Only a Small Club — ToffeeWeb Golf Day 2021

A sunny Friday in August proved an excellent date for a motley bunch of Evertonians to gather at Aldersley Green Golf Club in rural Cheshire for the 2021 ToffeeWeb Golf Day

Jon Harding 02/09/2021 43comments  |  Jump to last

A sunny Friday in August proved an excellent date for a motley bunch of Evertonians to gather at Aldersley Green Golf Club in rural Cheshire for the 2021 ToffeeWeb Golf Day.

Derek Knox had organised everything and was easy to spot in his blue Everton polo shirt. He was also carrying a large box of trophies and a piece of paper with the all-important tee times on. He was ably assisted on the day by Stephen Vincent, who was unable to play through injury but offered encouragement throughout from a golf buggy.

After a bacon roll and coffee, we all made it safely to the first tee for a group photo. Then we stood back and watched Teddy Draper, our honorary starter, spank an iron on to the fairway.

ToffeeWeb Golf Day

Winner Jedd Hogg is on the right

Aldersley member Barry Quinn was first off from the main draw. He was weighed down by all the markers he had to put out for the longest drive (2 age groups) and nearest the pin (3 par 3s on the back nine). This responsibility seemed to weigh heavily on The Mighty Quinn and he had a disappointing front 9 before finding his form for 2 under on the back 9 to record a respectable score overall. He was also very keen to point out to anyone that would listen where his name was on the club's honours boards in the bar afterwards.

Not every golfer was local though. The Hardings had travelled from Bristol (via a holiday in North Wales) and the Callaghans had come up from the south coast and Midlands as well. Biggest distance covered though was Dave Greenwood, down from Scotland to sample a couple of nights in the Chester Travelodge.

Home advantage ultimately paid off with Aldersley member Jedd Hogg winning the main trophy with a score of 2 under, ahead of Jon Harding on level par. Jedd received his trophy in a Benitez face mask whilst carrying a child's putter; he was very pleased to point out that it was indeed “a small club”! For those of you who don't know Jedd, he hails from Kirkby which apparently is just outside Liverpool. He is also full of jokes and gags but he won't be laughing when he hears there's no way he'll be getting 32 shots in our next golf day.

Teddy Draper with the main trophy won by Jedd Hogg

Teddy Draper with the main trophy won by Jedd Hogg

Other prize winners on the day were:

Longest drive — Dan Harding (U60) and Chris Callaghan (60+)

Nearest the pins — Dan Harding (11th), Dave Greenwood (13th) and David Pearl (who would surely have failed a drugs test, so many painkillers did he take for a troublesome back) on the 16th

Dan Harding with his two trophies from the day

Dan Harding with his two trophies from the day

There was an excellent meal of pie and chips afterwards followed by lemon tart or chocolate brownie. A raffle was held which raised over £100 for Cancer Research. Thanks to all who donated prizes.

Aldersley Green proved a great venue. It is a very friendly, modern club but the course is set amongst established farmland with enough mature trees, bunkers and ponds to challenge even the finest of golfers. The greens are also full of demanding slopes and contours. There are plans to run another event in 2022 and we hope that even more TofeeWebbers will be tempted to come along for a cracking day out and to raise some more for charity.

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Reader Comments (43)

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Teddy Draper
1 Posted 03/09/2021 at 06:50:37
Hello all, firstly thanking Derek and David for looking after me, my son Paul, and oldest grandson, Mark.

We met all the guys just before the official tee-off and was so proud to be an Evertonian when asked to hit the first shot of the competition. Not making any excuses but, having had a stroke in 2016 and now this horrible disease, the old body is not what it used to be. Still hit a reasonable shot straight but not long down the fairway.

While the lads were out on the first nine, my son and I had a coffee with David and a really nice chat for about an hour. I had to go then as I was very tired.

I hope John Hall got a few pictures and videos – and John, that is a magnificent trophy you donated, thank you.

