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Ferguson expected to leave Everton following Lampard's arrival

| Sunday, 01 September 2024 74comments  |  Jump to last
Duncan Ferguson's long association with Everton could be over for now amid reports that he won't be retained on the club's coaching staff following Frank Lampard's appointment as permanent manager.

The 50-year-old Scot has been a first-team coach at Finch Farm for a number of years now and has taken the reins as interim manager on two occasions, more recently against Aston Villa in the Blues' last Premier League game.

Ferguson interviewed for the full-time role in London on Friday but, while he had tremendous backing from some members of the Board of Directors, he was never regarded as a front-runner for the job.

He is expected to leave Everton this month to consider his options, with the broad consensus being that, if he has eyes on becoming a manager in his own right, he needs to make a move down to the lower leagues to cut his teeth.

Reader Comments (74)

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Pat Kelly
1 Posted 30/01/2022 at 21:30:14
The clearout continues. We need to leave the past behind if we're to have a successful future in the Premier League.
Andy Riley
2 Posted 30/01/2022 at 21:36:22
Sunderland just sacked their manager tonight. No info but that looks a good place for him to try himself out as a manager. Well placed for promotion and possibly just need someone like Duncan?
Fran Mitchell
3 Posted 30/01/2022 at 21:44:51
Love Duncan. But it is about time. We need a fresh start, and so do many of our staff. I expect Unsworth to follow him (probably at end of season).

Time for them to progress their careers.

Mark McDonald
4 Posted 30/01/2022 at 21:48:46
Sunderland would be a good start or perhaps offer your services to Derby.

Agree, it is time for him to move on. I wish him well where ever he goes. He will be welcome back anytime.

Chris Breedon
5 Posted 30/01/2022 at 21:57:38
I love Big Dunc.. As a forward, as a bloke and as a Everton Great.. But it begs the question just how has he spent 5 yrs or so as 1st team coach with so many different managers...always smelt of Kenwright. Glad Lamps has the balls to cut the cord and say enough is enough.. Dunc was never gonna manage Everton as he had no experience...get into the lower leagues and stop hiding just behind the big seat.

Big 24 hours for us now to see which loan we get in as we can only get 1..and who else we buy I guess

Colin Glassar
6 Posted 30/01/2022 at 21:57:58
All the best Duncan. It’s time to stand on your own two feet. Hopefully this is the end of the old boys brigade and the start of something exciting and the beginning of the end of the Kenwright regime.
Jim Bennings
7 Posted 30/01/2022 at 22:07:44
Duncan does need to go out there now and spread his wings.

He's 51 this year and he should go and do what the likes of Gerrard, Rooney and our own Frank are doing, prove your worth at a club lower down and work your way up, to be honest I'm just surprised he hadn't done this long before.

He needs a challenge and we need a new direction because clearly the last five years haven't worked, at any level at this club.

New horizons are required now and new faces.

Alan McGuffog
8 Posted 30/01/2022 at 22:22:48
A multi millionaire at 51. He doesn't NEED to do anything.
Alan McGuffog
9 Posted 30/01/2022 at 22:23:07
A multi millionaire at 51. He doesn't NEED to do anything.
Soren Moyer
10 Posted 30/01/2022 at 22:35:38
What! You mean Rondon is still here!?
Christy Ring
11 Posted 30/01/2022 at 22:45:16
Duncan always wore his heart on his sleeve with his love for Everton, would love to see him stay, but wouldn't the Sunderland job be a great start for him in management.
Jerome Shields
12 Posted 30/01/2022 at 22:47:36
I am very surprised they will cut Duncan a drift. Kenwright has did everything possible, both Ancelotti and Benitez had to keep him on. It must be that because he was Assistant Manager he had to go. Moshiri must have insisted. New Manager New Team. I doubt Lampard would have even mentioned him.

Good Luck to him. He has been about so long.

