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Deal agreed to take Kean back to Juventus

| Saturday, 27 July 2024 101comments  |  Jump to last

Everton appear to have concluded a deal with Juventus that will see Moise Kean return to the Serie A club on loan with an obligation to buy.

The young striker has agreed personal terms, flown to Turin and is scheduled to undergo a medical tomorrow which, if successful, will see him spend the 2021-22 and 2022-23 seasons in with Juve before the arrangement becomes permanent if certain conditions are met.

According to the likes of Fabrizio Romano and Gianluca DiMarzio, the transfer fee will be around £17m although it's not clear if that includes the initial loan fee for Kean who ultimately failed to settle on Merseyside. Some sources claim it could eventually be worth £21.5m.

Kean was signed by Everton to much fanfare in the summer of 2019 for £25m but he endured a difficult start to life in the Premier League as Everton themselves struggled under then-manager, Marco Silva.

He wouldn't score his first goal for the club until February 2019 under Silva's successor, Carlo Ancelotti, but even under his compatriot, Kean wasn't able to make sufficient inroads into the first team and he was eventually loaned out to Paris Saint-Germain last season.

A successful campaign that yielded a healthy goals return and plenty of Champions League experience looked to have earned the Italian international a permanent move to Paris but PSG refused to make Everton a cash offer, preferring instead to take him on loan again.

The Blues rejected that proposal but, with Kean seemingly unhappy in England and Everton in need of funds for transfers, the decision was taken to allow the player to return to Juventus on loan after all as long as there was a purchase obligation at the end.

Reader Comments (101)

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Ian Jones
1 Posted 28/08/2021 at 14:30:25
Shame, but let's get those players in and try to keep the ones who want to play for us. Leicester have shown you don't necessarily need big names to forge a team.
David Milner
2 Posted 28/08/2021 at 14:45:20
We must be due a payment to Juventus about now for the original purchase. I wonder whether that will be cancelled as a loan payment!
Lee Courtliff
3 Posted 28/08/2021 at 14:46:19
I think there's a real talent somewhere inside this boy. Unfortunately, I also see another Balotelli situation.

I hope we use this money towards signing McNeil and Patterson. Dwight because he can cross a ball like few others can. And Patterson because I'd prefer lose a few million on a player that doesn't make it rather than see him become the next Andy Robertson, playing for one of the Sky 6.

Jerome Shields
4 Posted 28/08/2021 at 14:47:38
Good news. He really wasn't going anywhere at Everton and really did not want to be with the Club. At least he will be off the books this time for good.
Sam Hoare
5 Posted 28/08/2021 at 14:47:53
Strange. We seem to have gone from demanding only a permanent transfer for £30-40m to accepting a loan with an option that is less than we paid for him.

Maybe there is a loan fee on top or maybe the deal includes Juventus letting us off payments from the original deal. Or maybe it's being reported a bit wrong. Something must be up; otherwise, I don't really see the sense in this deal.

Jay Harris
6 Posted 28/08/2021 at 14:48:29
Is a loan with an obligation to buy considered a sale under FFP?
Matt Byrne
7 Posted 28/08/2021 at 14:51:22
It is a shame it didn't work out for him at Everton given the support he received from the fans. In truth, he showed very little for us. The fact that he deleted his Everton images from his social media shows that he wanted away.

We are much better off with players who are proud to play for us than those that give the impression that they are too good for us without any form on the pitch to back that up.

Good luck to him but, more importantly, good luck to players in the team who want to be there and who want to do their best for Everton, not someone else.

Mike Gaynes
8 Posted 28/08/2021 at 14:51:24
I find the Balotelli comparison inappropriate.
Ernie Baywood
9 Posted 28/08/2021 at 14:56:09
Really, Mike? Young lad, massive reputation, seems a bit wayward. He's well on his way to having a Balotelli style list of clubs. Never great, but plenty willing to take a chance on his talents.

Personally, I don't think he's got a fraction of Balotelli's ability, but some big clubs seem to disagree with me.

David Pearl
10 Posted 28/08/2021 at 14:57:16
I currently hate my shambles of a football club. Are you sure its not us that's paying them? Are they doing us a favour by taking him or are they just wanting to earn brownie points from their fans after selling Ronaldo?
Lee Courtliff
11 Posted 28/08/2021 at 14:59:08
What's so inappropriate about it? Both young, Italian strikers with big potential who, so far, have made very little impact. At least on a consistent basis.

Ben King
12 Posted 28/08/2021 at 15:01:16
What a rubbish deal all round overall from start to finish.

His show reel on YouTube (ie, highlights of his career) never really suggested much and he lived up to that.

