | Jump to most recent The first-stage public consultation into Everton FC's proposals for a new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock and a community-led redevelopment of Goodison Park opens today (Thursday 15 November). Under the campaign name The People's Project, the consultation will tour the city region for three weeks, visiting various locations in Liverpool and Wirral. The consultations will give members of the public an opportunity to have their say on the principle of Bramley-Moore Dock becoming the site of Everton's new stadium and the Club's plans to leave a sustainable legacy at Goodison Park. A second-stage public consultation on the Club's detailed stadium designs and high-level plans for Goodison Park will be held in the summer of 2019 which will lead to the submission of planning applications in the second half of 2019. Colin Chong, Everton's Stadium Development Director, said: “The start of the formal public consultation is a key milestone in our plan to build a new home for the Club at Bramley-Moore Dock, as well as develop a community-led legacy at Goodison Park. “The People's Project will deliver a £1bn boost to the local economy, create around 15,000 jobs and increase tourism visitor numbers to Liverpool. The knock-on effect of a stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock will also kick-start the Liverpool Waters waterfront development and extend into the Ten Streets creative development. “We encourage and welcome people from across the city region to engage with the consultation and share their views.” The public consultation will run from Thursday 15 November until Saturday 1 December and can be accessed at the following locations: 15-16 NovemberBlue Base. Salop Street, L4 4BZ (in Blue Base car park) 11am-5pm. 17 NovemberEdge Lane. Liverpool Shopping Park, Edge Lane, L13 1EW. 11am-5pm. 18 NovemberSpeke. New Mersey Retail Park, Speke Road, L24 8QB. 11am-5pm. 19-20 NovemberLiverpool One. Paradise Street (outside JD Sports). 9.30am-8pm. 21-23 NovemberLiverpool One. Thomas Steers Way (outside Hilton Hotel). 9.30am-8pm. 24 NovemberGoodison Park. Goodison Road, L4 4EL. 9am-1pm. 25 NovemberBirkenhead. 222 Grange Road West, CH41 6EB (outside Asda). 11am-5pm. 26-27 NovemberLiverpool One. Paradise Street (outside JD Sports). 9.30am-8pm. 28-30 NovemberLiverpool One. Thomas Steers Way (outside Hilton Hotel). 9.30am-8pm. 1 DecemberNew Brighton. Fort Perch Rock, CH45 2JU (in the car park). 11am-5pm. For residents living in Liverpool 4 and around Goodison Park, a consultation leading on the Club's intention to leave a sustainable legacy is open at The Blue Base, Monday to Friday, for two weeks. Blue Base Salop Street, Liverpool, L4 4BZ Monday 19 & 26 November – 3.30pm-7.30pm Tuesday 20 & 27 November – 7.30am-10:30am Wednesday 21 & 28 November – 8am-10.30am Thursday 22 & 29 November – 9.30am-4.30pm Friday 23 & 30 November – 12pm-5pm For anyone unable to attend the formal public consultations, the People's Project campaign website contains information on the consultation activities and will be the place for information relating to the construction of a new stadium in an iconic riverfront setting as well as the development of community-led amenities which could include homes, health, business and education facilities at Goodison Park. Visitors to the website can also complete a short online survey that will also be available at the exhibition. Reader Comments (54) Note: the following content is not moderated or vetted by the site owners at the time of submission. Comments are the responsibility of the poster. Disclaimer Joe O'Brien 1 Posted 15/11/2018 at 00:57:25 And so it begins. The majority (blues and businesses) will be in favour... the rs will obviously (even to the detriment of the city as a whole) be against it. I wonder what argument they will come up with? A massive amount of new jobs... probably worth billions to the city...They were against it when the deal with the council was on the table; now that it looks like it'll be privately funded, they'll have to come up with another reason. I don't know what it'll be... but