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Change in agents prompts talk of Richarlison leaving Everton

Saturday, 27 July 2024 80comments  |  Jump to last

Speculation is increasing that Richarlison could look to leave Everton this summer after four years with the club.

The Brazil international has suggested that he wants to realise his Champions League dreams at Goodison Park but with the Blues' European aspirations as far from being fulfilled as ever, he may be forced to move on to advance his career.

Richarlison changed agents last week and that has inevitably led to reports, the most prominent from the notoriously unreliable Football Insider, that he has charged his new representatives with finding him a new club for next season regardless of whether or not Everton stay in the Premier League.

Along with Dominic Calvert-Lewin and Jordan Pickford, the former Watford striker is one of the club's most visibly saleable assets and with the Blues needing to rebuild under Frank Lampard this summer, it is generally accepted that at least one of those high-profile players will have to move on in the upcoming transfer window.

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With more than two years remaining on his contract, Everton are well positioned to generate a substantial fee for Richarlison who was linked with Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain last year and is now also a reported target for Manchester United.

Reader Comments (80)

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Derek Knox
1 Posted 17/04/2022 at 12:15:34
Hope he stays, he is one of the players I really like. While, like most players, he has the odd off-day, he generally gives 100% commitment. Plus how many times have his goals saved or gained valuable points?
Dave Williams
2 Posted 17/04/2022 at 12:39:07
Certainly one to keep if we can as is Branthwaite who appears to be of interest to MU. We will have to sell both to generate funds and be within FFP but good young players need to be retained if possible.
Paul Hewitt
3 Posted 17/04/2022 at 12:56:09
If Richarlison had any sense, he would move on. He's been at Everton 4 seasons now and we are getting worse every season.

Richarlison is clearly a player good enough to play in the Champions League – something he will not get here. I would sell for anything over £50 million.

Allen Rodgers
4 Posted 17/04/2022 at 13:08:39
It's inevitable he will move on. Richarlison has given his all for us and if anyone deserves a move it's him. I just hope goes abroad and maybe we could get someone decent in part-ex?
Paul Birmingham
5 Posted 17/04/2022 at 13:50:04
Let’s hope Richarlison and Branthwaite both will stay at Everton.

Richarlison gives his all in every game and I’d be gutted if he left.

This season he’s been on his own, more or less and with no regular pass supply, it’s been meagre pickings, but he never gives up.

But being in that Creek, as Everton always seem to be this season, it’s going to be tough to han* on to our best players.

Over to Frank and co, to do the business and retain our best players.

Christy Ring
6 Posted 17/04/2022 at 13:51:48
I hope Richarlison stays, he always gives 100%, and hopefully after our massive win over Utd, confidence will be higher and we'll pull away from the relegation zone, and Lampard will overhaul the squad in the summer and Richarlison will still be here. Delph, Tosun, Siggy and Kenny are all out of contract and I'd try and sell Mina, too injury prone, Keane and Kean, that's a massive wage bill gone apart from Kenny. Rumours we're looking at Tarkowski on a free, and forget about Utd's supposedly interest in Branthwaite, which I'd take with a pinch of salt, especially as their new manager is still not in place.
Michael Lynch
7 Posted 17/04/2022 at 13:54:19
Like most others, I'd love him to stay but he'd be mad not to move on if a CL side make an approach.

Even if we survive this season, and start building back next season, we won't be in the CL for a good few years, if ever. In fact, I'd say our only hope of CL football would be to finish top 6 and win the Europa league, like West Ham are attempting to do.

Why on earth would he stay? He's scoring goals for Brazil, currently the best national side in the world. If we can hold our nerve, keep Bill away from the negotiations, and get a bidding war going, we could get £80m plus add-ons.

Gary Jones
8 Posted 17/04/2022 at 13:58:01
I hope he stays too, but every club loses players they don’t want to lose, even the top ones. It’s just simply part of the game. If Richie scores the goals that keep us up, then I don’t think I’d begrudge him a move to a champions league club in the summer if that’s what he wants..

I think Antony Gordon will switch over to the left to fill the void easily, and we’ll see plenty more of the goals like the one against United when he does. That’ll then free up the right hand side for the likes of Dobbin or Mills to maybe have a crack at, although I still think we’d benefit most from a left footed right winger cutting in and scoring a few too.

If we could bring in a Brereton Diaz on a free, and Broja on a season loan too perhaps, then with Ellis Simms and Dobbin breaking through, I think ST/CF would stocked enough to maybe let DCL move on too. £100m for the pair, if invested WISELY in a new CB, and two new dynamo central midfielders, and we’ll be heading the right way.