Our recruitment (ie, player's ability, character, adaptability, versatility, mental strength) has been so crap since Moshiri came: Steve Walsh was crap and I've not been particularly impressed with Brands either.

I like Farhad but he seems unable to spot talent in a footballing business arena. Hence we end up with average to mediocre and it's a darn shame.

We all dreamed of what we could achieve with real funding at the club and the highlights have been Glyfi Sigurdsson, Yannick Bolaise and Theo Walcott. Not very inspiring

Robert Tressell
13 Posted 28/08/2021 at 15:07:13
He'll sorely miss his big games with us against Fleetwood and Huddersfield in the early rounds of the League Cup but, when the dust settles, will get over it playing alongside Dybala and Chiesa in the Champions League.

Hopefully we now get Diaz, Rondon and a right back without losing Richarlison. That would represent as good a window as we could probably expect in the circumstances - and leave the squad in decent shape to compete in the upper regions of our 6th to 10th zone. Who knows, maybe higher.

Gavin Johnson
15 Posted 28/08/2021 at 17:02:45
It's good that we can get him out and bring someone in, but we shouldn't be losing money on him. Reckon Juve have taken advantage of our situation there. Hopefully we have some kind of sell-on fee in the deal.
Pat Kelly
16 Posted 28/08/2021 at 17:40:05
We've been screwed by the looks of it. And no funds in this year to support signings ? Doesn't Brands do hardball ?
Barry Connor
17 Posted 28/08/2021 at 17:42:20
Sam ;

I agree that this doesn't gel.
PSG wanted him on loan and he seemed to want the same, but EFC refused.
I'm willing to bet that PSG would pay a higher loan fee than Juventus and given his success there last season, any required permanent signing fee would also be likely to be higher.
So why are the club accepting so much less now ?
Maybe they are desperate to offset FFP but why go for a deal with Juventus which was refused for PSG ?

Chris Williams
18 Posted 28/08/2021 at 17:49:56
Might turn out it's a clever deal from an FFP standpoint.
Michael Boardman
19 Posted 28/08/2021 at 17:50:47
Nothing strange for me - PSG got Messi, so that deal's off the table, and now we're desperate, as the player is using whatever means necessary to get away.
Michael Boardman
20 Posted 28/08/2021 at 17:51:57
I get clever deal, but think we've been out-bluffed on this one.
Anthony Jones
21 Posted 28/08/2021 at 17:58:33
Don't wish him all the best.

He is part of the disease that is spoiling football.

A worm of the highest order.

Michael Boardman
22 Posted 28/08/2021 at 18:03:55
Worm is a good word Anthony, just I can think of something lower than that...hope he rots in the Juventus soil
Ray Roche
23 Posted 28/08/2021 at 18:05:02
I doubt if anyone on TW has the remotest idea what the loan fees, add-ons etc of the previous or this loan deal are or were... so calling it a crap deal and saying Brands is useless is a bit stupid. When you know the actual facts, it's probably time to criticise. Or not, as the case may be.
Lewis Barclay
24 Posted 28/08/2021 at 18:13:11
You know what, I find it all crazy that this kid isn't getting slated all over the place!

He's tempestuous, sulky and hasn't shown like he'll ever repay the fanfare that was giving to him when he joined.

It's too easy for these highly paid youngsters to come in and act like prima donnas! They're still getting paid, they still have a fucking job to do! Get on and do it well and you'll be rewarded!

I'd rather have twenty Grays, Calvert-Lewins and Godfreys than one Kean.

Dale Rose
25 Posted 28/08/2021 at 19:07:30
Well said, Lewis.
Gaute Lie
26 Posted 28/08/2021 at 19:28:57
A big failure. Not any good at all. Dont run. Except I hope he can run back to Italy.
Chris Williams
27 Posted 28/08/2021 at 19:38:22
A hypothetical case to think about. This is how I think it works.

Transfer fees are spread over the duration of the players contract, so each year, a player's book value diminishes by the amount in the previous year's accounts.

So if a transfer fee is £25M and the player has a 5 year contract, each year the fee is shown as £5M, and the players book value diminishes by that amount. Or the fee breakdown is agreed and shown as something else.

So after 2 years, the book value is £25M less 2 x £5M = £15M.

Last season the player was on loan and a fee may have been payable and his wages had been paid. Now he is going on loan for 2 years. There may be a fee payable each year, or any transfer fee due might be waived, we never know this of course. But his book value at the end of those 2 years reduces to £5M.

We get paid £17M at that time, so the bean counters are pleased. They are important in any FFP related situation. Result: happiness.

Similarly any player signed on free, like James, or a home grown player, has nil book value, so any fee received is beneficial from a FFP point of view.

All this might be bollocks, of course because we don't know the details, but I think in theory it could work something like that.

