Opposition View: Spurs For Life

Ryan Curtis 09/09/2020 96comments  |  Jump to last

The first game of the season is always a bit of an unknown but this one is something else! A very short break, still no fans and new signings who probably haven't had too many games or training sessions to acclimatise.

As a Spurs fan, the one fixture you don't really want is a promoted team who are always bang up for their first game in the Prem; for me the other one is a team with a few marquee signings looking to prove themselves!

Everton with Allan, James Rodriguez and Doucoure will be champing at the bit to get going in the Premier League for various reasons, but I'd have liked to play a team like Everton around Christmas when Colombian stars are questioning their career choices finding themselves in the less than subtropical conditions of Knowlsey having just had a midweek kicking at Turf Moor!


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But, alas, the game goes ahead and it's tough to predict. Despite the fact we've scored a fair few goals against Everton in the past few years, I don't expect a team under Ancelotti to stay as poor as they have been and am expecting a real test come Sunday.

From our side Højbjerg looks a good addition to add some steel and Mourinho is starting to get the characters in the side he likes, people with good attitudes who work hard, and the opportunity to have a clean bill of health and get all our best players on the pitch is something Jose hasn't had since he came in.

I guess the similarities with Everton are that we are both coming off the back of average seasons but have managers at the helm whose credentials are beyond doubt.

What I guess both sets of fans don't know is that in the modern game of hoofing managers out after a bad run of results will they be given the time to build a team in their image and reach the potential that both teams have?

Can Everton trust in a manager like we did with Pochettino, maybe bring some young players through and kick on to that next level with Champions League football and a brand new stadium? You certainly have the fan base and the history but perhaps it does require a bit of a perfect storm of young players, plucking some signings that come off and a bit of luck!

We also know what you're going through with your neighbours having a quality side and having to hear about it every second of every day! We've lived through Arsenal being one of the best teams in the Premier League before Chelsea got their rubles and won everything!

It's hard, it's frustrating and you never seem to win anything but the start of the season always gives us hope… that, let's face it… will probably come back to bite us in the arse!

I wish Everton all the best this season (after Sunday!) and especially in the games against the big teams where you'd hope with the signings and with a more solid outfit under Ancelotti you can compete in these big games and nick points.

I can't predict Sunday, I can't predict the season for both of our sides and I think any fan that tells you they can with any confidence is talking out of their backside.

But that's why we love it… don't we?*

*Ask me at the end of October for clarification on this!

Ryan writes for Spurs For Life

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Reader Comments (96)

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David Ellis
1 Posted 09/09/2020 at 19:37:39
Generally quite a good idea to play Tottenham early doors. We've drawn a few with them at the beginning of the season in recent years I predict the same again
Jay Wood

2 Posted 09/09/2020 at 19:46:55
Lyndon and Michael.

Is this going to be a regular and new feature this season, getting the opposition view ahead of upcoming features?

If so, I like the initiative.

A very fair and balanced assessment by Ryan.

Tony Everan
4 Posted 09/09/2020 at 20:30:04
Jose Mourinho would sell his grandma on eBay to get a win in any game. It doesn't matter to him how it comes as long as he gets the win.

I expect something similar to the previous game, very tight and Spurs players systematically leaving their boot in again on Richarlison , and getting away with it. As instructed by Jose in his game plan.

Everton will be a different proposition though and won't be so easily bullied. The game is going to hard fought, acrimonious and probably will be decided by a single goal. Hopefully an Everton one.

Pete Fishwick
5 Posted 09/09/2020 at 20:30:15
My missus is a Spurs fan and when we see each other play often we say are you spurs in disguise or Everton in disguise. we have the same issues and seem to have the same pain - I was at the new stadium to watch the CL final - There was no game I wanted you to win more. Your new Stadium is fantastic and am very envious of that and the fact you did it on the existing footprint and beyond, but I just hope we can get a spade in the ground and the new Everton Stadium can be built at BMD. Its time some luck came our way and I pray this year like every other Evertonian that we start to show some fight and quality. After our dire finish to the season with 'nothing to play for apparently' Everton had better come out all guns blazing and grab 3 points this weekend - NSNO - COYB..
James Flynn
6 Posted 09/09/2020 at 20:55:58
Fair enough.

And I agree with Jay Woods. Could be a neat feature just before each game.

Jack Convery
7 Posted 09/09/2020 at 21:20:30
400M will riot when James scores!! You have been warned!!
Paul Tran
8 Posted 09/09/2020 at 22:06:53
This would be a great regular idea.

I always quite liked going to White Hart Lane, apart from the time when the bloke standing next to me was hit by a flying seat!