I’d take Tarkowski/Mee/Ognonna on a free if we can move on Holgate or Keane, but a ‘top class Yerry Mina without the fitness issues’ to play alongside Branthwaite/Godfrey next year has to be the biggest priority outside the engine room.

All we need to do is survive, and there are plenty of options to have a bright future still. Come on Moysey, do us a good turn today kid!

Mike Gaynes
9 Posted 17/04/2022 at 14:52:40
Of course Rich will go, probably sooner than later, but his new agent should choose his next club carefully, lest he wind up a benchwarmer behind better players. Nobody works harder or plays with more passion, but he manages a goal every three games and an assist every eleven, good but hardly elite.

Yes, Michael #7, he scores for Brazil, but not that often -- he scored twice against minnow Bolivia last month, but only 5 in his previous 14 (WC qualifiers and Copa America) before that. Again, decent but not elite.

In sum, he's not exactly a clinical finisher, and rarely creates for others. He's a quality athlete and we would miss his drive and commitment desperately, but I truly doubt he'll be a big star for a top-class CL club.

Alan J Thompson
10 Posted 17/04/2022 at 15:04:34
With 2 years left on his contract, then it is likely that negotiations for another are due. Perhaps if we up his wage and ask if he would like somebody to polish his Olympic Gold Medal then he might look on us more favourably.

Or, we ask Frank if he thinks he can work with Moise Kean and Calvert-Lewin as a strike partnership and have funds for maybe one or two midfielders.

As for Branthwaite, if he is on any transfer list then he must surely be behind Holgate and Keane if on any transfer list at all.

Mind you, if the worst does happen, then Branthwaite, Calvert-Lewin, Kean, Pickford and Richarlison would raise £150-200M.

We live in interesting times.

Brian Wilkinson
11 Posted 17/04/2022 at 15:10:28
Cannot blame the guy if he does move on, he has given everything in an Everton shirt, he deserves his chance if it comes along.

Would love him to stay, but would not begrudge him a move.

Andrew Merrick
12 Posted 17/04/2022 at 15:48:33
Burnley winning at London stadium, how did we mess up at turf moor?
Andrew Merrick
13 Posted 17/04/2022 at 15:58:14
Soucek levels for the Hammers.

Having to hope for teams around us to lose is demoralising. I can't blame Richarlison if he goes... love him to stay.

Joe McMahon
14 Posted 17/04/2022 at 16:08:04
We can't stand in his way, he is a Champions League footballer, and a first-team player for Brazil. He always gives his best and runs his arse off.

We have to be realistic: Everton have never even played in the Champions League – and last time they won anything, he wasn't even born.

Colin Metcalfe
15 Posted 17/04/2022 at 16:19:49
Good luck, son, but I think you will find that no Champions League team will take you, it's not the attitude or his work rate – he simply does not have the talent!
Dave Abrahams
16 Posted 17/04/2022 at 16:34:39
If we get more than £40M for him and get a replacement to work with DCL then I’ll be satisfied, Richarlison Is overrated, especially by Everton fans in my opinion, he’s missed quite a few chances since January that would have seen us more favourably placed than we are, I’ve seen no improvement in his game since he came to England and although his work rate is work is good keeping possession of the ball is very poor and he loses the ball too often with poor ball control and he is easily knocked off the ball never mind him running down blind alleys trying to do too much when there are teammates in much better positions, mind you he has cut the falling down a bit recently.
Kunal Desai
17 Posted 17/04/2022 at 16:40:53
I'm not really bothered about who leaves. Couldn't give two hoots, they are replaceable.

Perhaps build a side around Gordon, Branthwaite and Dobbin.

My personal preference would be for the board of directors to all go otherwise it's the same circle of shite, irrespective of which players leave or are brought in.

That is the summer of change I desperately want to see.

Ed Fitzgerald
18 Posted 17/04/2022 at 16:57:37
The reality is we will be selling any players we can whether we stay up or go down due to the critical financial state we find ourselves in. I don’t think it would be the end of the world to let Richi, DCL and or Pickford go as long as we get decent money in for them. There are lots of others who also need to go too and reduce the wage bill.’

I’m hoping Lampard builds a defence around Branthwaite, Godfrey, Patterson and the Ukrainian kid.

Denis Richardson
19 Posted 17/04/2022 at 17:00:45
Love him to stay but end of the day every player has his price and no player is bigger than the club.