Frank Sheppard
28 Posted 28/08/2021 at 19:47:34
I really wonder why this didn't work, and why he didn't shine for us.

What went wrong?

Kristian Boyce
29 Posted 28/08/2021 at 21:00:37
While people might gripe about the mooted £17m, remember we had a decent loan fee from PSG last season. I think that was quoted between £5-7m. I would imagine that's going to something similar to what Juve are paying now, either in new money or it being taken off what we owed on the original amount.

If it is a 2-year loan, that means we've only paid about 1½ years of wages out of his 5-year contract, there's that extra savings.

My one question is that, with the club sanctioning a loan deal, plus the James departure rumoured to be a loan to Porto as part of the Diaz deal, are the club banking on a Richarlison deal to help balance the wage issue?

Joe Corgan
30 Posted 28/08/2021 at 23:42:42
Joke of a deal. Still a highly rated young player. Courted by the likes of PSG and Juventus and the best we can do is a loan, with an obligation to buy “if certain conditions are met.”

So let's say he kicks on at Juve… they get to buy him for a measly £17M? By that time he could be worth three times that amount.

And if we can't command a decent, immediate transfer fee for somebody like Kean, what hope of getting rid of the other dead wood?

This has to go down as yet another of Brands's ever-growing list of failures.

Barry Hesketh
31 Posted 28/08/2021 at 23:56:35
A 2-year loan takes Kean to within a year of his Everton contract which expires in 2024, with an option to buy for Juventus. I'd file this one under "former Everton player" and, as such, whatever he does in the future, it holds no interest for me.
Ian McAvoy
32 Posted 29/08/2021 at 01:21:18
An unprofessional waste of space regardless of talent. Brands has some explaining to do here.
Derek Thomas
33 Posted 29/08/2021 at 01:42:31
Financial jiggery pokery on a par with sending the leccy bill to the gas and the gas bill to the leccy to gain 2 more weeks before you have to pay...

He won't be much missed.

Ashley Roberts
34 Posted 29/08/2021 at 02:57:13
Okay and so he did not live up to expectations. We obviously paid far too much for an up-and-coming attacker. The Premier League is so far superior to other European leagues and so it is not surprising he was not able to compete at the highest level.

Playing for PSG, with its megastars and its limited competition, enabled him to shine. Hopefully the same will occur in Italy for Juventus.

I am sure we are going to lose money on this fella but I don't believe he will ever make it in the Premier League and so let's cut ties now. This will give us the opportunity to bring somebody in who can be an understudy to Calvert-Lewin or work in tandem when required.

Let's move on from another failure and bring somebody in who can provide some value. It appears that Rafa has a good idea of what is required and Kean seems to be surplus to requirements.

Bill Gienapp
35 Posted 29/08/2021 at 04:12:14
What a bummer of a deal. £20M? That's what Liverpool got for Solanke and Brewster.

I know Covid has altered the market somewhat, but it's hard to believe we have a young asset coveted by the likes of Juventus and PSG and we're somehow going to take a loss on him. I hope, as Sam suggested, there might be more to the fine print.

On a side-note, I have a Kean jersey, which now seems like an utterly ridiculous purchase, but I got it during my trip to Goodison in 2019, so it'll always be special to me.

Eric Myles
36 Posted 29/08/2021 at 05:17:07
Ian #1, not only Leicester but look at what that chap at West Ham has done, European Football and currently top of the Premier League with no big names, just shrewd buys. ;-)
Eric Myles
37 Posted 29/08/2021 at 05:21:04
Chris #27,

You're on the right track. Remember when Man City sold Robinho who they bought for £32.5M and sold for £18.5M? They booked £16.5M in profit on the sale!

Eddie Dunn
38 Posted 29/08/2021 at 08:06:59
This kid looked great when his mates at PSG were setting him up for easy tap-ins... Neymar and Mbappe would get Calvert-Lewin the golden boot.

The fact is, he doesn't have the ability to play the lone striker and lacks the sort of pace that can scare defenders. He does have good technique and an eye for goal, and in a front two, he could be effective.

In terms of team morale, I suspect he would be a difficult character. Does anyione recall watching a video from Finch Farm where Kean and Digne competed against one another trying to throw an American Football into a wheelie bin? Digne beat him but he looked so pissed-off throughout. Not a smirk in sight.

What is wrong with these guys? Richarlison trying to take the pen yesterday, obviously against instructions! Such prima-donnas! Spoilt brats of the highest order.

At least Richarlison got over it straight away. It seems to me that, once Dunc hooked him at Old Trafford, the kid has hated the club.