Their fans are as narky and impatient as ours (I often went with a Spurs mate in the home end) and like us, they can create an edgy, nasty atmosphere.

Hope it's us singing in Sunday!

Steve Ferns
9 Posted 09/09/2020 at 22:12:18
Good article. Really hope this is a new feature.
Brent Stephens
10 Posted 09/09/2020 at 22:13:58
Yes what a great idea to have an opposition fan writing a piece.

O, wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!

Mark Murphy
11 Posted 09/09/2020 at 22:27:01
Great idea so long as Gobshites aren't invited!
Neil Copeland
12 Posted 09/09/2020 at 22:41:10
Ryan, a very fair article – thanks.

What Mark Murphy said.

Mike #8, Phil Neville perhaps?

Mike Gaynes
13 Posted 09/09/2020 at 22:42:14
Brent, don't push it. We already have "gifties" for that. They're called wives.
Brent Stephens
14 Posted 09/09/2020 at 22:46:46
But we're glad to have them, Mike! Especially when they've been away so long.
Brent Stephens
15 Posted 09/09/2020 at 22:50:41
Mike, do you know the Rumpole of the Bailey books? Well worth a read. Funny. Rumpole the barrister refers to his wife as “She Who Must Be Obeyed”!
Nick Page
16 Posted 09/09/2020 at 23:16:02
Can't fucking stand Spurs. Only Satan's mob across the park annoy me more. But at least they've won stuff. This lot... where do you start?

Propped up Premier League media darlings by virtue, that haven't won a major trophy for even longer than us. Two league titles, last one in 1961.

And then, when they finally looked like doing something, went and sacked their best manager since Nicholson because their horrible prick of a Chairman wouldn't buy anyone when Pochettino had been telling him for years to invest.

And then they employ that massive gobshite Mourinho and they look absolutely awful. But given how much the media love them (second only to the RS), the Premier League and Sky still managed to massage them into 6th place ahead of a far superior Wolves side.

Mark my words, they'll get every single fucking decision against us because that's the way it works. Vile

John Hughes
17 Posted 09/09/2020 at 23:31:17
Not a fan then, Nick?
John Keating
18 Posted 09/09/2020 at 23:33:42

A very balanced view.

Nick Page
19 Posted 09/09/2020 at 23:36:53
Despise them, John. Have never understood the media fascination and if I was Everton manager, I'd be right into this lot. It's all a myth.
Will Mabon
20 Posted 09/09/2020 at 23:37:58
Nick, I was waiting for someone to come and kick off to shatter the air of civility. You didn't disappoint!

This Opposition View feature could turn out quite entertaining. We could supply our version to the coming opponent's site, then after a day or two, combine them on each site and go "Open season". You could be the ideal guy to write it, would be a hoot.

Rob Halligan
21 Posted 09/09/2020 at 23:49:46
I'm with Nick on this one. Never liked Spurs since I was turfed out of White Hart Lane at half-time a few years back, for something I never did.
Nick Page
22 Posted 09/09/2020 at 23:53:27
Rob, White Hart Lane was a shit-hole and this lot were comfortably the worst fans in London. For the record, I have always had respect for Arsenal – classy club. And Highbury was decent.
Will Mabon
23 Posted 09/09/2020 at 23:54:11
Rob, it was me that did it – sorry, Mate.
Rob Halligan
24 Posted 09/09/2020 at 23:57:27
Scumbag stewards would pick on anyone just to gain a gold star!! Worse than Man Utd stewards if you ask me.

Well maybe not quite as bad as Man Utd, but not far behind.

Nick Page
25 Posted 09/09/2020 at 23:57:33
Oh, and when we get done over again by these and the refs like at Goodison Park – the most obvious handball since Maradona, and Son breaking Gomes leg, later rescinded (of course) – please refer back to my “gripes” and take note.
Rob Halligan
26 Posted 09/09/2020 at 23:59:43
Duly noted, Nick.
Mike Gaynes
27 Posted 10/09/2020 at 00:05:55
Brent #16, I'm a Rumpole fanatic.
David Cooper
28 Posted 10/09/2020 at 00:16:06
If you still have time on your hands because of Covid-19 there is another football “All or Nothing” series on Prime Video which features our next opponents. Basically it is the story of Mourinho's first few months at Spurs up to the break in play. It's quite watchable.

Of course it is sanitized! One of the first things that Jose says about Spurs is that they are “too nice” – guess he didn't see Son's assault on Gomes!

One thing is for sure is that their stadium and training facilities are state of the art. If we can match those when Bramley Moore Dock is built, we won't be too shabby.

