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Cahill set for new role at Everton

| Sunday, 01 September 2024 43comments  |  Jump to last
Tim Cahill will be returning to Everton to head up a new technical department, the club are expected to announce.

The Australian is believed to have been part of the club's strategic review following the departure of Director of Football Marcel Brands last month.

Cahill was seen near Bill Kenwright's London office on Friday where the club's hierarchy were holding final interviews with prospective candidates for the new manager position.

Everton's chosen candidate, Frank Lampard, is rumoured to have impressed Cahill immensely and the pair, long-time friends from their playing days, now look set to work together more closely to mould the club's recruitment and academy development strategies.

Reader Comments (43)

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Frank Sheppard
1 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:12:57
Very interesting
Justin Doone
2 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:15:12
Get in Tim. I would rather he be involved in the day to day footballing side as a coach but I welcome him in whatever capacity he wants to be involved in.

Kick some reality and home truths where and when it's needed Tim.

Mike Gaynes
3 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:16:40
Awesome. Get him on the Board or at least into the executive team. We need him. Especially his boxing skills!
Neil Thomas
4 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:21:27
Would be a ideal dof working alongside Lampard. Both know the modern game, and exciting attacking midfielders.
Martin Mason
5 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:29:39
You can make Cahill what you want but if Kenwright is there spreading his malign influence at every level then nobody can succeed. The DoF model is essential for big clubs, the BK model is ex-Evertonians none of whom used to stand in the Boy's Pen. Kenwright is taking us not only down but possibly out of existence and the next manager is just a step on the way down.
Dale Self
6 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:30:46
Yes, this could be a very solid positive to this whole affair. He without doubt has something to offer and is committed to Everton.
Rob Jones
7 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:34:41
Delighted that an intelligent, engaged man will be involved at the club. Dismayed that it may have anything to do with Bill Kenwright.

Once the current unease settles at the club, however, the questions that need to be answered are thus: why is Kenwright still involved at the club, and if it's true that there's a "civil war", as some have said, why can't Moshiri remove him? Moshiri is to blame for many of the club's ills, but if he wants to start undoing the damage, he needs to remove the lightning rod that is Kenwright.

Jack Convery
8 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:35:18
Martin - agreed. He needs to go and go now. I hope Tim can have some influence over Moshiri. He should tell him a few home truths, including leave it to professionals and stop listening to bloody agents, with their own agenda.
Jack Convery
9 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:35:24
Martin - agreed. He needs to go and go now. I hope Tim can have some influence over Moshiri. He should tell him a few home truths, including leave it to professionals and stop listening to bloody agents, with their own agenda.
Keith Harrison
10 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:36:14
The Blue Kangaroo's first job is to ensure Frank Lampard is our next manager, and he then boxes Koorabchian into history!
Barry Rathbone
11 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:37:06
Echo chambers are never a good thing and this derivative of the Moyes/Kenwright era is hardly inspirational. Cahill was a decent player but ultimately not a winner and alongside the Baines appointment it looks like sentimentality rather than innovation is the Everton yardstick. What an insular little club EFC has become
Grant Rorrison
12 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:53:29
Jesus Christ. I've just read that Tim Cahill 'knows what it takes to succeed' at Everton. How? He never won anything in 8 years here as a player!

Another thing. Why do people slag off Kenwright but then praise the fact that there are people at the club, brought in by Kenwright, that 'get' Everton? Cant have it both ways.

Mike Dolan
13 Posted 28/01/2022 at 18:20:42
Bill Kenwright should not be allowed to fill every level at this club with ex players. He does this to protect himself but enough is enough. Bill you have meddled to much already and TC you are tarnishing your reputation by having anything to do with Kenwright and his political games. Kenwright out.
Andrew Brookfield
14 Posted 28/01/2022 at 18:22:29
Man Utd wanted Brands, we gave him a new contract, gave him no power and undermined him, then sacked him.

Does anyone think Man Utd were sniffing around Cahill as a DoF, no, of course they weren’t. If you’re going to put an ex player in there, at least take someone who has played and won everything at the highest level.

John Cook
15 Posted 28/01/2022 at 18:27:25
I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up Ferguson and Cahill together till end of season. can't think if another reason for Ferguson to be there tbh.
Mike Gaynes
16 Posted 28/01/2022 at 18:35:30
Cahill not a winner???

You've gotta be kidding me.

Led Australia into three straight World Cups, among other things. Their greatest player ever.

And conquered the business world like few other ex-athletes before him.

And he's not a winner because he didn't lift any Cups with Everton?