Peter Warren
39 Posted 29/08/2021 at 08:08:01
Think we've done well to get that much. His attitude slightly reminds me of Balotelli but he isn't as funny or as talented as him.
James Newcombe
40 Posted 29/08/2021 at 08:08:01
This doesn't sound like a great deal, but I'll let the club worry about that one. I was so excited about his arrival but then became more and more underwhelmed as the weeks passed by. Glad to see the back of him, guess Souness had a point.
Mike Corcoran
41 Posted 29/08/2021 at 08:28:04
Imagine what Juve, or some Arsenal type, would be paying if they were buying Kean direct from PSG after the season he had? How much was Pepe, etc?

The one thing worrying me is the lesser sighted Godfrey. Is he going to be the curveball sacrificial FFP goat?

Sam Hoare
42 Posted 29/08/2021 at 08:36:30
I'm not sure how fair it is to compare him to Balotelli, call him 'tempestuous', or question his attitude.

As far as I can recall, he's done nothing much to deserve this other than not smiling a lot and the odd social media misstep; though he was all smiles during the Iwobi celebration against Huddersfield.

I don't remember him being late for training or spatting with teammates or ever not running for the ball etc. He's clearly not desperate to play for Everton but perhaps that's understandable given his lack of time here compared to other options.

Is it possible that this narrative, propagated by the likes of Souness, that he has a bad attitude or is a troublemaker of sorts is based on a false narrative with some racial undertones?

Steve Wissett
43 Posted 29/08/2021 at 08:46:25
It's clear Kean doesn't want to stay with us and, given that we have had very little interest in him, then, in my view, any deal that sees us only taking a small hit (on paper) is not a bad deal.

I hate to think what his value would drop to 12 months from now, with little playing time, if he had stayed.

Stan Schofield
44 Posted 29/08/2021 at 08:49:34
Sam @42:

There has certainly been propagation of distorted comment about Kean in the media by the likes of former RS, but it's no doubt because he plays for Everton and nothing to do with race. The only colour bias here is anti-blue.

Tony Abrahams
45 Posted 29/08/2021 at 09:15:05
I've just read something about the Diaz deal, not going smoothly, and is not being helped because Porto don't want Rodriguez. The fact that a world class footballer can't find a club to take him really amazes me.

If James really does want to go somewhere that he's loved, then maybe he should take a lead from Willian, who has just ripped up his Arsenal contract and agreed to take a 70% pay-cut (he will still be on an absolute fortune) to go back home and play football.

Steve Shave
46 Posted 29/08/2021 at 09:38:15
I, like many on here, am dumbfounded as to why we can't shift this guy on a permanent move... not even a sniff of one, just some vague notion we 'might' get some cheddar for him after the end of his 2-frickin'-year loan!!

Yes we don't know the ins and outs of the deal but last season we were talking about his value going to £40M for his PSG exploits. Something is rotten in Denmark here.

I have a feeling some of our renewed energy and commitment so far this season is down to us having some new faces who are genuinely thrilled to be playing for Everton. Townsend again yesterday just beaming, absolutely beaming when asked about playing for a "big club like Everton", Gray similarly over recent weeks. If we get a couple more in and shift a couple more out and the ones we get in are as committed to the shirt, then we could be in for a really good season.

The more I think about Patterson, the more I think he is the ideal signing for our right-back problem. The way Seamus has upped his game smacks of a man with a point to prove and he really seems to be loving life under Rafa as well. What a pro that boy is, I love him. He could take the young Patterson under his wing and blood him in slowly for the club, that is the kind of pro he is.

Anthony Jones
47 Posted 29/08/2021 at 09:45:47
Sam, 42. Outrageous closing comment.

Moise Kean was brought here as a player considered good enough for Juve but at a club with too many top forwards.

We watched him play in multiple games. He was poor. Poor touch, low energy, negative body language, weak shooting.

The lad then goes to PSG and scores a lot of goals. Was he at a club that he no longer considered to be beneath him? Who knows, but good riddance.

If you want to see racism, you will see it – regardless of the facts.

Sam Hoare
48 Posted 29/08/2021 at 09:55:50
Anthony, it's not outrageous in the least bit. I'm not accusing anyone specifically and of course Kean has not helped himself much but, if you think there aren't people out there who still perpetuate damaging racial stereotypes (especially in football), then you've got your eyes shut I'm afraid.
Danny O’Neill
49 Posted 29/08/2021 at 09:58:34
The lad is 21 and has a lot of developing to do in order to realise the potential.

On the touch thing Anthony, we could end up going down the Lukaku debate with that. And there is a valid debate, but he's a striker who scores and makes goals.

Kean clearly doesn't want to be at Everton, so it's best all around if he goes and makes it elsewhere. And he will.

Gary Smith
50 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:02:05
It's hard commenting when not seeing the details in full but, from the information we can see, this feels like a really crap deal. Juve get to keep him for 2 years, then potentially send him back to us with just a year left on his contract?