Will Mabon
13 Posted 30/01/2022 at 23:01:14
Alan, if he really did go bankrupt and lose it all, I doubt he's that wealthy, Very unlikely he's earned multi-millions in his roles at Everton since. The managers are usually the only ones of the non-playing staff getting the really big bucks (and pay-offs).

Not to say he'll have struggled though.

Kieran Kinsella
14 Posted 30/01/2022 at 23:07:26
Twitter abuzz with WBA fans clamoring to have him replace their current boss. Not sure on Sunderland. It’s been the poison chalice for many. Then again, are there any “safe” jobs out there where you can endure one bad spell? Most teams have a revolving door
Neil Copeland
15 Posted 30/01/2022 at 23:12:50
Hopefully Duncan sees this an opportunity to prove himself and shows the footballing world what he can do. Good luck big man.
Andrew James
16 Posted 30/01/2022 at 23:20:43
Sad to see him go yet been disappointed by this strange trend of him and Rhino not serving apprenticeships at lower league clubs. It did Joe Royle and HK no harm.

Rooney is doing it!

Martin Reppion
17 Posted 30/01/2022 at 23:36:37
Duncan is a modern day blue legend.
He was shafted by Johnson when he was sold to Newcastle to fund the club.
He came back and will always be an Evertonian.
I hope he does fancy the manager job at one of the lower league clubs. His passion will win the support of any set of fans. providing they can understand him of course!
I wish him good luck for the future.
Mike Gaynes
18 Posted 30/01/2022 at 23:46:23
Alan #7 and Will #12, Ferguson was declared bankrupt in court six years ago this week. However, his current contract at Everton is worth £2.5 million a year. Unless he's been paid in Bitcoin, he's not massively wealthy, but he's certainly better off than most folks.

He would not find a no-pressure situation at Sunderland. Third in League One but sacked their manager after a 6-0 loss at Bolton. The owner will tolerate nothing less than promotion back to the Championship.

Paul Birmingham
19 Posted 30/01/2022 at 23:48:20
This is inevitable, and Duncan, will find a club, no issue.

He and Carlo had a good relationship, but In would not be surprised to see Dunc, working either at Madrid, Sunderland, or Glasgow or the Toon.

He will look after himself, but loyalty some times has a price, in matters life and football!

Jerome Shields
20 Posted 30/01/2022 at 23:55:37
Mike surprised he ison. £2. 5 million a year. Whats Unsworth on?????
Neil Tyrrell
21 Posted 30/01/2022 at 23:57:39
Sad to see him go as he obviously loves the club as we all do, but it should absolutely the new manager's choice who his assistants are. Hopefully Dunc will take a job in Scotland or the Championship and be back in the PL at some point, wish him all the luck in the world.

Off topic but congratulations to Canada on a brilliant win today in the Hammer, beat the mighty US 2-0 to remain undefeated atop the CONCACAF qualifying group. And with our best player out!

Kieran Kinsella
22 Posted 31/01/2022 at 00:10:29

One knowledgeable (?) poster recently said Unsworth is paid in bags of peanuts. Then again he also said Dunc was a slave laborer at FF

Kieran Kinsella
23 Posted 31/01/2022 at 00:31:43
Phil Jevons is was (?) first team coach at Sunderland unless he’s been sacked with the manager. Could have an FF reunion with Dunc if the Mackems overlook the fact Dunc is practically a Geordie
Jamie Crowley
24 Posted 31/01/2022 at 00:53:41
Neil @ 21-

Off topic, but I was in s damn surly mood earlier, and it all started with Zardes up top for the USMNT. He's shit, absolute shit, and our idiot head coach starts him with a chance to move atop the group.

Have you ever seen footballers hold the ball so fucking long in your life? I mean, The US just allowed Canada to find their shape while fucking about, zero quick passing and all "look at me" foot skills that went no where.

Congratulations Canada. You beat a flaccid, dally on the ball US team and deserved to win.