for sure they will be against it... Lawrence Green 2 Posted 15/11/2018 at 01:02:03 Joe #1,It's very true what you say about our neigbhours, but it's up to all Evertonians to ensure they pro-actively support the scheme, whether in person or via the survey(s). I'm not too sure that all of the money required will come via the private sector. I'm Against It Bobby Mallon 3 Posted 15/11/2018 at 09:13:11 Lawrence @2 – brilliant! Mark Andersson 4 Posted 15/11/2018 at 09:36:03 I disagree about the red fans... it's a long way from Norway to attend any if them meetings. Eric Myles 5 Posted 15/11/2018 at 11:33:32 What's the http address of the website to fill in the survey?A search for The People's Project brings up a National Lottery website. Eric Myles 7 Posted 15/11/2018 at 11:35:57 OK, found it Gordon Crawford 8 Posted 15/11/2018 at 12:01:22 Just completed the survey. :) Tony J Williams 9 Posted 15/11/2018 at 12:31:49 Let's hope the survey doesn't end up like Boaty McBoatface. Brian Harrison 10 Posted 15/11/2018 at 12:40:47 Maybe the law has changed in the last few years but I don't remember Liverpool having to go through a public consultation when they intended to build a new stadium on Stanley Park. The even bigger worry is it seems the survey is online so quite easy for the objectors to fill in the form online. No doubt after the public consultation Everton will announce that due to certain problems they will have to delay the planning application until further discussion with the Council has taken place. We had the architect Dan Meiss over talking to Evertonians last year about what they wanted and most Blues I speak to want a 60,000 stadium. So get on and design a stadium based on the consultations you had last year with fans. Joe O'Brien 11 Posted 15/11/2018 at 12:51:00 Thanks, Eric... I've just completed the survey.. only takes 5 mins. Lawrence @2 very good. But we shouldn't give them any ideas... I can just see them thinking, "Yes, lads, let's make a song of protest." ;) Bobby Mallon 12 Posted 15/11/2018 at 12:52:24 Yes, I'm a bit worried about it being online, schoolboy error in my opinion. Joe O'Brien 13 Posted 15/11/2018 at 13:01:37 Lyndon/Michael, will you be running an up to date tread on the goings-on of these public consultations? It would be good to hear the feedback and was there much objections from our dear neighbours for those who live outside the UK. Jon Withey 14 Posted 15/11/2018 at 13:06:02 Online? Oh god... will we end up with Toffee McToffee stadium? Tony Marsh 15 Posted 15/11/2018 at 13:12:31 What a Farce. Basically, the club is asking anyone who is prepared to fill in an online form what their opinion is on an imaginary stadium that to my knowledge does not actually exist.I don't believe for one second any of this heel-dragging exercise is a help in the matter of stadium development. This survey is just a load of old nonsense.I can't believe that, 2½ years after securing the plot of land on the Dock Road, this is the best we can do and is as far as we have come with regards to the stadium issue. Embarrassing for all concerned and Barrett-Baxendale is a million times more out of her depth than Elstone was as CEO. Absolutele joke appointment by the club putting Barrett-Baxendale in charge at EFC. The joke is on us fans yet again and anyone who believes this will happen are going to be sadly disappointed. Brian Murray 16 Posted 15/11/2018 at 13:13:39 Thousands of jobs created in new bars and restaurants. It will be a thriving area as good as Liverpool One but no doubt do-gooders and kopites will find something to object to.... David McMullen 18 Posted 15/11/2018 at 13:26:14 Not really sure the on-line survey is a public consultation at all! It spends more on who you are age etc. than specific plans. Just give it your best shot especially if you want it to be at least 60k. How do you stop RS pretending to be blues saying they don't want a stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock though? Bill Watson 19 Posted 15/11/2018 at 17:10:49 Tony #16,Everton secured the plot of land earlier this year and not 2½ years ago. Of course the stadium is