Hoping they're paying a loan fee plus a payment for a permanent deal, with maybe the former only offset if they actually buy. Assuming we got a loan fee from PSG, then maybe we won't lose too much once the saga ends in 2-3 years. However, “hoping we don't lose too much” is embarrassing business for a player still widely viewed as having potential to get back in the Italy squad.

I guess that, compared to the likes of Bolasie, the Icelander, Sandro, et al it's seen as progress in the boardroom.

Gary Smith
51 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:04:45
Sam, he’s just played shit. Give the virtual signalling bellwhiffery a rest.
Anthony Jones
52 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:06:05
Sam, you posted on a thread featuring posts that are critical of Moise Kean to make the point that there may be a racial element to criticism of the player.

You are not accusing anyone specifically but then you did choose to make a point specifically about racism as it relates to how footballers may be perceived.

N-one on this thread made any comments about the fact that there are, of course, cretins that are racially biased. You chose to bring this point up for some reason.

Perhaps you were just falling over yourself to project your moral superiority? There are plenty of other platforms and websites for that kind of posturing.

Ian Bennett
53 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:06:32
That's my concern too, Gary. They don't sign him for whatever reason and he has a year left on his contract, at a place he hates.

A big 48 hours coming up. We have deadwood, but also a threadbare squad.

Kevin Prytherch
54 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:09:30
I don't think there is much wrong with Sam's comments. It's not suggesting outright racism, but more like racial association. If a white player showed the same attitude, he would probably be compared to someone white and not to Balotelli. In that sense, there are some unconscious racial undertones but it is based on appearances. Unfortunately, Souness used one feature, that being skin colour, to compare the two.

However, he hasn't, as Sam points out, done half the things Balotelli did, so the association in this case (probably because Souness couldn't think of anyone else of the same skin colour to compare him to) ends up being damaging to the reputation of the player. Souness though, is an ex-Red, so can say or do anything he wants in the media.

Sam Hoare
55 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:14:54
Anthony, I think you will find Mike Gaynes @8 was making a similar point.

Feel free to throw labels like moral superiority or posturing all you want, not sure it’s helpful.

Dan Nulty
56 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:20:04
If you have read Sky's reports, it is a £17M deal and we are taking a loss; please read Chris's post number 27.

I doubt very much we will be receiving a loan fee but would guess our fee payments for this season and next will be waived. If Sky are reporting a sale at £17M at the end of 2 years, that will be a profit in real terms (given we won't have paid 2 instalments and received a loan fee from PSG last season) but also in accounting terms given his value in our books will be circa £5M and we'd receive £17M.

Could have been a great deal; turned out the lad wasn't mature enough to deal with the Premier League. We move on.

Peter Gorman
57 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:21:06
Kean did throw a lap-dancing party in his house during lockdown, which could qualify as twattery of Balotelli proportions.

I've always thought it was a valid comparison as they are both obviously talented footballers from Italy who were overhyped and sadly never seemed likely to deliver on their talents, in part due to off-field distractions.

Jason Li
58 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:25:48
I watched a Gazza documentary a while back and he did some things which the Italian media kept highlighting. At the time he was a genuine world class player, so all was forgiven. I'm sure he did a lot of funny-to-some and annoying-to-others kind of jokes and belches and pranks that never got reported. But I can bet if he didn't live up to being world class, no one would accommodate Gazza in Italy.

I think that's Kean's situation. He's not world class – yet. He may get there. So no-one is going to give him leeway on his attitude if he's not a world beater already. He's definitely not terrible and I think he is ahead of Calvert-Lewin as a striker when Calvert-Lewin was 20 or 21. Although that doesn't necessarily mean he will be as good as Calvert-Lewin when he hits 23 or 24.

I don't think the situation will improve soon unless the player can improve soon. So best to part ways and wish him all the best. Rafa has done well in identifying players like Gray, so let's hope the next back-up striker is really good as well and we have then moved on.

Anthony Jones
59 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:31:21

About 50% of our first team are BAME. I don't think we are alone in the Premier League in having such a diverse group. Therefore, comparisons between players will sometimes be between two black players regardless of the nature of the comparison.

Despite Souness being extremely annoying, I don't think that it is fair to suggest he is racially profiling because he made a possibly lazy comparison.

Don't forget that Balotelli is an Italian centre-forward who came here as a young player with loads of potential and a lot of physical strength. Just like Kean.