Mark Rankin
17 Posted 28/01/2022 at 18:37:38
I don’t know about the comments about winning everything making you a good manager/DOF in fact many don’t meet that criteria. Tim Cahill is a passionate Evertonian but he also comes across as very sharp and switched on and it’s for that reason I’d have him back at the club in a heart beat. When you see Dunc taking the small groups he’s in his element as a motivator ‘well in big man’ and we can keep him in that role. Can’t knock Baines happy to have him on the coaching staff just for his barnet. Don’t know whether Lampard is the man to knit it all together but of the three mentioned he’d be the one I take.
Neil Thomas
18 Posted 28/01/2022 at 18:40:15
Andrew 14#
Ok then who? Do you honestly think we’re capable of bringing in anyone better at the moment? Maybe look at the league, and the mess we’re in first. The comments on here about bringing in top management is so unrealistic. We’re struggling in the league, we can’t spend any money to improve, we’ve got a owner who is clueless when it comes to football decisions, and you’re expecting us to bring in top class people. Let’s get some realism here. Lampard is the best we’re capable of getting at the moment, and probably so is Cahill. Or do you think that Klopp Pep or Mancini are gutted that they wasn’t considered for the managers job.
Jay Harris
19 Posted 28/01/2022 at 18:41:46
I am Kenwrights biggest critic and I hate the way he fills the club with chancers who behold to him but Tim Cahill and big Dunc are blue through and through and have plenty to offer.
Neil Thomas
20 Posted 28/01/2022 at 18:47:11
And the comment about bringing in ex players who have won everything just makes me laugh. Because that was in the early 80s.
Paul Smith
21 Posted 28/01/2022 at 18:47:40
No more old boys they’re all shite. I mean what have they won between them ? If Frank is sought as he’s a winner why would we surround him with losers ? He’ll think wtf is this set up, it’s shite. Cahill working with the first team is no different than Duncan. Get some winners on board not ex players to appease a disgruntled fan base. Honestly this board has no clue.
John Cook
22 Posted 28/01/2022 at 18:53:39
Paul Smith,
Couldn't agree more but the way these knob heads work, as I say above, wouldn't surprise me to see both Dunc and Tim till end of season...hope I'm so wrong
Chris Williams
23 Posted 28/01/2022 at 18:58:53
I’ve read that he’s been involved in the Strategic Review already. He’s on the Board at a Belgian club as well seemingly.
Danny O’Neill
24 Posted 28/01/2022 at 19:09:03
Love Tim Cahill, love his passion for Everton and for football.

But what Martin @5 says.

Nothing more to add.

Terry Downes
25 Posted 28/01/2022 at 19:11:37
Personally i’d still prefer Martinez to come as DOF he signed some quality players for us except the wigan pair and word ass it he wanted V V D from celtic before he got sacked, I think he’d do a real good job in that role if he’d accept it ?
David Pearl
26 Posted 28/01/2022 at 19:38:06
Mike Gaines, 16
One of the most sensible words on this thread was the word 'Horseshite' so thank you for not talking it and towing the line of der ToffeeWeb mob.
Tony Hill
27 Posted 28/01/2022 at 19:43:57
From what I understand, Cahill is not a particularly charming individual. Good.
Peter Mills
28 Posted 28/01/2022 at 22:54:04
I sincerely hope there is to be a role at our Club for Tim Cahill, a man who has tapped into every ounce of his ability, intelligence and mental strength to make himself a figure respected throughout world football.

We need a few more of them.

John Graham
29 Posted 29/01/2022 at 09:20:59
Yes,Roberto Martinez had the chance to get Virgil Van Dyke while he was at Celtic but he went for Funez Mori instead and Van Dyke went to Southampton.
Never a good manager and definitely not a DOF.
Len Hawkins
30 Posted 29/01/2022 at 09:45:58
Horseshite the gardeners friend beautiful roses and great on rhubarb.

If the club needs a football man then Tim is up there a refreshing change from that clown Merson or Brazil etc and certainly not yet another bloody ex redneck.
If as I read into comments Tim is now a successful but ruthless business man then that is the very thing the club is crying out for, if only he was taking over from Kenwright.

Francis van Lierop
31 Posted 29/01/2022 at 13:37:35
The first time I saw Tim appear on Match of the Day, you could tell instantly he saw the game well. He takes no prisoners, and those who think he'll be bowing to Kenwright have it very wrong.

He's only one of the two ex-players I want working at our club. The other being Kevin Sheedy. (What is the story why he left? Gambling debts? Dismayed should that be the case.)