imaginary; I was down there last week and can confirm it hasn't yet been built!Is your rubbishing of Denise Barrett-Baxendale based on firm evidence or is it just your wild opinion?David #18,If the local Red comments in the Echo are a yardstick then very few would be able to put together a coherent objection.Objections would need to be based on real issues that may arise if a stadium was built.The usual ones of nuisance to local residents, road and transport infrastructure etc won't apply because there are no local residents (apart from the licencee of the Bramley-Moore pub). Work started, this week, on major road works and the site is served by Merseyrail Sandhills which is less than a 15 minute walk away and a new station is being mooted between Bamley-Moore Dock and the Titanic Hotel. Ray Said 20 Posted 15/11/2018 at 17:38:53 I hope it doesn't end up like the Man City Etihad Bell End fiasco.'In February 2004, after a vote by fans, the West Stand was renamed the Colin Bell Stand. It was named in honour of the former player. The vote was almost stopped, as it was taken over by rival fans. They hoped the stand would be nicknamed "The Bell End" (even though the stand is to the side, not at an end)'. Garry Corgan 21 Posted 15/11/2018 at 18:18:52 Tony (#15) talking absolute nonsense as usual. I wonder what it must be like to have such strong opinions on things and then be totally wrong? Ron Sear 22 Posted 15/11/2018 at 18:36:58 Interesting article on the BBC 3 website looking at the most terrifying stadiums in the world for away supporters and teams, steepness features quite strongly - Link John Daley 23 Posted 15/11/2018 at 21:03:44 Tony Marsh: Frontiersman of the Old West:"A water-pumping wind mill? What a load of far-fetched wank. The only time we'll get water on the Great Plains is when it's pissing it down. During the summer months we'll have to generate a single droplet of moisture by munching gobfuls of dry sand. Everybody knows that. If those big-talking bells are as good as their word then why aren't they out there now digging a well with their bare hands? "Design stage"? Likely story. Look, the point is, people are fucking parched and that Barrett-Baxendale and her bunch of cowboys basically expect them to battle dehydration by doing that 'downing an invisible drink' hand motion one does when they want to mime 'piss can' behind someone's back? Heel-dragging hoopleheads the lot of them."----------"Transcontinental Railroad? Talking out your ring piece. You lot must be tapped in the head to believe they have any intention of laying track. Why aren't they out there now blowing shit out of the Rockies in readiness? "Choo-Choo! Choo-Choo!". Know what that is? You, trying to say "Fuck you" with your mouth full when you realise the truth after swallowing so much bullshit from them. Never gonna happen, mate. The only reason I'm even mentioning it is because my old man needs to be in Omaha, Nebraska by next month. Now what's he meant to do?" Lawrence Green 24 Posted 15/11/2018 at 21:22:29 John #24,You forgot to include the picture of the ancestor in your story. Still Waiting! Tony Marsh 25 Posted 15/11/2018 at 21:59:19 Bill @20, I knew in 2016 that the club had secured Bramley-Moore Dock as a possible venue for a stadium build, so where you're getting it was this year, I don't know. Moshiri was on TalkSport talking about Bramley-Moore Dock and the stadium in July 2017, so please get your facts right.Garry @ 22, I have been saying this same stuff for well over 2 years now and guess what the club have achieved in that time? Two or three People's Forums — that's It!!! If I'm talking nonsense, what are the spokespersons for the club doing? Where is there any proof that this stadium is going to happen, apart from some vague talk from the club???Do you happen to have a stadium plan on the back of a beer mat or something found in the Joe Mercer Lounge? ... Ha-ha.Come on, Garry, Mr Sense-Talker — give me a clue to what you know. What concrete information have we to go on? What foundation is laid, either geographically or on paper? ... I fear "None" is the answer. So please get