Steve Brown
60 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:35:23
Guessing we haven't paid Juventus in full for his original transfer, so perhaps a write-off is involved in the £17 million being quoted. If we are to agree to a loan with an obligation to buy, I would request a loanee from them in return.
Tony Abrahams
61 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:42:06
The only time he looked like he could become a real player was when he scored and broke his duck against Newcastle, but I don't think we seen him again for a while after this, which I did find a bit strange... unless he was injured?
Bryan Houghton
62 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:48:51
A lot of speculation about how this deal can be so apparantly bad. Looks like shit, but I can't believe that the details are as bad as they look from the outside.

We still owe Juventus the main part of his transfer fee – that will be written off obviously; throw in his wages, and presume there's a loan fee from them to take him (couple of million usually), then it probably adds up to a very small profit.

He's also one of Riola's so it could also include the odd back hander for future deals with others of his.

All speculation. But the bottom line is that we don't need to sell him. It would be handy, but not necessary, so there's no need to lose money on him. My guess is that they ain't gonna give more details about the deal until the deal is done. Let's see where we are come Wednesday, after the window is shut.

David Pearl
63 Posted 29/08/2021 at 10:54:46
Bryan, what a creative mind you have. :)
Ray Robinson
64 Posted 29/08/2021 at 11:15:45
Seldom in my 60 years supporting the club has any player done so little for the club to warrant so much discussion. He looks like a modern-day footballer but I haven't seen much evidence with my own eyes to suggest that is the case.

He clearly doesn't want to be here, so we need to get rid. Same goes for Rodriguez although the latter is a bigger loss, given his obvious talent.

On the Richarlison penalty take incident: yes, I get that he is hungry to score – all goal-scorers are keen to improve their tally and he clearly is a team player, but he seems to get off lightly from some who were only too keen to lambast Mirallas (rightly so).

Eddie Dunn
65 Posted 29/08/2021 at 11:45:03

There is the difference in these two players. One has basically decided he never wanted to be here and the other works his socks off for the cause. I can forgive Richarlison for his stroppy behaviour and sulky mush but not Kean.

Rafa seems to want guys who will gel into a team. His new recruits are buying into the ethos. Now the likes of Doucouré and Allan are fighting fir, we are seeing stand-out performances from them.

The likes of James and Kean think firstly about themselves. This has to have an effect on the morale within the squad.

For me, the quicker these two leave, the better.

Barry Rathbone
66 Posted 29/08/2021 at 12:03:23
The lack of suitors for Kean exposes the truth about how good he really is the fact is his potential has been exposed as a creation of headline writers imagination from a decent season at Juve. If a similar player bought for buttons from Barnsley performed like him with the same antics he would have been punted long ago.

We're giving him away because no-one will pay money for him, it's that simple.

Bobby Mallon
67 Posted 29/08/2021 at 12:58:28
Mike @8,

Why is it inappropriate?

Oliver Molloy
68 Posted 29/08/2021 at 15:02:37
I think the Barry Rathbone post is fairly accurate, so I won't bother. Hope there is no truth we are interested in Edouard as a replacement after watching him today.
Alan Johnson
69 Posted 29/08/2021 at 18:48:33
Moise Kean passes medical at Juve, says Fabrizio; announcement soon. Think this will kick start what players we actually want in this window.
Shane Corcoran
70 Posted 29/08/2021 at 19:30:15
Oliver, he ran around more than usual today but he was ineffective. And his miss……..say no more.
David Pearl
71 Posted 29/08/2021 at 19:41:11
Barry, his suitors were Juve, Inter, PSG, Atletico... they were not Watford, Villa, Southampton etc. All of which would have paid more than £17M but we pandered to the player. He didn't deserve it.
Robert Tressell
72 Posted 29/08/2021 at 20:02:48
Indeed, David, I can't understand the clearly incorrect suggestion that no-one wants him. Whatever any of us think of him, he is highly prized by a number of leading clubs and managers.
Andrew Keatley
73 Posted 29/08/2021 at 20:09:27
Based on what I have seen of Moise Kean – for Juventus, Italy, Everton and PSG – I wouldn't be looking to pay more than £17 million for Kean either. In fact, I wouldn't be looking to buy him, full stop.

Sometimes you have to cut your losses. It's a shame we can't offload him now for a fee of £25 million, so the memory of him ever being here can just drift away like a strange fever dream.

Lots of people got very excited about the supposed coup of us signing him out of the blue, and there are still a few that think that he's going to somehow go from displaying a below-average set of basic footballing skills and dubious application to suddenly being world-class in two or three years. I cannot see it myself.

He may score a handful of penalty box finishes playing for a top side that can afford to carry his limited abilities anywhere else on the field, but for any team that lacks the abilities to dominate opponents week after week his limitations are stark and are likely to grate very quickly.

Andy Crooks
74 Posted 29/08/2021 at 20:12:23
I really cannot see why anyone can miss what Mike Gaynes implies and Sam Hoare more or less comes out with.