Nick Page
29 Posted 10/09/2020 at 00:23:26
Will @21 - thanks fella. Lol. I have a particular dislike for these charlatans so please don't expect me to be so irrational in the future. On that note, I'd happily debate how little they deserve their reputation.
Will Mabon
30 Posted 10/09/2020 at 00:57:28
It's the London thing, Nick. The club is automatically considered bigger than the trophies it ever won.

I looked back at our record against Spurs, even worse than I remembered. We must be due one soon.

Nick Page
31 Posted 10/09/2020 at 01:24:08
Will, we've rolled over far too many times for far too many lesser teams based on media perception. As an example, look at what Liverpool have done in the Champions League vs say Arsenal and even Chelsea who have been far more successful domestically.

It's all bullshit, based on perceived reputation. Everton need to start reasserting themselves on and off the pitch. Get nasty. And start winning.

Jamie Crowley
32 Posted 10/09/2020 at 02:08:48
Ryan fantastic article. The company next to me at work is an auto shop and the owner (Larry) is a massive Spurs fan. It's nice to have a footy guy in America right next door to where you work.

Larry and I won't speak Friday or Monday. Just to maintain civility.

Your club, from my afar, bastardized view, is a solid one. Very good, loyal fans. Your owner is a tight D-Bag, but you didn't pick him, so whatcha gonna do?

I do hope Son has his leg broken. The tackle on Gomes is one I won't ever forget nor will I ever forgive – intentional and filthy. But I digress.

Good article Ryan. Best of luck after this weekend. I personally wouldn't mind an Everton title closely followed by a 2nd place Spurs finish. But we both can dream.

Michael and Lyndon – I really enjoyed reading this and I hope the opposition articles continue. Very entertaining. Ryan seems an okay dude by the read. If you can find more friendly, intelligent, objective contributors from other clubs I for one would love it.

Julian Wait
33 Posted 10/09/2020 at 02:54:45
There's one team I don't want to see an opposition article from.
Derek Thomas
35 Posted 10/09/2020 at 03:34:59
Julian @ 34; Why not, we all need a dose of fantasy in our lives.
Ryan; fair play to you, a decent enough summary.
Derek Knox
36 Posted 10/09/2020 at 05:00:24
Having read through the posts, I can only echo the general feeling that it would be great to see this opposition fan's view as a regular pre-game feature. Providing it wasn't too biased, which in Ryan's article it met that criteria.

Thanks, Ryan for representing what I assume is the general feeling amongst your fellow fans, of course you do get the OTT ones at every Club.

Though I must correct you that Everton is NOT part of Knowsley, and has never been, although I do concur on the sub-tropical weather aspect. However, you are exonerated as you are not familiar with the area.

I am looking forward to the game, despite it being behind closed doors, and hope it is a fair one, by that I mean no stupid refereeing decisions or VAR errors dictating a disputed outcome.

Mike Gaynes
37 Posted 10/09/2020 at 05:02:36
Rob #22, I gotta know. What were you accused of?
Derek Knox
38 Posted 10/09/2020 at 05:48:38
Mike & Brent, it was along time ago since, as I remember reading about Rumpole, in fact I was in Primary School or possibly before. I think it was called Rumpole Stiltskin! :-)
Terence Leong
39 Posted 10/09/2020 at 06:15:46
What would be interesting, is to see how many posts we get to, for the respective clubs' contributors, before the civility blows up. : )

In this case, we got to 16 posts, before someone lit the blue touch paper.

Rob Halligan
40 Posted 10/09/2020 at 07:34:43
Mike # 38. We were in the upper tier at WHL. As half time approached some blues stood up to go downstairs to the toilet, kiosks etc. A bit of a scuffle broke out with one of two stewards (don't know why) and a blue stumbled down the stairs. Others then joined in and had a go at the stewards. I just sat there watching this, and when it had all calmed down, I shouted at what looked like the head steward "you need to get a grip of your effing stewards".

I then made my own way downstairs to meet my mates, and next thing I got lifted by plod, with this head steward also in attendance. I was thrown out just for using "foul and abusive language". This was in the mid 90's when I guess you could say trouble at games was still around but coming to an end. There were loads of spurs fans around who couldn't get into the game, so I had to keep me head down as I had to wait for me three mates to come out as we had gone down by car. So from that day onwards, I've hated spurs with a vengance!!