Just pissed.

Mike Gaynes
25 Posted 31/01/2022 at 01:19:15
Jamie, me too. Furious. Berhalter may have the best record ever for a USMNT manager, but his entire front line tonight was wrong, wrong, wrong from the kickoff. Should have been left-to-right Morris, Pepi and Pulisic instead of Pulisic, Zardes and Aaronsen.

And Pulisic is just playing miserably. Forcing, forcing, forcing, not getting into the flow with his teammates at all. Needs to sit the next game IMO.

Mike Gaynes
26 Posted 31/01/2022 at 01:24:15
Kieran #23, Jevons is still employed there at last word.
Kieran Kinsella
27 Posted 31/01/2022 at 01:35:20

Even if the US drop two places all they have to do is beat Chris Wood and some New Zealand lambs in a playoff. I wouldn’t get too downbeat

Jamie Crowley
28 Posted 31/01/2022 at 02:42:10
Mike -

You'll recall, with that steel-trap mind of yours, I was NOT in favor of the Barhalter hiring. He's a tinkering, "out-think the room" dude. When everything is so, so obvious and straightforward, he'll fuck about just for the sake of it. It's too long to recount, but I remember listening to him in an interview on Sirius and I about wrecked the car I was so aghast at his attitude and answers to questions.

Which brings me to Kieran -

This is, by far, the most talented USA squad since Donovan, Dempsey, Howard and the boys. Berhalter, with his brain-dead tactics, is killing us.

You talk of fourth place? Costa Rica is now officially on fire, only 5 points behind us, never mind 4th placed Panama. We go on the road to Mexico, host Panama, and finish at Costa Rica in March. We'd best get our act together, and our coach had best pull his head out of his ass quickly. Road wins in Concacaf are a rare thing!

Bob Bradley was a limited coach, but he knew where to play his players and which players to play. The US was set up properly just about every time, and we had some talent and pushed to the final 8. Berhalter literally hasn't got a fuckin' clue. If I had a choice between Rafa and Gregg, it would be a close call.

Steve Oshaugh
29 Posted 31/01/2022 at 05:26:58
@ kieran Kinsella...Hey! don't drag the All whites into it:)... We can match anyone we face in the playoffs. The USA would be exactly the sort of team we can beat. nothing special about them really. They haven't done much that would scare any team really.I would be all good with people writing us off though
Jack Convery
30 Posted 31/01/2022 at 06:11:31
Maybe Don Carlo will make him an offer ? For his own good he needs to go out into the big world and gain more experience. There will always be a welcome at Goodison / Bramley Moore.
Ajay Gopal
31 Posted 31/01/2022 at 06:27:11
Dunc will be remembered for some stirring performances when Marco Silva was sacked. He helped calm down a very nervous fan base and paved the way for Ancelotti to settle in. I would be pleasantly surprised if he were to be offered a position in the Real Madrid coaching setup.
Jerome Shields
32 Posted 31/01/2022 at 06:34:38
Kieran I remember Tony Abrahams posting that he had heard that Unsworth was on a absurb wage. Didn't want to post the amount just in case it wasn't right. But if Duncan was on £2. 5 million for carrying a kit bag the mind boggles in what Unsie could be on. No wonder Unsie enthused so much about Brands, after he was promoted to Head of the Academy on his reported say so. The Wages percentage to turnover would include these amounts.
Bill Rodgers
33 Posted 31/01/2022 at 07:02:18
Not a chance.
Mal van Schaick
34 Posted 31/01/2022 at 07:09:27
The only passion that I have seen at Everton in the last five seasons was from Dunc on the touch line.

Sad to see him go. Good luck for the future, and for me he will always be welcome back at Everton.

Mike Gaynes
35 Posted 31/01/2022 at 07:39:23
Jamie #28...

