The news of Dan Friedkin probably buying Everton seems to have generally gone down well.

During the course of a boring Italy v Albania match, I thought I’d have a look at how he has run Roma, as an indication of what might be in store for us.  For those hoping to see a spending spree, the retention of Branthwaite, and the replacement of Dyche with a sexier manager, then be warned – this article isn’t for you…


Friedkin bought Roma in August 2020 for around £465M.  A few facts about Roma at that point:

  • Roma had just finished 5th in Serie A, 8 points behind 4th-place Lazio – and so just missing out on a Champions League spot;

  • They were rated (by Transfermarkt) as having the 4th most valuable squad in Serie A – €380M.

What has been the trend since?

Working backwards from the 2023-24 season to the 2020-21 season, it looks like this:

Article continues below video content

  • League placings: 6th, 6th, 6th, 7th;

  • Squad value: €320M (6th), €341M (6th), €411M (5th), €398M (6th)

So, on a very crude metric, Roma have been more or less matching the value of their squad in terms of performance.  That’s fairly normal. And it’s a continuation of where they were pre-takeover – albeit falling further away from Champions League placings.

The managers

  • Daniele DeRossi: 2023-24;
  • Jose Mourinho: 2021-22 to 2023-24;
  • Paulo Fonseca: 2019-20 to 2020-21.

I’ll give you a quote from ESPN on why Mourinho was sacked because it is pretty illuminating for us, I reckon:

Here's the reality – Mourinho wasn't sacked because he had lost the dressing room or because fans were calling for his head: …. Rather, he's gone because the Friedkins are businessmen, and they made a business decision.

… Roma lost €184M ($200M) in 2020-21 and €219M ($238.1M) the following year, Mourinho's first at the club. The record losses in 2021-22, when they were among the biggest net spenders on transfers in Europe, meant they breached UEFA's Financial Fair Play regulations and were put under a settlement agreement, which restricted their spending.

Effectively, the club had gambled that investing heavily on the squad (initially on transfer fees, later in pricey veteran free agents, giving the club the third highest wage bill in the league) and on Mourinho himself (the second-highest-paid manager in Serie A) would deliver consistent Champions League football. That, in turn, would drive revenue, both in terms of prize money and commercial deals. Instead, they finished sixth in his first two seasons while winning the UEFA Europa Conference League in 2021-22 and reaching the Europa League final the following year. 

To put it bluntly, the managerial position is very much driven by delivery against financial metrics rather than sporting success. A Europa Conference League trophy doesn’t really pass muster if you’re spending at Champions League level (exactly how Everton were behaving 2016 to 2020, albeit without any silverware).

The spending

Although the club has stayed very stable as one of the best of the rest in the Europa League places, it has been achieved against the backdrop of very different spending in the past couple of years:

2023-24: 18th lowest spenders at +€63M (6th) and finished 6th

2022-23: +€64M (6th) and finished 6th

2021-22: –€115M (5th) and finished 6th

2020-21: +€26M (6th) and finished 7th

2019-20: +€10M (6th) and finished 5th (in the season before Friedkin bought)

So the trend of the past two seasons is extremely heavy cost-cutting and players sales.  Only a very small fraction of the proceeds of sales have been reinvested in the playing squad.  However, it doesn’t seem to have hurt them. They’ve managed to maintain (albeit not improve) the value of the squad (relative to peers) and the league placings despite the extremely heavy cost cutting.


This information is harder to find (for me at least).

It looks as though Roma currently have the third biggest wage bill in Serie A at €111M.  That is a deeply concerning position for the club – when you compare it to, say, Bologna who finished just above them in 5th this season and have a wage bill of only €28M.

I can’t tell what the trend is with this over the period of Friedkin’s ownership, because I can’t find the data.  However, it looks as though high wages are a legacy of heavy spending in the early Mourinho years – that ties in with the ESPN article.  They were probably hoping that his management combined with a bit of a spending gamble could get them competing at the top of the table. They were wrong.  With their 5th to 7th finishes, they are underperforming their wage bill by some distance. In Serie A, 5th to 7th in wages terms is between €60M to €75M.

This creates an unsustainable position for the club and drives behaviour in the transfer market.


This is probably the depressing bit for those hoping to see a spending spree to reinvigorate the Everton squad.  In the past two seasons, Roma have only bought three players for a fee:

  • Baldanzi – €10M from Empoli
  • Celik – €7M from Lille
  • Paredes – €2.5M from PSG

Otherwise, the squad has been bolstered by a very high volume of loans and free transfers.  In fact, that’s very clearly the focus of their transfer activity.