Derek Knox
41 Posted 10/09/2020 at 08:34:59
Rob, at least you can look back and take consolation that weren't in tiers for the second half! :-)
Paul Richardson
42 Posted 10/09/2020 at 09:43:36
I think the pre-game view from an opposition view is absolutely essential, even if it is not not balanced (shows the quality of the supporter). But I cannot forget Son's challenge on Gomes. Unwarraranted, unfair and cruel. Could have cost a fellow a proffesional a career. Given our signings, probably has.
Jonathan Haddock
43 Posted 10/09/2020 at 09:56:39
Ryan can relax I think, it's London, we don't win in London (West Ham excepted!).
Brent Stephens
44 Posted 10/09/2020 at 11:06:17
Derek #39 - very good!
Brent Stephens
45 Posted 10/09/2020 at 11:11:24
Off topic but I read that Victor Moses has made what's referred to as a substantial donation to help save his former club Wigan from administration. Well done, squire.
Derek Knox
46 Posted 10/09/2020 at 11:43:45
Brent, yes very commendable, he's done very well since he was rescued from those bulrushes! Seriously, can't believe I'm being serious, but I wish many others would show some charity to Clubs who have nurtured them in their careers.

There is such a disparity between the Premiership and the Lower Leagues, what must they be thinking? All this money still getting brandished about on players, post Covid-19 lockdown, and many Clubs lower down are struggling to stay solvent.

It is in times like this when you have to admire the supporters of those Clubs who stick by them thick and thin, yet deep down know, although an extreme and fantastical possibility, that they will never aspire to the Top Table!

Jamie Crowley
47 Posted 10/09/2020 at 14:16:48
DK @47 -

As an avowed free market capitalist, you'd be (possibly?) surprised to hear I agree with you.

The smaller clubs don't have the TV revenue and sponsorship to survive a CV19 no-fan lockdown. In my opinion, the English FA should, for the next year or two, engage some form of mandatory revenue sharing across the football pyramid.

The smaller clubs have to be getting killed financially.

UTFB, crush Spurs.

Jerome Shields
48 Posted 10/09/2020 at 16:26:20
Playing against a Mourinho team is always a test. He always has some tactic cooked up to try to edge the game. Bet he is thinking over time on it.

I thought that Spurs had found the Manager of potential in Pochettino, that Evertons where always hoping for. Still trying to work out what happened, but do have my doubts about the attitude of their squad who seem to drop off a cliff on Pochettino.

Mourinho impact has been limited and tends to lose his way with players in his second season, particularly with this type of squads history. Pochettino the future Real Madrid Manager hasn't got a job yet, maybe this the answer.

I think that Mourinho and Son are bad company for one another.

Everton have improved defensively and the midfield can only improve from a very low base. The question for me is how the attacking play will add up, now that midfield issues have been addressed.

Will Iowbi improve ?
Will Walcott decide he has to do something ?
Bernard recover from his unspecified personnel issues?
Will Richarlison get more space and not come deep, becoming less a target ?.
Will Calvert Lewin get into position ?
Will Kean look as good as his performance in the last game.
And above all will their collective finishing improve.

Finally, hopefully Pickfords one mistake is not fatal.

Danny O’Neill
49 Posted 10/09/2020 at 18:32:35
Echo the sentiment - like the idea of this type of article. Always good to get the perspective of other fans.

Bitter blue coming out, just leave the Derby as the exception!! Balance? They'll just gloat about how good they and tell us that "it's different" being Liverpool!

Thanks for the view Ryan. I'm London based these days so feel your pain with the Arsenal mob. Dreary bunch of fans!

Derek Knox
50 Posted 10/09/2020 at 23:43:55
Jamie@48, I love you mate, although I have never actually met you, yet! I have had the pleasure of meeting Mike G, when he last came over. Then again I seem to know you so well, how long have you been 'kicking ass' on here?

We meet cybernetically so often and share very similar views, albeit maybe not the same politically, but we are true Blues! Long may that continue buddy!

Kieran Kinsella
51 Posted 10/09/2020 at 23:54:16
My Mum taught Glenn Hoddle in high school and his brother ran a dive of a pub where I went as a teen. All the Spurs fans I knew were Fairweather fans but they attract right nutters on match day. Never cared for the club but nice article
Jerome Shields
52 Posted 11/09/2020 at 05:28:39
Kieran #52

Had similar experiences at White Hart Lane. Did play football with one Spurs fan and he was a poser, which I deduced arose from Spurs influence when I later attended catching matches. Ryan as a Spurs fan is something I am not use to. Never liked them hiking up entrance fees for in demand cup matches.

But one of my best memories of White Hart Lane was in April 1985 when I was amongst the away supporters behind the left goal upright pressed against a mid terrace barrier as Everton became Champions elect. The media had Spurs built up to stop us, no chance that evening.

Tony Abrahams
53 Posted 11/09/2020 at 07:08:01
I think Ryan is one of us, Derek, a genuine football fan, but thank god none of us will ever have to go to Knowsley to watch Everton play.