Sorry, that stuff about Bradley is bunk. Bradley was a glorified college coach. Played elementary alignments. Put center backs at left back just because they were left-footed. Put fucking midfielders at left back just because they were left-footed. Taught his teams to hustle and work because he was incapable of teaching them anything more sophisticated.

You don't like Berhalter, fine, I don't much either, but don't try to elevate Bob freaking Bradley into anything resembling an international manager. He went from the US to Egypt. He lasted 11 games at freaking Swansea. He was, and remains, the classic American sockuh coach. A clod.

Laurie Hartley
36 Posted 31/01/2022 at 07:45:33
It will hit him hard this but hopefully it will lead him into a managerial role in the lower leagues. Good luck and thanks for some great moments Duncan Ferguson - Everton Centre Forward!
Sam Bowen
37 Posted 31/01/2022 at 08:08:20
No way would he be on anything like that much money for being a coach. Not a chance
Christopher Timmins
38 Posted 31/01/2022 at 08:36:41
I can only wish the guy well in his future career and thank him for taking the hot seat during periods when the club was in free fall.
Garry Martin
39 Posted 31/01/2022 at 08:56:56
He'll probably join Rooney at Derby, could be a good fit.
Danny Broderick
40 Posted 31/01/2022 at 09:33:40

“Ferguson’s current contract at Everton is worth £2.5 million a year.”

So he’s on £50,000 a week is he?? More than some of our players?? Just where did you get this gem from??

Joe McMahon
41 Posted 31/01/2022 at 09:46:57
Yes we all love the big man, he is a blue but that cannot be a reason to be employed by Everton endlessly. We need a new era, as its not the 60s anymore. We have to be a professional outfit, and time for Duncan to try it in a different league like many others have done.

I feel Sunderland would be a good match, they are passionate up there and would take to Dunc. WBA is a gamble with a lit of pressure. Bon Voyage big man!

Paul Clement is a sound appointment, he brings experience.

Now what to do with Unsworth?

Len Hawkins
42 Posted 31/01/2022 at 09:49:52
My lad has got a black long sleeved away shirt worn by Duncan at Chelsea, he was sent off for elbowing one of theirs in the face could it have been Lampard ???
Barry Hesketh
43 Posted 31/01/2022 at 09:58:46
According to a report I've just read Lampard has asked for Duncan to be retained. Source Paul Joyce
Derek Knox
44 Posted 31/01/2022 at 10:05:25
As much as I like Duncan, I think the best thing is for him to ' move and prove ' ! I wish him all the best, if he raids our squad how can we resist offers for Delph, Rondon, Iwobi, Holgate et al ?

Pat K @ 1, " We need to leave the past behind ". Where else could we leave it ? :-)

Jonathan Haddock
45 Posted 31/01/2022 at 10:05:29
Paul Joyce reporting this morning that Lampard has asked Dunc to stay on.
Des Farren
46 Posted 31/01/2022 at 10:06:53
Or even a successful present, Pat @1. Too many at this club live in and for, the past.
Derek Knox
47 Posted 31/01/2022 at 10:08:02
Len @ 41, at least Frank doesn't bear grudges, or does he ? :-)
Ernie Baywood
48 Posted 31/01/2022 at 10:19:21
All the best to him.

I've been an advocate of moving him on. It's apparent he's not going to be promoted to coach so what's the point of him being there?

We've given him an opportunity, and I liked that our club looks after their own, but it's time for him to go and coach in his own right.

I'd like to think he'll be back if he's successful but he's already arguably left it too late.