back to me when you have something tangible to go on. Thanks, mate. Peter Mills 26 Posted 16/11/2018 at 15:17:33 I called in to the exhibition at the Blue Base near Goodison this morning. Very pleasant staff there, got a small goody bag for the grandsons, it didn't take long to read the information.I can't say I learned much new about the proposals, but then like most people on here I have been reading about them for quite some time now. However, I think it's important to show support, the public consultation is an important part of the planning process. If we want it to happen, we need to demonstrate our interest and backing for the project, even if it's just by completing the online survey which only takes a few minutes. Joe O'Brien 27 Posted 16/11/2018 at 15:52:45 Peter, thanks for the feedback. Since I'm living in Ireland, I won't be able to attend the consultations. I have completed the survey. Was there many 'non-blues' there? By that, I obviously mean, our delightful neighbours... and more importantly, were there many objections? I know we're all a bit bored with all the talk, but I think this is a massive step in the process. Get this right and the planning application will go a lot smoother. Brian Williams 28 Posted 16/11/2018 at 15:58:38 Re #23.Flying machines? Fucking metal tubes with bits stuck on each side travelling at speeds that will tear people's limbs off?People actually eating on these things and watching films on television screens... wait a minute – television, what the fuck is television?That lemon's lasting a long time, Tony. Peter Mills 29 Posted 16/11/2018 at 17:09:53 Joe #27, no Nordic accents, no dragging of knuckles on tarmac, nobody in full kit. Those who were there were struggling a bit with the iPads – no obvious sign of neighbours nor objections! Joe O'Brien 30 Posted 16/11/2018 at 17:19:18 Cheers Peter. Long may it continue. Even if they do have some objections they will have to come up with some logical reason for those concerns as Bill pointed out@19 I think that will be beyond them to be fair. Dermot Byrne 31 Posted 16/11/2018 at 17:26:56 Here is another "consultation" re Premier League.Nearly 5,000 have signed now.Join us?Link Dermot Byrne 32 Posted 16/11/2018 at 18:26:29 Here is another "consultation" re Premier League.Nearly 15,000 have signed now.Join us?Link above Tony Abrahams 33 Posted 16/11/2018 at 19:07:48 That will get over a million signatures, that one, Dermot. This bonus is enough to stop me wanting to watch football, it's that sickening.I can't believe I never got a small goody-bag for my kids, Peter, I think I will make a complaint next time I go and fill out the questionnaire! Dermot Byrne 34 Posted 16/11/2018 at 19:13:45 Agree Tony. Hope it does. Sent the link to TW and hope they make it a story. Gives us a voice? Tony Abrahams 35 Posted 16/11/2018 at 19:32:28 I knew nothing about it mate, but I've signed it now. I heard about this on Wednesday's news, and as Ashley Cole said, I nearly crashed my car!It's really a good job I'm enjoying going to the match again because stuff like this could be enough to stop me going for good, it's that bad.Let us fans demand more on the back of this disgraceful award. 㿀 for away tickets (not the 㿊 that they pacified us with) and at least 10% of the away gate, for the travelling fans, and not a reduction because the away tickets are cheaper.I know not every club would take up the 10%, but it's time the fans began to use their power on the sport that takes them for granted, and rewards us with 12 pm kick-offs because of TV. Let's make these clubs sorry they have made such a sickening donation, and let's make them realise who is the real bread & butter of this game. Dermot Byrne 36 Posted 16/11/2018 at 19:41:34 Now passed 20,000 mate. A start for it. I will watch how this goes. Peter Mills 37 Posted 16/11/2018 at 19:44:47 Tony #33, it's a bit rich, you railing against poor Mr Scudamore receiving a small “thank you†gift while at the same time complaining about not receiving a goody bag.They were obviously only giving them out to those who most looked down on their luck! David Pearl 38 Posted 