Walking on eggshells and being well aware of the pejorative label that "woke" has become, I believe that there has been some criticism of Moise Kean that has racist undertones.

I should make it clear that I refer to no-one on this site. I spoke to a few local blues over the last while and, frankly, what they said was... inappropriate.

Paul Tran
75 Posted 29/08/2021 at 20:12:37
For some reason, he never got a good run in the team to really prove himself. Silva and both Ancelotti appeared unwilling to play him at all.

We'll never really know. He clearly has talent, but that's never enough on its own. Sometimes things just don't work out.

Good luck to the lad, let's reinvest wisely and move on.

David Pearl
76 Posted 29/08/2021 at 20:23:45
Exactly Robert, the kid is 21 years old. An arm around him and being told to buckle down and we may have got somewhere. Last year he was loaned to PSG... and that hasn't sunk in.

Andy, 74

Derek K tells me we share a similar back problem. So maybe we can help each other up at the Bramley-Moore get together. I will test out how well Tramadol and Guiness mix.

Peter Gorman
77 Posted 29/08/2021 at 21:54:56
Andy C - how cryptic! You refer to nobody on the site so why bring it up then?

For the record, we all know full well what Mike and Sam are referring to; I for one just think it is complete bollocks.

Barry Rathbone
78 Posted 29/08/2021 at 22:25:02
David Pearl 71


The only club Kean wanted to join was PSG and they wouldn't cough so "pandering" to him didn't figure. We couldn't sell him because no-one would pay, hence the only way to get him out (temporarily at least) was to more or less give him away, which is exactly what has happened, thank god.

Tom Bowers
79 Posted 29/08/2021 at 22:48:21
With Kean and James out of favour and Tosun a sick note, there is very little cover for our front two. If no-one is signed by Tuesday, what will happen?

With the strength in depth at Man City, Man Utd and Liverpool, it would seem inevitable Everton will finish outside the Top 6 again unless they avoid injuries and suspensions for the rest of the season.

David Pearl
80 Posted 29/08/2021 at 22:55:27
Barry, titermenot... they went for Messi instead. I think he had a lot of say as to who he would go to, which narrowed the field.

Anyway, yes, thank god. He's gone! Unless they don't make the Champions League in the next 2 years.

Vijay Nair
81 Posted 29/08/2021 at 23:08:17
Tom (79), it's looking increasingly likely that cover will come in the form of Solomon Rondon. Not the most exciting of signings but at under €5M the price is right and I'm sure he would have no problems not being a regular starter. Also, Rafa knows him well.

My memory of him is how shattered he was after he accidentally caused McCarthy's broken leg in that challenge. He was brought to tears.

Paul Birmingham
82 Posted 29/08/2021 at 23:30:31
In context, Moise Kean, has been, given more with due respect, to embrace the Partizan support that is brought to all new players to Everton.

100% he's the same ilk as the Mario Bellatolli of this game.

When he's won his football honours, then I will applaud, any credit where it's due, but never to some mirage of a footballer.

Moise Kean, potential for sure, he is it not world class and not proven, nor close to proven being close to world class.

What is there to defend, other than providence? He's not done it, and PSG, and Juventus and Italy have stated their views.

Everton have sanctioned his 2-year loan back to Juventus. That's life.

Terry White
83 Posted 30/08/2021 at 02:49:31
Paul (#820),

Is that the Partizan Belgrade level of support we give new players?

Other than that, could you try again to explain what you are trying to say?

Alan J Thompson
84 Posted 30/08/2021 at 06:19:58
I just have doubts about agreements which contain phrases like; "obligation to buy" and "provided certain conditions are met". It could be me but it does sound like a loophole but does anyone know what the "certain conditions" are?
Si Miles
85 Posted 30/08/2021 at 07:53:15
This bloke made James Beattie look good.

Total garbage.

Colin Metcalfe
86 Posted 30/08/2021 at 08:53:58
I'd never heard of him when we signed him but, along with most of the contributors on here, I was over the moon with this promising young kid from Juventus. I had to go on YouTube to find out what all the fuss was about.

I then watched the few minutes he played for us on TV and I wasn't exactly convinced. I went to see him play at Goodison; if I remember right, it was when the Blades put us to the sword 0-2 (See what I did there?) and yep, he was complete rubbish!

As for any racial overtones, I couldn't give a damn if he was black, white, orange or pink with blue spots – he was and he is complete and utter garbage and Brands should get the boot for this poor signing alone.

Paul Birmingham
87 Posted 30/08/2021 at 09:43:09
Terry, every new player at Everton is embraced initially by the Goodison crowd, and especially Moise Keane.

Two years and he is away, did he really want to be at Everton?