We paid, I think, £50m for him and he's now an experience prem player and established in the Brazilian squad, With the silly prices being paid these days I'd put a price of £100m on him. If West Ham are asking for more than that for Rice then Richie's definitely worth £100m.

First of all we need to sell DCL to Arsenal or the barcodes for £60m+ (hopefully).

Stu Darlington
20 Posted 17/04/2022 at 17:27:19
Mike @9,

Good shout. I agree entirely. I've got a feeling though he is not going to attract some of the optimistic fees some fans seem to think.

Kieran Kinsella
21 Posted 17/04/2022 at 18:11:39
Mike Gaynes/Dave

I can see while my Dundee buddy Derek likes him as he has a motor and gives 100 percent, But as a forward ultimately you have to judge him on goals and he’s not prolific. Yes he does score some important goals but in that respect he’s not as good as Tim Cahill who was a midfielder. If he does leave I think we will get little more than we paid for him and he will spend a lot of time on the bench

Mike Gaynes
22 Posted 17/04/2022 at 19:05:34
I rarely speculate on transfer fees because I don't know enough, but I'd say that if Richarlison attracts big bucks, it'll be because he's only 24 and has potential, not because he's produced at high levels. He hasn't.

And if the offers come in at the levels Dave A mentions, I don't favor selling him. He's one of those we can always count on for a top effort, and that has value in a team that is sometimes short on passion. Besides, there is absolutely no assurance that whoever we could buy with the Richarlison proceeds would be any better, or even as good.

If the numbers aren't there, the long contract means we don't have to sell him. And unless somebody knocks our socks off, I don't think we should.

Jimmy I'Anson
23 Posted 17/04/2022 at 19:26:27
There's no chance Branthwaite is going anywhere. In a time when we are desperate to lower our wage bill, where else do you get a 19-year-old centre-half who's ready to play for £15k per week?

Richarlison and Calvert-Lewin will go to the highest bidders. The deadwood – Keane, Holgate and Gomes – can hopefully be moved on. Sigurdsson, Tosun, Delph and Kenny are out of contract. Coleman should retire along with Townsend who has pretty much ended his Everton career with his injury.

Other than that, I can see Allan and Mina possibly leaving. That's not far off £1M per week off the wage bill.

Start again and let Lampard and Thelwell rebuild.

Jerome Shields
24 Posted 17/04/2022 at 19:55:23
It is inevitable that footballers after so many false dawns will look elsewhere. Richarlison is good, but there are flaws in his game, which may be a drawback if he tries to progress on to another club.
Andrew Keatley
25 Posted 17/04/2022 at 21:07:52
Jimmy (23) - Never noticed your name on these pages before but you ruined what seemed like a sensible post with your comments on Coleman and Townsend.

Seamus is 33, is club captain, has a year left on his contract, and has played 90 minutes in 22 Premier League games this season; why should he retire? If you think he’s not good enough and should be moved on then so be it but why would you claim he should retire? It is almost always a sad day when any professional sportsperson has to retire, so I just do not get your take on it at all.

And I hope Andros Townsend comes back from injury and has at least another 4+ years at the top. He’s only 30 years old. He has a tough road ahead of him but with a fair wind he’ll be back for a good chunk of next season and can still offer Everton something.

Paul Hewitt
26 Posted 17/04/2022 at 21:11:49
I thought Coleman had already retired. He certainly plays like it.
Andy Crooks
27 Posted 17/04/2022 at 21:30:17
Paul, unworthy of you.
Robert Tressell
28 Posted 17/04/2022 at 23:33:36
Plateaued or maybe even tailed off for us. Could see him at PSG, Man Utd or Newcastle next season for a fee of around £50 to £60m.

Possibly City, Real, Atletico and Barca will show interest too.

His USP is his workrate.

Steve Brown
29 Posted 18/04/2022 at 04:18:37
Richarlison will move on and should go with our good wishes after 4 years with the club. But, the transfer fees being proposed for him!

We signed him for £35 million, rising to £50 million with top-ups. He is now 24 years old, full international, a goal every 3 games for Everton and 13 goals in 34 games for Brazil (not bad for a winger). As a benchmark, Jadon Sancho signed for Man Utd for £70 million so aim at that. I am not saying that we will achieve that, but at least aim above £60 million.

Andrew, Townsend signed a 2-year deal and will miss most of the second year recovering from his ACL. He will be 32 years old shortly after his contract ends, therefore I am not sure he will be offered a new deal. Seamus's contract ends in July 2023 and I can imagine he will switch to the coaching side at that point.