Honestly don't understand the negativity towards Spurs, a proper football club imo, and I've probably witnessed more great games between our two clubs, than I've watched between Everton and any other side?

Spurs have been a lot better than us on the pitch for a long time now, and it makes me laugh when people say it wasn't that long ago when we were probably a better team than Tottenham, because Everton should only exist to compete and to try and win cups imo, so let's hope the better times return soon.

Andrew Ellams
54 Posted 11/09/2020 at 07:24:16
I've worked in Central London for 17 years and only ever had a couple of Spurs supporting colleagues, none in my current job. Where do they all hide out?
Danny O’Neill
55 Posted 11/09/2020 at 08:13:25
I've had the family west London based for 16 years Andrew. Agree, they're a much more elusive bunch than Arsenal, Chelsea and even West Ham. A bit like us in the sense, it's only when you get talking that you realise they are Tottenham supporters. No 46 year olds wearing a club shop purchased shirt that would have better fitted when they were 26 with their favourite latest player's name on the back - grown men really shouldn't do that!!.

Perhaps they are more geographically concentrated around the area of north London they are based? Randomly, the largest visible concentration of Tottenham supporters I experienced was when I was stationed in Cyprus. Many Greek Cypriots with dual nationality who split their time between Cyprus and London.

Darren Hind
56 Posted 11/09/2020 at 09:12:21
Always hated Spurs, always liked their fans.

Had some laughs with them in Haringey Irish club. two separate rooms before the game for home and away fans. all mixed in together afterwards.

What a place that was back in the day. The queues for a beer moved at real pace because there was always about 28 people serving beer, but it would be a bit unnerving when you queued for your "dinner" to find the toilet cleaner, doorman and the glass collector was also the "chef". A huge multi talented Irishman. Anyone not showing the barmaids total respect would also find out he also had a right hook like Earnie Shavers.

Had some horrible days at WHL, but if anybody ever asks me to name my greatest Evertonian moments. The night Andy Gray and Tricky Trevor virtually wont the title for us will always get in the frame...That save from the big fella when Spurs came roaring back at us was the stuff of legend.
We were probably the best two teams in the country at the time.

This would be a great feature

David Cash
57 Posted 11/09/2020 at 09:31:14
Halcyon days Dazza. Halcyon days.

I tell you what would also be great: If you stuck to regaling us with more "Evertonian moments" instead of banging on about Evil Carlo only being here to line his pockets.

Tony Abrahams
58 Posted 11/09/2020 at 09:40:34
Stop it, David! Darren wants Carlo to succeed even if it means they all come out the woodwork and destroy him on ToffeeWeb. You know that more than me because he's your mate and you know how much he loves the blues, so stop winding yer mate up, please!
Danny O’Neill
59 Posted 11/09/2020 at 09:52:58
Nice memories, Darren.

Unlike around their southwest London "neighbours" manor, where away supporters are banned from pubs within a 1 mile, and a bomb-disposal-like cordon around Stamford Bridge.

Brian Harrison
60 Posted 11/09/2020 at 09:56:24
I think Spurs and Everton are very similar, the supporters of both have had to endure long spells without winning anything while still able to have a loyal fanbase.

Both clubs have had their neighbours dominate the trophies over a period of time. Both clubs have bought and produced some great players, and both have changed managers far too often. Both usually have a far superior home record but not a great away record.

And Spurs have just built a magnificent new stadium and we are about to do the same.

Sam Hoare
61 Posted 11/09/2020 at 10:07:45
Certainly a difficult game to predict. Going to be difficult to predict any Everton games I think until we have a good look at the likes of Rodriguez, Allan and Doucouré and are able to guage just how much they are into this project and how fit they are! I've seen pundit predictions for our finishing place in the league this year ranging from 5th to 11th and its hard to disagree/agree with any of them.

With Holgate out and Tomori looking far from nailed on to come I'd still say we have a fairly immobile defence. Maybe Carlo will have to keep us sitting back if this is the case. Still some holes to fill I reckon.

Andrew Ellams
62 Posted 11/09/2020 at 10:28:52
I think this season is going to be tough to predict across the board. It will be interesting to see how motivated some are when they are still playing in empty stadia into the second half of the season.
Phil (Kelsall) Roberts
63 Posted 11/09/2020 at 10:39:55

To the Spurs fans: 62-63, 69-70, 84-85 and 86-87.

I am just about to get my state pension and I have no recollection of them being league champions. {smug face}

Kevin Molloy
64 Posted 11/09/2020 at 10:42:51
Spurs have never bothered me, but speak to other cockneys, and the loathing they have for Tottingham is surprising (not sure where it comes from but it's definitely there).