It'll be to our credit to have Frank and Tim at the helm. It may be some time, but we'll certainly be going forward with these two!

Bobby Mallon
32 Posted 29/01/2022 at 22:41:02
Tim Cahill is here to broker a deal with Moshiri so Cahill's clients in Qatar can buy the club.
Paul Kernot
33 Posted 30/01/2022 at 03:41:21
He's a leader. He has what Pacific Islanders & Maori call Mana, loosely translated it means respect & standind. Do for me.
Christine Foster
34 Posted 30/01/2022 at 05:36:38
I have the utmost respect for Tim Cahill, born fighter, a blue and a very savvy footballing development coach. He is a legend in Australia and rightly so. But not sure what he is doing at the club with regards to this appointment and / or going forward.

If my memory serves me right, he has always spoken very highly of Kenwright in interviews which would indicate he is there because of Kenwright, and that's a shame because – no matter how much respect or time I have for him – he will be tainted by any association with the chairman.

Another time and another chairman, it would have been different.

Derek Knox
35 Posted 30/01/2022 at 08:05:19
Len @ 30,

"Horseshite the gardeners friend beautiful roses and great on rhubarb." Ugh!

I prefer Custard or Cream on my Rhubarb! Each to his or her own though. I've also heard that it gives you bad breath! :-)

Seriously though, this could be good news for us, as we can't question his 'blueness', his enthusiasm and winning mentality.

Danny O’Neill
36 Posted 30/01/2022 at 08:31:53
I said I had nothing more to add other than what Martin said. But Christine touches on a very good point.

I have no issues with Tim Cahill being appointed. As long as he is the right person for the job. That is the fundamental criteria.

And if it is to be a DoF, let him be one. My concern is the description of him assuming "some" of the responsibilities previously conducted by Marcel Brands.

Some? So an even more diluted and submissive role than our previously un-empowered DoF was ultimately afforded? In that sense yet another appointment to appease those in the support base who like that type of thing.

But in reality, another potential puppet to those who will continue to interfere and meddle in football matters that they don't understand.

I wish Tim well and I hope Lampard has been consulted or informed if he is to be our next manager. I do actually think those two could work well together.

Now get Leon Osman on the Finch Farm training ground. Not because he's an Evertonian and ex-player. Because I think he'd make a cracking coach and is wasted doing punditry. And entice Pienaar from the Ajax academy.

That last one is a scratched record from me, but I'll keep saying it.

Jim Lloyd
37 Posted 30/01/2022 at 08:56:34
I wonder who brought Tim in? Lampard may well have asked for him. I think Tim is the right kind of man and an Evertonian, not just brought in because he's an Evertonian. There's always that shadow though of Kenwright building up his "Dream Team" The dream being,,of course, to entrench the B deeper into the foundation of our club!
Phil Wood
39 Posted 31/01/2022 at 00:57:28
Great to have Tim Cahill back.
Kieran Kinsella
40 Posted 31/01/2022 at 01:14:25
Cahill had the audacity to try a scissor kick when we needed a goal at Chelsea and pulled it off., That's just one instance of his character.

As for his deference to Bill Kenwright … as a player, you’re a step removed from the Chairmam. If he's dealing with him directly, I'm sure he will stick to his guns when he realizes the guy’s a clown.

Steve Jensen
41 Posted 31/01/2022 at 06:16:26
Tim Cahill received the Officer of the Order of Australia last year recognising his football achievements. He hold many records for Australia - First Australian to: score in a World Cup/score in the Asian Cup Finals/score in 3 World Cups plus is Australia's highest scorer. I have seen and heard him interviewed many times on various subjects and one thing that comes across is his passion.

He was the inaugural ambassador for "Greyhounds as Pets" charity. He has a greyhound called Lumo which means Blue in Samoan. He owns a number of businesses and probably has more business acumen than some at the club. I for one would entrust Tim with any role at Goodison
Jerome Shields
42 Posted 01/02/2022 at 06:35:17
The Strategic Review was to reset Kenwright & Co after the battering that associates took during the Benitez era. Sharp and Cahill are the result.
Bill Rodgers
43 Posted 01/02/2022 at 08:43:33
I think we should be very suspicious of anything which puts ex-players on the payroll. Cahill looks like a good one – but there are plenty of hangers-on who must be cleared out first.
Dave Abrahams
44 Posted 01/02/2022 at 13:26:03
Len (30) “ Horseshite great on rhubarb? I always put custard on mine. The old ones are always the best, right Len!!

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