Shane Corcoran
49 Posted 31/01/2022 at 10:21:17
Asked to stay on it seems.
John Davies
50 Posted 31/01/2022 at 10:25:48
Seriously? Ferguson asked by Lampard to stay on? Surely not. If that is the case then the guy we have just employed is not the man for the job and Teary Bill is STILL pulling strings. I really hope that report is complete bollocks. We need a fresh start not a fucking Rewind gig.
Paul Smith
51 Posted 31/01/2022 at 10:31:23
Agreed John. I’m feeling a bit disappointed if it’s true. First misreading of Everton’s current predicament if so. Maybe it’s a courtesy thing and he’s hoping he’ll move on. I’m clutching at straws to find some hope its a new era and not project continuity.
Dave Abrahams
52 Posted 31/01/2022 at 10:38:33
Noel Cantwell when manager of Coventry City brought Ian Saint John, employed by Motherwell at the time, to be his assistant, later on Cantwell was sacked and Coventry offered the job to St. John, Ian said “ He brought me here I’ll walk out with him “ says it all for me.

Offer Duncan the part time job as meeter and greeter on match days at Goodison Park, if it was good enough for a true Everton legend Brian Labone it should be good enough for Duncan while he searches or is offered another permanent position in football.

Niall McIlhone
53 Posted 31/01/2022 at 10:50:21
I wanted Duncan until season end, with Allardyce on a pure temporary basis as a defensive coach, as I think our defence is in an utter mess and presents our biggest weak point which could yet see us relegated. That said, I think Lampard and Clement will do enough, and perhaps give us a cup run, who knows, maybe Duncan will be retained for a bit to ease the transition?

It's a pity that Van de Beek is cup-tied as we badly need a shake-up in midfield for the Brentford tie. It looks like we are down to anyone of Allan (if fit) Onyango, Gbamin and either of Godfrey or Holgate as back-up to fill the defensive midfield role if Gbamin is not selected? We could, I guess, look at Townsend for a central midfielder role as a reliable fall-back, but none of these options whet the appetite.

Anyway, whatever happens with Duncan, I trust he will be dealt with in a dignified way by the club, and I am sure we all wish him well whatever his destination.

Barry Rathbone
54 Posted 31/01/2022 at 10:58:17
Good luck, Dunc. it may not seem like it right now but this could be the making of you as a manager. Cut your teeth at pastures new then come back as the prodigal son when the time is right.
Bill Rodgers
55 Posted 31/01/2022 at 10:58:19
The chances of Ferguson choosing to leave are nil. EFC offer a comfortable job for life. Lampard should put him in charge of washing the kit.
Mark Ryan
56 Posted 31/01/2022 at 11:07:24
This is when Duncan has to say "Thanks but no thanks."

If he stays, it's desperately sad" He's said himself "I don't have the experience to be the manager just yet."

"Dunc, just go and get that experience, put your hand up for the Sunderland job". If he stays to be the striker coach, then okay… but I'd rather he went to try and stretch himself.

Keith Harrison
57 Posted 31/01/2022 at 11:30:04
Lampard wants Ferguson to stay. Just announced.
Stefan Busby
58 Posted 31/01/2022 at 11:31:01
Just been mentioned Dunc is staying on. He has accepted Frank's offer to be part of the coaching staff.
Iain Latchford
59 Posted 31/01/2022 at 11:31:23
Looks like Dunc is staying now.
Mark Ryan
60 Posted 31/01/2022 at 11:52:22
Stefan, where did hear that Dunc has accepted the offer to stay ?
John Davies
61 Posted 31/01/2022 at 12:33:45
And I assume Unsworth will be retained, to continue his excellent work with the U23s and manage the continual, constant stream of outstanding youngsters, who become regular first-team players!

These guys couldn't get a job anywhere else so they stay at Teary Bill's home for lost waifs!

Jesus! What a basket-case of a club.

Good luck to Lampard, by the way. I am still a Blue Nose, just a very despondent one.

Danny O’Neill
62 Posted 31/01/2022 at 12:59:02
The Sunderland job, if a genuine link, could be good a good club for Duncan.

A lot of similarities in terms of support base and passion for their club and a rivalry with a neighbour that overshadows them.

The only difference is they are both one club cities and however brief it was, his association with the other side could mean a go toxic early scenario if it doesn't go well early doors.

We've been there right?