I don't have much confidence about Sunday, surely our powder puff defence will cough up at least two goals when put under pressure. Those new lads will take 1-3 months to settle, they literally set foot in Finch Farm 72 hours ago.

Bob McEvoy
65 Posted 11/09/2020 at 10:52:33
I was at the game in August 2006 where we beat them after Kildare got sent off. At 2-0 up, to the tune of Chirpy-Chirpy, Cheep-Cheep, Evertonians starting singing ‘Where's yer foreskin gone'. Made me laugh, as did thousands of Tottenham supporters.
Michael Kenrick
Editorial Team
66 Posted 11/09/2020 at 12:17:56
Wow, I'm sure we'll get some complaints about that one, Bob. Somebody finally went there. Only a matter of time, I suppose.

Perhaps the unspoken element of the persistent hatred referenced on this thread has something to do with this?

Andrew Ellams
67 Posted 11/09/2020 at 12:25:35
Bob, I've been to WHL and heard blues making gas chamber hissing sounds. My how we laughed at that one too.
Will Mabon
68 Posted 11/09/2020 at 12:25:49
Michael, I really hope we don't get complaints. I doubt anyone here holds an unspoken hate of the kind you inferred from Bob's post, but might see it for what it is; humour.
Patrick McFarlane
69 Posted 11/09/2020 at 12:46:09
Bob's 'humour' might be border-line distasteful but Andrew's is wholly unacceptable - perhaps, he could be forgiven if he doesn't know how many people died in such a horrible way at the hands of Nazi's in various locations because of their faith?
Steve Brown
70 Posted 11/09/2020 at 12:55:26
Spurs away fans' songs can be savage (and funny) too. They always target Marcos Alonso ('murderer'), while John Terry's mum gets a regular outing.
Darren Hind
71 Posted 11/09/2020 at 13:01:47
5.5m he's "earned" so far

And counting

Will Mabon
72 Posted 11/09/2020 at 13:13:24
Sam @ 62:

I think you may be right, and Carlo will keep us fairly deep. First job is to get things stabilized where they have been anything but, and play with some shape and cohesion in that central defensive area from midfield back... without the ideal personnel, as it's looking. We have a lot to rebuild, physically and mentally.

Like you and probably others, I can't even make a guess at the result at this stage. Can't wait!

David Cash
73 Posted 11/09/2020 at 13:49:30
Tony 59

I already know what he'll be like. Totally shameless. If Carlo gives him another "Evertonian moment". the fucker will celebrate more than anyone and demand "The Mercenary" gets a pay rise.

I thought we'd signed a Russian back in the eighties. He kept banging on about a "red spy". After a while I realised he was talking about Alan Harper " worst thing we've ever done, signing that twat". Then Harper smashes one past Grobbelaar. He spent the night parading around RS as if signing him was all his idea.

Kieran Kinsella
74 Posted 11/09/2020 at 14:14:20
I know a lot of Spurs fans and most are Anglo Italian from Lea Valley, English or Anglo Irish. So I'm not sure that Spurs fans laughing at anti Semitic “jokes” is a signal that it's acceptable. I love dark humor but the Holocaust isn't something I can find any humor in personally. I've a Jewish friend who makes “Jokes” about it but I suspect it's his way of handling the trauma.
Nick White
75 Posted 11/09/2020 at 14:15:09
Good article Ryan. Like many other posts I hope this becomes a regular feature.

Always used to like Spurs when I was growing up in the mid 80's although we have a terrible record against them more recently!

FA Cup Semi Final at Elland Road the best game though Vs Spurs👍

Drew O’Neall
76 Posted 11/09/2020 at 14:16:00
David at 74

Love this. More stories like that please everyone.

Steve Barr
77 Posted 11/09/2020 at 14:28:48
Darren @57. I was at that Spurs game (right behind the goal that Trev scored in) and agree, probably the best game I have attended so far supporting Everton. Couldn't get to the Bayern game, which would probably equal it.

Nearly got beaten up on the way home after the match. Making our way down the Seven Sisters Road (a gang of Spurs fans were stopping people and asking for the time to see if they had scouse accents...Luckily the mate I was with was a Londoner so he answered and on we went. Close call though.