Mike Gaynes
30 Posted 18/04/2022 at 04:26:55
Andy, are you surprised?

Steve, let's see what Townsend does next season coming back from the surgery. If he plays like he did this season, I'd definitely offer him another year.

Danny O’Neill
31 Posted 18/04/2022 at 06:31:59
I for one would be sad to see him go. He isn't a striker and shouldn't be played there or judged as one. He is wide forward (not a winger) or a number 10.

But this could be good timing for both player and club. Providing Everton stuns me and does what is repeatedly fails to do. Sell but reinvest. Like other clubs do and have done. I won't use the obvious example, so will look at Tottenham. They may have sold their best players over the years (Modric, Bale), but they have commanded top dollar and reinvested in the squad.

We sold Lukaku and didn't replace him. We sold Rooney and bought Tim Cahill. I know for a generation he is a hero and I love Tim, but he was no Rooney replacement and was a £1.5M bargain basement gamble at the time after Crystal Palace pulled out of negotiations. What a steal he ended up being though. We sold Arteta at a Poundland sale and lost the money on the way home. We replaced the Champions of England with the likes of Ian Wilson, Neil McDonald, Stuart McCall, Tony Cottee and Pat Nevin. Aside from Wilson, all fine individual players, but ones that lowered the bar and took us down a notch. They didn't have the consistency of the winners and challengers we had briefly gotten used to.

I'm sure I could go on but the dog wants to go out.

If we sell either or both of Richarlison and Calvert-Lewin, for £50M a piece let's hope our scouts already have £15-20M targets on the continent lined up. I say on the continent because you will get value for money rather than being ripped off and pay £30M for a centre back because he's English and nothing else. We've been there and done that.

This season is making me cynical. Let's get it out of the way so I can get back to being optimistic and focus on European qualification next time around. Rob Halligan has me on a promise!!!

Laurie Hartley
32 Posted 18/04/2022 at 07:56:37
I hate to say it because I love the lad but I will be very surprised if he is with us next season. He is a Man Utd player if ever I saw one – as Danny says, don't sell him cheap.

An honest footballer our Richy – gives it everything he's got.

Alan McGuffog
33 Posted 18/04/2022 at 08:03:42
Please God not United. It would surely involve some deadbeat coming west along the East Lancs. Wherever he goes, C.O.D. please and bags of it.
Jimmy I'Anson
34 Posted 18/04/2022 at 09:07:22
Andrew (25), Seamus has been a great servant of the club but he's in danger of being remembered for the wrong reasons and that would be a shame. Baines and Cahill were wise enough to retire/leave at the right time and Seamus should be looking to do the same. I think he'll be back up at best next season.

Townsend has also been a great signing but as Steve points out above, it's very unlikely that he'll be offered a new contract at almost 32 years of age. And at that point our first team will hopefully look considerably different to the one we are watching now.

Ray Roche
35 Posted 18/04/2022 at 09:17:15
Danny @31

You say,

>“Tottenham. They may have sold their best players over the years (Modric, Bale), but they have commanded top dollar and reinvested in the squad.”

Danny, Tottenham received £85M for Bale and are widely thought to have squandered it, of the 7 or 8 players they bought only Ericksen was considered a real success. The likes of Chadlie, Lamella etc were the sort of journeyman players who stay at a club for a few, years, fatten their bank accounts, and then move on leaving no discernible trace, and no sense of loss amongst the fans.

Like when Gomes or Keane leave Everton. No tears to be shed. I hope that we do better than they did with whatever money we get for Richarlison, Calvert-Lewin or whoever.

Ray Roche
36 Posted 18/04/2022 at 09:23:25
Danny, Bale was sold in 2013 and £85M was a huge figure.

The players brought in were Chadli, Paulinho, Soldado, Lamela, Capoue, Chiriches and Erickson. Pretty ordinary bunch.

Dave Abrahams
37 Posted 18/04/2022 at 09:23:59
Jimmy (34), I think Tim Cahill’s last two years at Everton were not very good if my memory serves me right, I’d like to see how many times he played and how many goals he scored in those last two years.

Having said that he was very good value for money in the previous years and he would liven up the present squad no end.

Mark Rankin
38 Posted 18/04/2022 at 10:15:32
If we survive, this summer is going to be a huge opportunity to put the club on a sounder footing going forward or it could continue the slide toward Championship football.

We're losing another tranche of the absolutely criminal signings we have made, Richarlison's time is up, less certain about Calvert-Lewin and Branthwaite. Can we shift Gomes and Mina? Gbamin is on crazy money too.