Thanking all involved for making an old guy's day. Maybe I am changing my thoughts on Rafa the gaffer so here's hoping I can see more positive results like last Saturday. Regards and respect to you all.

Brian Williams
2 Posted 03/09/2021 at 08:24:04
Well done Derek Knox! 👏
Danny O’Neill
3 Posted 03/09/2021 at 08:24:42
Great stuff Jon. And to Derek for organising & coordinating. Great to see Evertonians, who are now becoming friends, travelling from far and wide to meet up.

The charity is close to my heart, so please send details and I'll happily donate.

Next stop, the Bramley Moore on 25th September after we beat Norwich!

Teddy Draper
4 Posted 03/09/2021 at 08:47:26
Brian @2.

I don't know if you have met Derek or indeed any of the lads (gentlemen) who attended the day but, like me, I am sure you would have puffed your chest out, and yes fought back a tear in respect for the warmth those guys gave out as I hit the first shot.

Derek Knox, all due respect to you, and all our thanks for your hard work. I will never forget the day, Teddy.

Brian Murray
5 Posted 03/09/2021 at 08:52:16
Different Brian here, Derek, but same sentiments. Glad you enjoyed the day. We are a different breed than them other shower.
Andy Crooks
6 Posted 03/09/2021 at 10:13:51
Looks like this was a great day and so good to see all the faces. Like Brian said, well done to Derek. I know just how much hard work went into it. You should be proud, DK. Also, John Hall.

I understand that the audience were amazed at Derek's skills for a man who had obviously never swung a club in his life!!!

Brent Stephens
7 Posted 03/09/2021 at 10:24:25
Brilliant work, Derek. Sorry I couldn't be there. Text me with details of how to donate to the charity.
Ray Roche
8 Posted 03/09/2021 at 11:54:43
Yes Derek, it was an excellent day, enjoyed by all. Especially if you omit the scores.😁

Good food, super course and even better company! Those who didn't go missed a cracking day out.

Thanks especially to you Del, and David Pearl and David Greenwood, my playing partners on the day, for making it so special. 👍🏻

Barry Rathbone
9 Posted 03/09/2021 at 12:10:24
Thought the photo was an illustration of how long we keep members of the youth team tbh.
Brian Williams
10 Posted 03/09/2021 at 12:10:26
Teddy #4.

Hi Teddy, yes I know Derek well. We were cellmates for a good while before he was moved to another wing due to his awful jokes!

Not sure whether any of the others have attended previous get-togethers. If they have, then I'd have met them.

Glad the day was all it turned out to be for you.

David Greenwood
11 Posted 03/09/2021 at 12:28:20
Cracking day out, and well done, Derek, for arranging it all.

Ray, you were robbed for the longest drive!!! If it had been the 15th, you'd have won by a country mile.

Ray Roche
12 Posted 03/09/2021 at 12:35:45
David, you're right!! Best drive I've hit since the war and it was on the wrong hole. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Look forward to seeing you at the next event. 👍🏻

Ray Roche
13 Posted 03/09/2021 at 12:36:57
PS. Your Nearest The Pin was a pretty special shot though!
John Hall
14 Posted 03/09/2021 at 13:01:10
Hello to Teddy and well done for the fantastic effort and support that you gave on the day. Derek was determined to make it a great day for you and for all who supported the event which evidently was a great day out.

I am sure the next one will be much bigger re turnout now everyone can see the super photo and read about how well it was organised. Excellent donation to charity will be well received, I am sure. Stay well, everyone, not least Teddy and have a great get together at The Bramley Moore piss-up.

David Greenwood
15 Posted 03/09/2021 at 13:14:31
It was the law of averages, Ray, I hit that many shots, one of them was bound to be right!

See you at the next one, or Goodison.

And well done, Stephen, for assisting Derek.