Alan McGuffog
78 Posted 11/09/2020 at 14:49:26
Patrick...I'm certain Andrew doesn't need me to speak for him but surely he was experimenting with irony ?
Kieran Kinsella
79 Posted 11/09/2020 at 15:04:29
Interestingly there was a news piece here in the states about Spurs and the Jewish connection on NPR about a month ago. Some fans, are lobbying for the club to do more to stop fans self identifying as "yids". Given that many are not Jewish, and that anti-Semitic people use the term disparagingly they equated it to using the "n" word. Some fans argued for keeping its use saying it's like rappers who use the "n" word trying to reclaim it from prejudiced people. Honestly it's a term you don't here much these days. When I was a kid I didn't perceive it to be racist but at the same time when people in the days of IRA bombings called Irish people "Paddy's" it was all about tone. There was the friendly use of "paddy" e.g. I love Guinness, Wogan and cabbage, my Grandma was from Cork so let's have a drink. And there was the "paddy" e.g. I hate catholics, you're all terrorists etc.
Patrick McFarlane
80 Posted 11/09/2020 at 15:58:01
Alan #79
Perhaps you could help me to find the irony?
Bob, I've been to WHL and heard blues making gas chamber hissing sounds. My how we laughed at that one too.
Tony Abrahams
81 Posted 11/09/2020 at 16:54:50
Brilliant David, but don't slag the kids!
Robert Tressell
82 Posted 11/09/2020 at 17:10:52
I have to say I read Andrew's comments as being strongly critical of the anti-semitic chanting. Hope so.
Patrick McFarlane
83 Posted 11/09/2020 at 17:17:16
Robert #83
Hopefully, you have the true measure of Andrew and I will take it as you have now that you've highlighted the possibility. However, as a stand-alone comment without any criticism of Bob's original post I hope that you can see why I reacted the way in which I did.
Apologies to all concerned!
Will Mabon
84 Posted 11/09/2020 at 17:36:31
Nick @ 76:

That semi-final game is on my top 10 of all time list. The atmosphere was fantastic. One of the best performances by an Everton team in recent decades. We really rubbed some media faces in it too, which just added to it all. And then we WON it.

Danny O’Neill
85 Posted 11/09/2020 at 18:29:30
That was a great day Will. I watched it in Cyprus and almost bounced my then 4 month old son out of the baby sleeper chair that I was gently rocking with my foot as the 4th goal went in!

Others that spring to mind are the obvious ones mentioned on here (Bayern, Tottenham, arguably the Anfield derby in 1984), but one that hasn't been was clinching the title at Norwich away in 1987. Not the best match, but such a feeling given the way we had capitulated the previous season and then been faced by a terrible injury crisis going into 86-87. Arguably that was a greater managerial achievement by Howard than his 84-85 title win.

Above all, and I was only 15, it was the journey back on the coach to Speke that lives in the memory. It took forever, I don't think we got back until the early hours but it was absolute ecstasy and my dad permitted me and my best mate (RiP) to the odd celebratory drink or two. Champions of England for the second time in 3 years. Hand it over Liverpool!!!

Brian Harrison
86 Posted 11/09/2020 at 19:31:52
Phil ( Kelsall) Roberts

Phil surely you must remember the Spurs league and FA Cup winners in 1961.
What a team led by for me the best captain I have ever seen Danny Blanchflower. Danny was the first player to organise a wall when facing a free Kick. Ireland played Italy and the Italians had a guy who scored from free kicks, so Danny organised a wall which stopped the Italian having a straight shot at goal. The manager and players were asked afterwards had you practised this in training, no they said Danny just organised it during the game.

Will Mabon
87 Posted 11/09/2020 at 19:43:55
Danny, there may be a future thread there... top 10. Such great memories, some fantastic games, some pivotal ones.

Norwich (and Ipswich) difficult trips. I did just about all of them back in the past, driving, train, coach now & then. This was back when we had a road travel system that sort of worked...

Darren Hind
88 Posted 11/09/2020 at 19:55:00
Too much emphasis is put on the importance of opening games.

Yes we all like to look a bit lively bouncing out of the traps, but its still only one 38th of a season.

I remember playing Spurs on the opening day of the 84/85 season. After lifting the cup the faithful gathered with such anticipation. An expectancy we had not experienced for over a decade descended upon Goodison. you could almost touch it.. They fucking mullered us.
People with window ledges to rent out must have made a right killing that day as tens of thousands of suicidal Evertonians shuffled out of Goodison...It didnt just feel as if we had been suckered into yet another false dawn. It was unquestionably the end of the world.

Actually we recovered. Turns out we were just a bit rusty. Thank fuck all those blues on the window ledges decided to give it a couple more games - They'd have missed sharpy's goal if they had jumped.
We didnt just find our sharpness, we found our will to win. Our style. We found a passion no other team, either here or on the continent could live with. We became quite probably the best team in the world.

Oh for the youngsters and the new fans to have seen us when we were kings. At least you would understand.
If we hadn't seen such riches, we could probably have lived with being poor.