Let's cash in.

Benn Chambers
88 Posted 30/08/2021 at 13:42:15
Good riddance. Absolute shit show of a signing from start to finish and makes me wonder what we pay Brands for?? Silva didn’t want him or really played him. We’re lucky we’re nearly getting our money back.

I’m not having any suggestions of him not being given a chance either. He’s a spoilt brat. In over 40 games, he’s done Jack shit.

Another young kid who’s actual ability does not justify the ego.

Get rid and reinvest his fee and wages. You only have to compare this sulky petulant fucker to someone like Townsend or Gray. They’d run through brick walls for us and cost fuck all. Kean wouldn’t cross a road for us. We’re beneath him or so he thinks. All because he came through at Juve and played in a pub league for PSG. I’d score 20 for them.

See you later, lad. I’ll file you under Kroldrup and Delph. Shite.

Bill Watson
89 Posted 30/08/2021 at 13:51:59
The French league is a bit like the Scottish league. A handful of decent teams and the rest are shite.

Kean couldn't cut the mustard in the Premier League and from what I've seen, and I've seen all his Everton appearances, he never will.

We took a (somewhat expensive) punt on a promising young player and it didn't work out.

The deal looks like we've covered our expenditure so let's move on and spend the money on someone who wants to be here and can contribute something to the squad (or 'group' as they seem to call it, these days).

Iain Johnston
90 Posted 30/08/2021 at 14:03:32
Benn#88 Nearly getting our money back? Do the maths.

Transfer fee £25m. We paid £5m Upfront = £20m.
PSG pad last years instalment =£15m.

We're not paying them the balance.

In 2 years Juve will pay us £17m.

Denis Richardson
91 Posted 30/08/2021 at 14:07:58
I don’t think Kean ever really wanted to come to Everton hence never really settled. Getting him off the books is best for all parties, we won’t lose money on him so no harm.

Should have taken the PSG deal a few weeks ago but can’t win them all.

Priority over the next 36 hrs is a RB and keeping Richarlison. Hopefully a £10m bid for Patterson will be enough. Wasn’t too keen on Maitland- Niles myself.

Danny O’Neill
92 Posted 30/08/2021 at 14:16:33
Agree on the standard of the French League. We used to rib a PSG fan work about it being the Farmers League.

But, Kean is only 21. The kid has potential. I wouldn't write him of as not being good enough for the Premier League just yet and wouldn't be surprised to see him back in England in a few years.

Remember when Dominic was considered Championship standard at best?

It is best for all concerned right now, but I'm disappointed it hasn't worked.

Peter Gorman
93 Posted 30/08/2021 at 14:37:30
Danny, Kean's attitude is poles apart from DCL's. It is true we can't write him off and stranger things have happened but players who have such an inflated sense of self-worth for achieving so little do not have a tendency to make the most of their talent.

Like Balotelli.

Danny O’Neill
94 Posted 30/08/2021 at 14:50:10
It's always interesting to see which way they turn Peter as they grow and mature.

I get your Balotelli reference. Its an obvious & understandable one.

Interestingly, I saw a much more mature interview yesterday from another who's attitude has been questioned as he grew and developed. Pogba

Terry White
96 Posted 30/08/2021 at 15:13:32
Actually, Paul (#87), his name is Moise Kean, no "e". The sooner he leaves us so TW contributors can stop misspelling his name, and that of Michael Keane, the better. Then we can start on the many other misspellings of our players.
David Pearl
97 Posted 30/08/2021 at 15:23:16
Terry, excellent post. It will be good to forget all about Kean so that people re-learn to spell Keane. Hopefully it won't take too long.
Derek Taylor
98 Posted 30/08/2021 at 20:08:43
Isn't something missing in translation here? An 'obligation to buy' means Juventus are obliged to purchase whereas 'an option to buy' means they get 'first dibs'. I suspect it is the latter!
Pat Kelly
99 Posted 30/08/2021 at 20:39:47
"If certain conditions are met". Wonder what they are? So he's on loan for two years and then it depends on those conditions. A lot can happen in two years. Will we ever get shut and get some money back. What a waste of money.
Tony Abrahams
100 Posted 30/08/2021 at 20:41:14
I take it you like Michael Keane, then, Pat @99!
Pat Kelly
101 Posted 30/08/2021 at 20:57:20
Not that keen, Tony
Paul Kernot
102 Posted 31/08/2021 at 10:28:42
Vijay # 80. I agree it seems likely Rondon may be the only player coming in. Bit of a bummer if so. I can't see as he's any better than a fit Tosun.
Eric Myles
103 Posted 01/09/2021 at 16:18:05
Dan #55, but it may not be a liss in the books, just look at the City Robinho sale!

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