16/11/2018 at 19:44:49 And what if Martinez, Koeman and Allardyce give some of their payoffs back to EitC – that must be a tidy sum. Dermot Byrne 39 Posted 16/11/2018 at 19:56:19 One tangible issue amongst thousands, David. At least that petition tries to do something. Tony Abrahams 40 Posted 16/11/2018 at 19:57:54 Peter, I haven't had a shave all week, and look like someone out of ISIS, so maybe they couldn't wait to get rid of me! Dermot Byrne 41 Posted 16/11/2018 at 19:59:34 This is not just a Blue issue but one for all fans it seems to me. Dave Abrahams 42 Posted 16/11/2018 at 20:54:31 Tony (33), don't worry about the twins not getting goody bags, I've decided to up their pocket money. From now on, they'll be getting 25p per week. You might think this is too much, but what the hell, it's only money. That's 25p each, by the way... I must be mad. Dermot Byrne 43 Posted 16/11/2018 at 20:56:30 Each? Tony Abrahams 44 Posted 16/11/2018 at 20:58:42 If Peter is telling the truth, Dermot, Dave will be able to get my kids those goody-bags, even if they won't go near him! Dave Abrahams 45 Posted 16/11/2018 at 21:02:39 Dermot (43), Like you queried " Each", I think you're right. Like Fagin sang in "Oliver" "I'm reviewing the Situation". Don't tell the twins the good news for now, Tony. Dermot Byrne 46 Posted 16/11/2018 at 21:09:29 Sensible Dave! Dermot Byrne 47 Posted 16/11/2018 at 21:09:30 Sensible Dave! Tony Abrahams 48 Posted 16/11/2018 at 21:11:26 What a song/sketch that is Dave, and my sentiments exactly to all those Premier League clubs who are rewarding Scudamore? “I think they better think it out againâ€! Dermot Byrne 49 Posted 16/11/2018 at 22:01:39 26,217 now. Go lads and lasses! Lawrence Green 50 Posted 16/11/2018 at 22:25:41 I do hope quite a lot more are filling in the Everton Survey. Don't get me wrong, the Scudamore issue is a disgrace, and I have signed it, but to many Evertonians, the stadium issue has more direct consequences for Everton FC. #Complete the Everton Survey! Dermot Byrne 51 Posted 17/11/2018 at 08:03:13 Agree, Lawrence. Do both! Dermot Byrne 52 Posted 17/11/2018 at 12:45:11 37,000 now – scroll up! Dermot Byrne 53 Posted 17/11/2018 at 13:46:52 Like the People's Project website. Encouraging if not giving us the actual design we all want to see. Wish someone would leak it! Bill Watson 54 Posted 17/11/2018 at 19:29:13 Dermot; I did your one yesterday when it was around 7,000. Once these things get going, they take on a life of their own with being shared etc.I also did the Everton one online but I was going past so I called into the Edge Lane one this afternoon. It has posters of the stuff you can see online and they were attracting some attention. At 2 pm there wasn't a queue but more of a steady stream with all the iPads being occupied.I asked a steward if the Dark Side had been along and he said a few had and had been impressed (obviously not the knobs who occupy the Echo comments page)!I also got a goody bag containing a People's Project flag, a small stressball and a few other bits of junk! There's also a 'help yourself' bowl of Everton Mints, so I did!! Dermot Byrne 56 Posted 17/11/2018 at 19:36:07 Bill, one is about the game generally. The other is about us, the club. Both have a value.Nice to hear about contributors to both. i think on one it is near 38,000 now. Billy Roberts 57 Posted 18/11/2018 at 09:51:20 Still no drawings?? How do you consult the public on your proposals without having any plans to show, while I think the club are going about this in the most professional methodical way I am genuinely puzzled how you can seek opinion on a still unrevealed design? This is a huge development but the stadium as it stands could be like the Taj Mahal or a fuckin concrete abattoir. Please help me, ToffeeWeb, I'm very confused and frustrated. Add Your Comments In order to post a comment, you need to be logged in as a registered user of the site. » Log in now Or Sign up as a ToffeeWeb Member — it's free, takes just a few minutes and will allow you to post your comments on articles and Talking Points submissions across the site. About these ads