I didnt mean to make this an all-our-yesterdays post. The Appletons rum started to kick in as I typed and my natural grumpiness gave way to a dewey eyed nostalgia.

The point I want to make is this; Enjoy this weekend but don't get too carried away. Its a long old season. A good start is meaningless if for some reason we cant sustain it and a bad start does not mean we cant finish the season like Dancing Brave.

I'd love to beat Spurs this weekend, but I'll settle for our players giving a good account of themselves and coming back healthy.
I know injuries are part and parcel, but what a refreshing change it would make, if the injury curse passed us by this time and all our signings were able to develop as a unit.

I`m so glad footy`s back, but if we are going to be treated to fireworks. Let it be at the business end of the season

Robert Tressell
89 Posted 11/09/2020 at 20:00:39
Patrick no apology needed for me. We're obviously on the same page as regards what's ok and what's not. 👍
Patrick McFarlane
90 Posted 11/09/2020 at 20:00:53
Darren #89
I fully concur and remember coming out of the Hawthorns the midweek following the Spurs game and believing that retaining the FA Cup was the best we could hope for that season - how wrong was I.

No use looking at League positions until week 6, although it's always good to get the first win asap and if that comes in the first match even better.

I do hope that you didn't lose a bundle on CarloFantastico which ran at Chester today.

Danny O’Neill
91 Posted 11/09/2020 at 20:06:12
Perfect Darren. Absolutely spot on.

I've got so frustrated over the years with us judging a "season" by mid September. And its not just Everton, it's in general, hence the annual cycle of managerial changes around October November.

But with Everton in mind and your specific example. I too remember that season. We played Tottenham followed by West Brom in our opening two games. We were beaten 4 -1 and 3 -2 respectively.

As we are about to repeat those fixtures, if that happens next week ther will be outcry. In 1984, we went on to win the league with a then record 90 points haul.

I'm all for superstition but don't for one minute expect history to repeat itself. But to echo your sentiment; it's a season, not a couple of matches in August / September. Whatever happens Sunday and in the next month or so, it's where you are in May that matters.

Darren Hind
92 Posted 11/09/2020 at 20:07:32
Haha Patrick.

I didnt see it, I was too busy losing my dosh at the televised Doncaster meeting.

Obviously a blue horse. Maybe next time

Indeed Danny

If you came out of the Hawthorns that night claiming we would win the league by the length of our street, they`d have carted you away

John Pierce
93 Posted 11/09/2020 at 23:04:08
Well, I'm no fan of Spurs. I was taught by my old man the rudiments of being circumspect at footy game brought up in the era of trouble at games. That wasn't enough in 87/88. Got a good kicking for walking down the wrong street. Couldn't even tell you the score!

That stuff sits with you.

Been once since for a unforgettable loss when Redknapp was in charge. I just went to exercise the ghost, wouldn't go again even if you paid me.

Jerome Shields
94 Posted 12/09/2020 at 13:50:12
John #94,

I've seen groups of masquerading Spurs fans outside games looking for soft targets. Well kitted-out young thugs.

I had a friend, a Leeds Supporter I knew, who was kicked to death after befriending opposition fans (not Spurs fans) in an eatery. They were waiting for him and his mate outside. The two charged turned out to be sons of a barrister and a policeman, university students.

You were lucky. White Heart Lane is off Seven Sisters Road which used to be a predominately Jewish area, most prospered moving North to Hendon. This is how Spurs got the name of a Jewish Club, though the support would be mixed. I doubt any thuggery came from that quarter.

Glad I didn't come across any anti-semitic behaviour when I attended the away end.

Paul Smith
95 Posted 12/09/2020 at 13:59:14
I go for breakfast with a group of Spurs fans before the game in Euston and then dinner afterwards. They play rough but no tougher than us. Can't wait to get back to it.
David Currie
96 Posted 14/09/2020 at 19:27:15
I got attacked and mugged in 1985 walking alone on Seven Sisters on my way to the ground to meet my brother and friend. Luckily I had some cash in my back pocket that they never searched, bunch of cowards would love to have had 1v1 fight with any of them even now.

I got the last laugh and was behind the goal when Trev made it 2-0, after the game I was staying in London at my brothers flat and there was some hairy moments getting back.

Jerome Shields
97 Posted 15/09/2020 at 18:03:45
David #97

I was behind the goal that night as well.

David Currie
98 Posted 16/09/2020 at 19:50:26
Apart from Bayern and the final in Rotterdam, the Spurs 2-1 win was my third ever best night watching the blues as we all left the ground that night knowing we would be Champions.

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