Brian Murray
39 Posted 18/04/2022 at 10:24:25
Let's hope Frank now sees the bigger picture and once again didn't go all Kenwright on us and plead with Seamus to stay on. Same with Ferguson. We need a big cull if we stay up but no way Branthwaite should be even mentioned in that.
Ray Roche
40 Posted 18/04/2022 at 10:25:41
Mark, Gbamin is on loan so I doubt if we're paying his £20k-a-week wages.
Steve Shave
41 Posted 18/04/2022 at 11:19:10
Quality player and a few sceptics on here will be surprised when he leaves for a minimum of £60M in the summer. I think Athletico Madrid would be a good match, narky, hardworking and full of quality.

I think we can live without him and Calvert-Lewin next season as long as we buy sensibly with the proceeds and invest the rest in much-needed areas of the team, such as centre-back and central defensive midfield.

Colin Bell
42 Posted 18/04/2022 at 11:35:29
Not really surprised by this. He is still a young lad and deserves better than we are able to provide for him. That we should replace him quickly is important. I'd prefer him to go abroad and I'd like Calvert-Lewin to go with him for different reasons.

The Diaz lad at Blackburn would be a good replacement for the two of them with Gordon and Gray as support for him. It should put £80+ million in the kitty and start to build with youngsters. Champions League is at least 5-10 years off for us if we can get the building blocks in.

Danny O’Neill
43 Posted 18/04/2022 at 11:54:40
Ray, my point is that Tottenham and Liverpool (yes I've now named them) have sold their best players but reinvested in a manner that has either kept them competitive or improved them progressively.

We haven't. We have sold at loss or to our detriment.

Michael Kenrick
44 Posted 18/04/2022 at 12:05:57

Dave @37, Tim Cahill's stats: looks like the goals tailed off a bit in that last season... 10 freaking years ago now!

Everton Career



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Robert Tressell
45 Posted 18/04/2022 at 12:21:03
It's starting to look like consecutive finishes of 12th, 10th and 17th. That's the hallmark of a poor / deteriorating squad.

Even without the sale of Richarlison and DCL we already need for the First XI:

- Centre back
- Defensive midfielder
- Attacking midfielder (unless Alli comes good)

And that's just to get back into the top 10. If we want to properly compete we need a vast improvement on the very poor squad depth.

That's a lot of players.

So selling Richarlison (along with Mina and Kean) will raise funds but those funds will be stretched very thin (and we may not be able to spend all we recoup).

I'd rather have a fit DCL next season than about £55m.

Derek Moore
46 Posted 18/04/2022 at 12:43:00
Ray Roche (#40),

All the reports I've found indicate that Gbamin is on about £65,000 a week, of which we're contributing around a third whilst he's out on loan. Over £1 million a year to play football for someone else, in essence.

Everton that.

Stephen Vincent
47 Posted 18/04/2022 at 13:04:28
Off topic, sorry. Got a spare ticket for Leicester on Wednesday, Lower Bullens, email me
Ray Roche
48 Posted 18/04/2022 at 13:26:33
Derek @46

Back in September, Gbamin was banned from driving following a car crash. During his court appearance, it was revealed that he is ‘earning' £100,000 a month. (I thought he was on £20k but it's £25k a week. The amount was revealed because his fine is apparently based on his earnings.

Derek Moore
49 Posted 18/04/2022 at 13:38:48
Ray, those stated earnings are after tax figures and do not include deferred compensation or incentives, nor do they account for agents fees or similar. He takes home a hundred thousand a month; his actual base wage is significantly higher than that.

Tom Bowers
50 Posted 18/04/2022 at 13:43:45
Hard to predict what movements there will be this Summer.

I suppose, in the worst-case scenario regarding relegation, there will be a lot of Spring cleaning due to loss of club revenue.

However, on the bright side, there may still be some wanting to move and some that Frank doesn't regard, especially those who rarely play for whatever reason.

Richarlison is a decent player and one can understand if he wants more and for sure he will fetch a big fee but who to replace him with is a big problem. What we have in reserve is awful although Dobbin looks promising but a different type of player to Richarlison.

We will all have differing opinions on some of the dross that should be let go but the main focus should be on the next game against the Foxes which has to be another vital game.

Burnley managed to survive a loss yesterday but they have Southampton to play this week so there is a real chance Everton can improve their position points-wise.