John Hall
16 Posted 03/09/2021 at 13:27:44
Wonderful trophy, Derek, well done, mate. Would look good in the EFC trophy cabinet as I am sure there is plenty of room... 😂😂😂
Paul Callaghan
17 Posted 03/09/2021 at 13:56:56
This is my first post after nearly 30 years visiting ToffeeWeb every day. Love to read the diverse views – sometimes witty, sometimes tetchy –- but I've never felt the need to contribute before. However, I do need to pay tribute to Teddy and Derek for a marvellous day.

Also, thanks to my playing partners, Barry Quinn and Jon Harding, for your great company. Both my brother Chris and I will be back next year.

Tony Abrahams
18 Posted 03/09/2021 at 13:58:35
Sounds like you all had a great day, so hats-off to Derek for organising it and to everyone else who played. 👍
Dave Abrahams
19 Posted 03/09/2021 at 14:39:33
So glad all those who attended enjoyed a very good day, weather wise and having a special day together, well done Derek, he had a lot on his plate with moving house at the same time doing an excellent organisation of the day, moving house is a very traumatic affair on it's own so you did wonders arranging the day to make for a very happy occasion and so many smiling faces.

Best wishes to all of you especially Teddy Draper who made such a great effort to be there.

Mike Gaynes
20 Posted 03/09/2021 at 17:24:57
What a great report, Jon! Thanks for posting. Especially the photo. Looks like a police lineup.

Derek Knox, my friend, well done arranging this, and you look hale and healthy. Delighted to see your big grin again.

And bravo to David Greenwood for pairing farthest-from-the-course with closest-to-the-pin. I look forward to chatting with you again someday soon.

Derek Knox
21 Posted 03/09/2021 at 18:05:21
Thanks for all the messages of support and appreciation. I was on tenterhooks as numbers began dwindling down after having so many potential attendees and participants on the day.

Initially, I had anticipated about mid-twenties in numbers to possibly 30 on the day, but to end up with 10 golfers and an excellent volunteer in Stephen Vincent, made me fearful that those who had travelled over 200 miles to be there, would be disappointed having made the effort, to see so few.

Thankfully my fears were allayed, for what we lacked in quantity, was surpassed in quality, and I say that most sincerely, as every one was a true gentleman, and all top Evertonians.

I was almost tearful myself as Teddy, after introduction, boldly stood on the tee and hit the first shot to start the event off. A truly commendable gesture at 85 and having had a stroke and currently being treated for that unmentionable but horrible disease... Bravo, Teddy!

Incidentally, Teddy and his son and grandson, had left, after having a chat with Stephen Vincent, for an hour, before we golfers had got back to the clubhouse, and did not leave any Contact details. So please, Teddy, if you could text me on 07565 140075 or email me,, I would be more than grateful. I have something else in mind that I hope you may be able to attend.

Finally, believe it or not, I am currently putting out feelers for next year's TW Golf Day. I think probably/possibly at a different venue, and that is no reflection whatsoever on Aldersley Green Golf Club. They did an excellent job and made everyone feel welcome, plus the course was in superb condition.

I just think it is good for people to experience different courses, and different formats, while meeting or playing with possibly not only familiar names, but fellow TW'ers they have never met. I would like it to be in May, and I would like to get it on the Friday before the final home game of the season. Hopefully Sky or BT (or whoever) doesn't change the matchday to suit viewing figures.

Thanks again to one and all.

David Pearl
22 Posted 03/09/2021 at 19:27:30
Jon, thanks a lot for posting this. Great to meet you. Actually although only 10 of us, it turned out perfect as we all had time to chat together. By the way, Jon, l had a pre-prepared urine sample just in l was asked.

Barry, 9
Funny enough l've just been offered a new 2-year contract.

Teddy, wonderful to meet you and family and to see you enjoy the day. You greeted us all with a big smile and then a grimace as your tee shot was a little short of the green. All the best.

Obviously like to add thanks to Derek and also Stephen for scoring... and to Ray and Dave for putting up with me. Great blues!

Small club indeed... thanks Ged!

And not to forget John Hall for donating a wonderful trophy, you did Teddy proud.