Danny O’Neill
63 Posted 31/01/2022 at 13:24:45
Go out there and prove yourself Duncan.

Be successfully and put yourself in the frame for the Everton job in future.

Otherwise, take a step back from the first team and go back to Finch Farm if the number one job isn't what you want or know isn't what you're capable of. At Everton or anywhere.

Stop teasing the Duncanites and fuelling the sceptics. Go and prove yourself.

Ian Jones
64 Posted 31/01/2022 at 13:43:40
On Sky, they are reporting that Duncan Ferguson and Alan Kelly will remain at the club. Didn't catch in what roles.
Tony Cheek
65 Posted 31/01/2022 at 13:44:18
Thought this change might be the one that left Dunc out in the cold. Quite strange really that he has been No 2 for so many managers, and still never offered the main job.

Well, best of luck Dunc. You have been absolutely brilliant in your commitment to the club, and will go down as a legend in my book. Hope we see you back some day.

Pat Kelly
66 Posted 31/01/2022 at 13:58:19
We've had more new coaches these last few years than National Express.

So Ferguson is staying on as what? Manager in waiting for the manager to be sacked. It's like having The Grim Reaper behind you.

George Carroll
67 Posted 31/01/2022 at 14:02:15
I agree with John. There's no way I would want Ferguson on my team after I had just beaten him for the job. Be grateful to know if there are any more soft jobs at Everton paying £2.5M.
Nathan Jones
68 Posted 31/01/2022 at 14:24:34
Duncan Ferguson has been retained as a coach, but don't know in what capacity.

Ashley Cole is coming as well apparently. I can't stand the man, but if he can improve our full-backs to be anywhere near as good as he was, I'm all for it.

Jamie Crowley
69 Posted 31/01/2022 at 15:53:46
Mike way back @34-

I'm not glorifying Bradley. Bang average, but could set up a team, unlike the tinkering fool at the helm presently.

And Bradley would stick midfielders at LB because in a country of 330 million, there was no left back to be found!!

Anyways, back to Dunc, dude needs to move on. Somewhere, anywhere, and get experience outside of the cushy confines of Finch Farm and Goodison.

Why is he staying on?? He needs to help with the youth academy and be part of the Blue culture with Unsy, and get out of the limelight if that's going to be the case of him staying.

Will Mabon
70 Posted 31/01/2022 at 16:33:33
Mike @ 18:

I knew of the bankruptcy but not exactly how much he lost as a result, if you know what I'm saying.

As to the salary, I'm stunned, Is it really confirmed that he's on that? It's not so many years back that I knew via a friend in the game, what some coaches were earning; it was nothing like that. Except for the very best, most sought (and the take everywhere right hand man type with top managers), they earned barely what the lowest paid players got, if that. A very good salary but not film star money.

Intuitively it surprises me to think that Duncan would earn more than many current players at the club. Maybe I'm out of date.

Will Mabon
71 Posted 31/01/2022 at 18:03:09
Another point occurs, Mike.

If Ferguson is on that kind of money at Everton, then many/most manager jobs in the lower leagues would be a drop in pay.

Ian Riley
72 Posted 31/01/2022 at 20:53:55
Is it enough to show your love for the club?

Duncan is a fan and Everton is his life, in his blood. It's never easy to move on.

I don't think money has ever been Duncan's purpose. Duncan has probably never thought working at Everton as a job but a way of life. Take that away, you take half the man!

Find him a role!! Loyalty is rare these days!!

Bill Rodgers
73 Posted 31/01/2022 at 21:30:02
He will never leave. He will not risk Sunderland or anywhere else. He is comfortable at Everton and will sit on the bench gurning forever. Lampard should keep him well away from everything.
Ed Prytherch
74 Posted 31/01/2022 at 22:07:38
If you search on the net worth and income of football coaches, they are all over the place. I take them with a large pinch of salt unless they are referenced to an official source.

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