Ray Roche
51 Posted 18/04/2022 at 13:44:24
Maybe Derek, but £160000 a month higher? I don't know what 'incentives' would be in this case when he's only played a couple of games, and where does 'deferred compensation' occur and why?

Serious question, I'm not being a smart arse. I can't see where he will command these extras when he's on the Physio's table at Finch Farm.

Derek Moore
52 Posted 18/04/2022 at 13:48:26
UK top tax rate is 45%, Ray. Agents take 5 to 10% off the top as well.

Deferred compensation is popular among athletes to provide income streams after their career is over.

Incentives can vary from being selected for his country, to win bonuses, to appearances, to goals scored, to not getting booked, to just being on the books at the turn of the year, to the club staying in the Premier League. Endless possibilities.

You're miles out, mate.

Ray Roche
53 Posted 18/04/2022 at 14:09:19
But am I £160,000 a month out, mate?

'Incentives can vary', if there are any, and that we can only, like you're doing, guess at ''appearances, win bonus's, goals scored, not getting booked '', yep, he's sure cleaned up on that score.

Does Gbamin have a 'Deferred compensation' scheme in place? Do you know this? All I know is that the court stated his salary at £25,000 a week. You can carry on guessing about his incentives etc but there's a bit of a difference between £100,000 and £260,000 a month.

Derek Moore
54 Posted 18/04/2022 at 14:28:07
I take your point Ray, but you were miles out mate. 45% tax, plus 5% agent fees, plus 3.25% National Insurance and Gbamin is on at least£55k a week. hat's a fuckload higher than the £100k a month you cited in your original figures.

The court stated that £25k a week figure as being after tax. He's on a huge wedge – the reason I replied to you in the first place.

Ray Roche
55 Posted 18/04/2022 at 15:33:30
Derek, the three press sites I looked at claimed £25k a week, nothing about after tax.

Whatever, it's shocking that some dope at Goodison thought he was worth the figure you're talking about. No wonder we're skint.

Derek Moore
56 Posted 18/04/2022 at 15:46:34
Everton star Jean-Philippe Gbamin, 26, is fined £25,000 and banned from the roads after 5am drink-driving smash in his Audi supercar

The article I cited above quotes the court transcript, Ray. Within it Gbamin own defence lawyer stated the £25k p/w figure as specifically being his after tax pay.

The whole Gbamin affair is not an isolated incident, or an exception to the norm. It's just a lone example of the mismanagement apparent throughout our football club. And a big clue to why we're in the shit we're in.

Ray Roche
57 Posted 18/04/2022 at 15:52:13
I stand corrected, Derek, and you're right about the mismanagement apparent throughout our football club!
Derek Moore
58 Posted 18/04/2022 at 15:58:21
As we say here in New Zealand, kia ora mate!

Ray Roche
59 Posted 18/04/2022 at 15:59:40
New Zealand?? So, you're not going the match on Wednesday. ;-)

Kia Ora – isn't that a sickly orange drink?

Mike Gaynes
60 Posted 18/04/2022 at 16:09:20
Dave #37, Michael's right, it was really just Cahill's final season at Everton in which he failed to produce. My take was that his body was just breaking down at age 31 after playing so many games -- 41 in his final season -- with so much commitment and so much battering.

That's what I saw his first season in New York as well -- the fire was still there but physically he just couldn't react. However, after some time off and rehab, he had a splendid second season in NY at age 33, and he scored 19 in 28 for a good Australia side during that stretch as well.

Derek Moore
61 Posted 18/04/2022 at 16:24:55
Kia ora doesn't really have a great English translation. Which is why we use it I guess! It sort of translates to "Be well" or "have life" but it comes more from the heart and soul.

You can rule me out for Wednesday. Even a lottery win in the next ten minutes and I don't think I can get to Goodison from here to make it to the game!

Next to the Celts, New Zealanders must drink the most alcohol in the English speaking world and I'm certainly doing my share mate.

I assume you were referencing Cointreau, but funnily enough for West Ham, I ended up slaying most of a bottle of Mandarin Schnapps. Sickly and orange has no equal I can assure you!

I'm actually likely going to need some help for the drinking. I keep putting it off until we're safe, but I'm not sure I have that amount of time mate.

When the pleasant distraction in your life becom es just another lead straw on your back, what do you do? I love Everton, but she doesn't seem to love me back a whole lot. It's lonely here sometimes even when things are going well.

A pandemic, a cost of living crisis, some personal things and Everton this season – it's got me drinking like Inspector Morse at Christmas. I'm scared, Ray, for both Everton and myself.