David Greenwood
23 Posted 03/09/2021 at 20:23:46
Good to hear from you, Mike. We're deffo due another pint soon.

How's the back, Dave?

Jamie Crowley
24 Posted 03/09/2021 at 20:44:14
This is brilliant! What an enjoyable read and very warming to see the pics and big smiles. Great read, glad it was a great day!

Derek – well done, man. It's very cool – for lack of a more apt descriptor – that you arranged this get together and day out on the links.

Final note – is it any wonder Dan Harding won two trophies? Looks thirty years younger than most, and from the pic, looks to stand about 6'-7", for fuck's sake! He towers over everyone!

Great read!

Derek Knox
25 Posted 03/09/2021 at 21:08:07

Dan told me he puts horse manure in his golf shoes, and is still growing! :-)

David Pearl
27 Posted 03/09/2021 at 23:23:27
Jamie 24, cheeky bastard! :)

Davie, sore, can't get comfortable sitting, standing, leaning etc. Hopefully my MRI finds something. Hope to meet again. What a shot that was!

Paul Kernot
28 Posted 04/09/2021 at 00:58:06
Jacinda has us back into lockdown here in New Zealand so anything on ToffeeWeb is a good read at the moment but that was great to read.

I've never played golf in my life but, when we're eventually in the new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock, it's on my list to come home for at least one game. If you guys don't mind me getting back to the club room half-an-hour after the awards, maybe I can combine the two?

Derek Knox
29 Posted 04/09/2021 at 05:20:18
Paul K,

You'd be more than welcome. Don't worry about golf clubs, I have two sets, so you could always borrow one for the day, assuming of course that you are right-handed. The only thing you would need are suitable shoes.

However, I would advise getting a bit of driving range practice in first. The greenkeepers take great pride in the condition of their course, to have it horticulturally redesigned by improper use of golfing equipment may not go down too well. :-)

We can certainly do something for you there, but the completion of the new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock, I'm afraid we will have to leave that to others, and hope upon hope there are no unforeseens or delays in the process. Take care, and look forward to you keeping your word.

Kieran Kinsella
30 Posted 04/09/2021 at 05:31:31
Derek Knox

Couldn't make it from Kansas City but it's an ambition to meet my Tayside brethren and (co?) funny man at some point in the near future. I always admire people who actually take the bull by the horns and do stuff. Congrats, mate – sounds like it was a great day.

Paul Kernot
31 Posted 04/09/2021 at 08:33:44
Derek #29.

I came 3 Christmases ago. First time in almost 20 years. Good news was I managed to get in to all 3 home games in 10 days.

Bad news was that it was under Allardyce & the football wasn't great. We had one of each. Win, loss & draw. Beat bottom of the league Swansea (night match), drew nil-nil with Chelsea (sadly our best performance of the three as they were all over us) and lost 2-nil to Man Utd when Pogba absolutely bossed the game. Wouldn't have missed it for the world though.

Interestingly, one highlight was the breakfast in a cafe round the corner from Goodison before the Chelsea game. Pretty much nothing had changed from the last time I was there 30-ish years ago. Drove down to Bramley-Moore Dock to have a look at where our new home will eventually be. I'm 60 now so they'd better be on time!

Jon Harding
32 Posted 04/09/2021 at 11:27:20
Thanks for a super day, Derek, and your subsequent help with this article. Great to read the positive comments including Paul C's first ever post and from Mike G who I believe has some expertise in this sports writing business.

And Jamie C you are spot on: Harding Jnr is 6'7, somewhere north of 2 metres. Try finding size 13 (US 14) golf shoes! To quote my favourite golfer from your side of the Atlantic Bobby Jones: he plays a game with which I am not familiar.

Stephen Vincent
33 Posted 04/09/2021 at 15:17:53
Teddy, it was great to be able to spend an hour over coffee with you and Paul whilst the others were toiling around the course. Like Derek I don't have your contact details and I would love to stay in touch. Email me

The effort that Derek put into this day was enormous and you all will have gathered from the comments on this thread, that a really great time was had by everyone who attended, it was a real shame that only 10 played and I would encourage everyone (especially Liverpool lads) to give the next event greater support, even if you just attend in a social capacity it is well worth the effort.

I would just like to point out that Teddy's tee shot went further than the tee shots of 2 of the participants. Amazing.

Dave Greenwood - the offer definitely stands with a bed for the night rather than a hotel. Stay in touch.
Sorry about Falkirk.

Andy Crooks
34 Posted 04/09/2021 at 16:07:30
Nice post, Kieran @30. Derek really did take the bull by the horns, and as Dave said, he did it while under plenty of other pressure. By the way, Barry Rathbone, your post made me laugh out loud.

David, you have all my sympathy re. your back. My MRI did show something! I think they are quite expensive and I suspect they feel they haven't got their money's worth unless they can give you something to fret about!!

After this thread I bet there will be a big turnout next year. Hope there is a good crowd at The Bramley Moore.

David Pearl
35 Posted 04/09/2021 at 17:42:45
Thanks, Andy, yes it's very frustrating when age catches up.

Seems likely there will be quite the turnout at The Bramley Moore so hopefully it's after a fine victory that keeps us close to the top.

John Pendleton
36 Posted 04/09/2021 at 18:45:16
Great read John. Derek, I have organised similar sized events and it truly is a Herculean effort to get to double figures sometimes. And hats off to those who played. You don't know it before you set off but these days can live long in the memory and are well worth the impressive mileage racked up.

A good idea to get a date in the 2022 diary so early Derek - I certainly intend to come even though it sounds uncomfortably close to the wife's birthday. 'Sorry darling, Derek asked first'.

Gerard Hogg
37 Posted 04/09/2021 at 20:48:33
A brilliant day. Fantastic to be supported by blues who converged from practically all four corners of the UK.

A huge thanks to Derek for his perseverance and dedication in getting the event off the ground and Stephen for his great work. Take a bow gents!

It was an honour to receive the trophy and a privilege to meet and chat with Teddy.
I played with Dan and Chris, great company. Dan hit the ball a mile! he hit the ball as long as I've ever seen.

Looking forward to the next TW Golf event.

Derek Knox
38 Posted 04/09/2021 at 23:11:48
John P, That's encouraging and good to to know you have your domestic priorities in the right order. Don't let your wife read this, or it will be me getting the 'Frying Pan Treatment'. :-)
Clive Davies
39 Posted 05/09/2021 at 08:13:32
Well done, Derek, for all the hard work you put in.

I will come in May to the next event.

Maybe Rafa will come and present the prizes... 😂😂😂

Derek Knox
40 Posted 05/09/2021 at 12:55:10
Clive, thanks mate, hope you enjoyed your holiday in Portugal. I'm pretty certain the Masked Benitez will be there with his 'small club' to defend his title, and present the prizes.

Ged, I won't tell them it was really you, if you don't. :-)

Danny O’Neill
41 Posted 06/09/2021 at 08:36:07

Just got your email and responded. Can you provide me the site / bank details so I can make my donation?

Looking forward to the 25th and my first Everton match as a 50-year-old!

Andy Crooks
42 Posted 06/09/2021 at 21:12:28
Derek, my phone bust so will call you when I get it fixed or a new one. Like Danny would like to make a donation. Will get details from you.
This has been a good thread, mate, I think you will get a grand turn out next May.
Derek Knox
43 Posted 06/09/2021 at 21:30:58
Thanks Andy, I thought it was strange I have rang you a few times, but nothing, and no facility to leave a message, but if the phone's bust a message would have been pointless anyway.
Martin Reppion
47 Posted 10/09/2021 at 15:26:57
Sounds like you all had a good day. Never one to miss the opportunity to meet Evertonians or to play golf, if and when you arrange another I'll try to get over the Pennines and dig some divots with you.

You may need to supply protective equipment as I don't always pack my radar.

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