I just hope we all make it. Kia ora.

John Raftery
62 Posted 18/04/2022 at 16:43:48
Richarlison can hardly be blamed for wanting a move. He has been consistently our best player since he joined us in 2018. Nobody else comes close. In a better team he would have had more scoring chances and more goals.

From what I have seen published his running stats are usually in the top five in any game he plays. He has also been one of our best defenders with more tackles than the vast majority of his teammates.

Unless we sign a comparable replacement, his departure would leave a significant gap in the squad. Recruitment of a replacement will not be helped by a sizeable chunk of any proceeds likely to be used to reduce our financial debt.

Given the handful of top Champions League clubs are unlikely to be interested in paying a premium for a player from the lower reaches of the Premier League, those proceeds may be lower than we might otherwise have expected.

Barry Hesketh
63 Posted 18/04/2022 at 16:54:38
As others have noted, Richarlison has been one of the brighter spots of the last few years, he never hides, he takes a pummelling and can score goals – not enough in my opinion – from unlikely scenarios. He isn't a club centre-forward but a very dangerous player coming from wide positions and he upsets defenders with his constant bickering and sometimes silly reactions, not to mention his work-rate.

Whichever club buys him will get a whole-hearted player, who has the potential to reach even greater heights in a better team, I do hope he doesn't go to Man Utd but his performance the other week against them, suggested he was auditioning for the part at Old Trafford. I just hope he scores a few more this season for Everton FC before his inevitable departure.

Frank will have quite a summer trying to re-jig Everton's attack if he loses Richarlison and or Calvert-Lewin.

Kieran Kinsella
64 Posted 18/04/2022 at 17:04:13
Barry 63,

There is an article today from Noel Whelan of all people, saying Richarlison has thrown the towel in as he wants a move and he is the last man he would want in the trenches.

All I can say is that, if his efforts are indicative of "throwing the towel in", then I hope Holgate, Keane, Gomes etc also throw the towel in.

Ray Roche
65 Posted 18/04/2022 at 17:06:08
Derek, Kia Ora was also the name of a soft drink, manufactured by Coca Cola but it doesn't seem to be around much these days. Or maybe I'm opting for a real slice of Orange in my G+T I remember it from ages ago but now I know the origin of the name.

To be honest, I'm a real lightweight when it comes to alcohol, a G+T as an aperitif and a glass of wine with dinner of an evening and that'll usually suffice. However, next Monday eight of us fly out to an all inclusive golf trip to Turkey. That'll test my resolve! Not the crappy all inclusive that you get in Benidorm etc., anyone thinking of a golf trip to Turkey can rest assured, it's quality stuff, no local crappy wines that damage your eyesight or local spirits that burn the table if you spill them. Highly recommended.

I'm scared too mate, I keep thinking positive and then I look at our run in...brown trouser time. It's supposed to be character building, but I think it's a bit late for my character now. A child of the forties. Keep your chin up Derek! You're not alone.

Bobby Mallon
66 Posted 18/04/2022 at 17:25:46
Ray @ 55 he is worth £25 grand a week easily. But you can't predict the future and his injuries.

Also, Leicester nearly got relegated and the next season, with the same players, won the Premier League. It's about getting the best out of your players.

Ray Roche
67 Posted 18/04/2022 at 17:34:17
Bobby, as Derek has pointed out, it's a fair bit more than the £25k that the reports that I saw stated. Yes, if he was fit he'd be worth £25k but he's only managed a handful of games so in the light of that he's turned out to be a bad buy. I know he's apparently played well in Russia but he never managed it here.
Tony Abrahams
68 Posted 18/04/2022 at 17:51:06
Are you going to Belek, Ray? Get yer money back in the airport on the way home, if you’re prepared to take a gamble on getting a few sleeves through Manchester airport! Some of those hotels in that area of Turkey are absolutely brilliant, so enjoy yourself mate, and who knows we might even upset our neighbours the day before, thinking back to that old Jimmy Greaves catchphrase!!
Derek Moore
69 Posted 18/04/2022 at 18:03:17
Enjoy your trip, Ray. Turkey at this time of year sounds divine.

Here in the North Island we're having an early start to autumn and right now it's (relatively to typical New Zealand weather) cold and raining. I'm supposed to be on site today – it's Tuesday here! – but there'll likely be no chance of working until Thursday as it looks like it's set in.

I'm in my forties and you're a child of the forties. Combined with our love for Everton and we're genuinely brethren.

I always feel less alone when I come on here and converse with people like yourself and the other great ToffeeWebers here. Every person's struggle is obviously individual and unique. But where common ground is found is where I think humanity begins. And ends.

I'm actually a chippy by trade. Many – most? – of my contemporaries find the patience, technique and hand-eye co-ordination necessary to be a good tradesman on the wood as easily transferable skills to the great game of golf.

I must be the exception to the rule, Ray, as I've always struggled greatly with the sport! My late great father-in-law played five times a week off eleven and would try to drag me out for a round as often as he could!

But I can't play the game to save my life sadly, although I've tried. Your kind words have inspired me though; the moment time and weather permits, I'm going to remind myself why I don't play very often!

Have a blast in Turkey with your mates, and at the same time watching us make a belated run to Premier League safety. I'll lend you my alcohol tolerance if you'll lend me your compassion and generosity of spirit mate. Failing that make some lucky putts for wagers and come home with as much money as when you left.

Lucozade and paracetamol for hangovers mate. You'll slay them on the links and shock them with your verve in the morning. And thanks so much again for the kind words. They mean more to me than you might think. Kia ora.

Mal van Schaick
70 Posted 18/04/2022 at 18:19:11
He's one of only a few players that I would like to see as an Everton player at the new stadium. It would be great to build a class team around him after we get rid of some of the crap we have.
Michael Kenrick
71 Posted 18/04/2022 at 18:39:11
Derek and Ray,

For what it's worth, Sportrac list his salary as £65,000 per week, so at least £260,000 a month.

Ray Roche
72 Posted 18/04/2022 at 19:59:04
Derek thank you for a post as eloquent as any on TW, and by coincidence, I am also a chippy, of sorts, by trade. A time served cabinet maker who learned his trade in Ayrton and Graham, a firm in Benson Street.

On a whim, I gave it up after 7 years and joined the GPO and became a telephone engineer. Best thing I ever did.

Don't give up on the golf, a great game. Social, competitive and a way to make good mates. Give it another go👍🏻

Thanks, Michael, for taking the time to check some of my dodgy research!

Paul Birmingham
73 Posted 18/04/2022 at 21:03:16
Dave @37, I agree.

His last game I recall was v The Skunks at home, 2012, and Tim Cahill, was sub and came on in the second half, at the time I recall Everton were 2- 1 ahead, and won 3-1.

The Skunks goal was courtesy of a fine headed own goal by Hibbo into the Park End.

Tim Cahil was at it and ended up getting sent off, for a few lates tackles on the Lad who I recall had a good dig., and was French, and a typical sheister, feigning and diving with no players close by.

I can’t think of his name now, but the Skunks that days were the Skunks, as they always are home and away.

Yep Tim was arguably the best attacking header of the ball Everton have had in modern times.

I’d go as far to say he got more than his fair share, and his timing and spring was majestic, but I concur that his best days had passed, the injuries he took, were hefty, but a true fighter for the Everton cause.

John Raftery
75 Posted 18/04/2022 at 23:16:53
Paul (73) That annoying French midfielder was Yohan Cabaye.
Brian Wilkinson
77 Posted 18/04/2022 at 23:50:01
Ray @65,

I think Kia Ora went the same way as Um Bongo and Five Alive drinks – had their day and retired gracefully.

Chris Jones [NZ]
78 Posted 19/04/2022 at 00:50:51
Derek and others - since emigrating to New Zealand 25 years ago, I've often wondered how a Te Reo Maori greeting got used for the name of orange squash. Was bloody confusing when I first heard it here...
James Newcombe
79 Posted 19/04/2022 at 12:36:20
He would be a big loss, not just because of his technical ability - but his work-rate is outstanding.

Following him on social media, he does seem to like being here, and he loves the fact the fans have a song for him! Can't blame him for wanting to play on the biggest stage though... Let's hope we get a good deal and invest it properly. A Brazilian international forward should be fetching a premium fee.

Mike Hayes
80 Posted 19/04/2022 at 13:12:02
Everton to listen to offers for two star men as Moshiri plots total overhaul

If Moshiri oversees this, we are in deep shit given his last interference unless he likes blowing half a billion quid. We need someone with a footballing brain in charge and the board haven't a cell between them. 🤷

Brian Denton
81 Posted 19/04/2022 at 15:28:49
Fair point, Mike.
Andrew Ellams
82 Posted 19/04/2022 at 16:07:24
Paul 73 & John 74, did Tim get sent off for throwing Cabaye to the ground by the throat? I think the aggro between them started when Cabaye pushed a ball boy over.

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