They brought in 8 players on loan in the past 2 seasons and 7 free transfers. The free transfers have largely been good quality, including; Dybala, Ndicka, Aouar, Svilar, Belotti and Matic.  The loans too, with the likes of Lukaku, Angelino, Kristiansen, Llorente, Azmoun, Sanches, Huijsen and Camara.    

Especially with the frees of Ndicka, Aouar and Svilar, this looks like a fairly low-cost way of managing the squad and transfers.  I do wonder though if the volume of free transfers hits the wage bill a bit, since players on a free can probably demand slightly higher wages than they might otherwise have got. The loans of Lukaku and Sanches will have cost big wages too.

The Squad

Interestingly, the First XI is not built on the players bought in the heavier spending days of a few seasons ago.  A set of players bought for over €20M has either moved on already or failed to deliver.  This is a consistent picture for transfers generally – except for those clubs who can afford to pay top dollar for genuine talent.  

Roma (like Everton) have discovered that, for the less well-resourced clubs, there’s generally no point spending more than about €20M on a player – because there are almost always a good range of lower-cost options available for the same sort of quality. 

Instead, they are very obviously building up a squad patiently on the cheap. 

What does it mean for Everton?

Obviously, time will tell… but it seems to me that, this summer, any Friedkin-led ownership will simply carry on with what has always looked likely – sales of Branthwaite and Onana and reinvestment of no more than about 50% of the sales proceeds back into the squad.

Transfer activity will again revolve around a few lower-cost purchases and probably very heavy use of the free and loan market.

As I have maintained for a little while now, that is disappointing but need not be doom and gloom.  The early Moshiri years showed us how pointless it is to spend big money on average players – when there are plenty of average players to be found at very low cost indeed.  What is worthwhile is spending a bit more on genuine youth talent – like Roma have done with Baldanzi, a player who is not yet established in the First XI but could well be a really important player for them over the next 5 to 10 years.

In terms of management, I think Friedkin (and basically every interested party) will see Sean Dyche as an absolute diamond – a rare manager with a track record of outperforming the quality of the squad and level of investment. The idea of sacking him and replacing him with an inevitably higher-risk 'name' seems extremely unlikely.

So expect the likes of Adams, Brownhill, Bogle, McBurnie and Taylor – all likely targets on free transfers – and the likes of Phillips, Luiz, Broja, Ugochukwu, Fofana, Brereton Diaz, Ndiaye, Hutchison, Barranachea, McAtee, Norton-Cuffey, Nelson, Kabore and Doyle – all likely targets on loan.

And maybe no more than just two or three actual purchases.  We’ll see.

Reader Comments (71)

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Russell Smith
1 Posted 16/06/2024 at 08:37:58
Under the current rules, we can only loan two players from the English leagues and two players from abroad.

Our use of those markets over the past two years has been poor with at least one loan player never (or hardly ever) playing and others being bit part players. Only Harrison has been a regular starter with loan players over the past 2 years.

So, as seems likely with your analysis of Friedkin's methods, we really need to find four really good loans for key positions, especially if we sell Onana and Branthwaite. I hope Thelwell has better judgement this year than he has in the past; otherwise, we could be in for another difficult season.

Andrew Merrick
2 Posted 16/06/2024 at 09:10:47
Ok, so we can expect more of the same in terms of squad management
But without the negative or absent directorship...
So definitely a move in the right direction, bring it on
Robert Tressell
3 Posted 16/06/2024 at 10:02:46
Yes, absolutely Andrew # 2. I should have made it more obvious in the article that this should hopefully be a big step forward in reviving the club - even if the summer transfer activity might end up feeling like an anti-climax.
Paul [The Esk]
4 Posted 16/06/2024 at 10:17:37
Thanks Robert for this, very helpful. Roma were in a not too dissimilar situation to Everton are currently (although some differences). I'll talk more when the details of the deal are made public but from my perspective they bring 3 important qualities to the club. One's that are desperately needed and that is professionalism, integrity and business acumen. Whilst that doesn't sound massively exciting we only need look at

our recent history to recognise the absence of any of the above can be disastrous.

There's so much to tell about the chaos of the last 12 months (if not longer) a period of stability, of financial management and decent comminications will be a welcome advance. They also know that whilst they will enjoy a honeymoon of sorts, progress on the pitch is what fans (rightly) want to see

James Lawton
5 Posted 16/06/2024 at 10:24:18
It sounds like he is running Roma on good business principles, and also that he is a quick learner, having tried the Moshiri model, then taking action after seeing it heading in the wrong direction.
Jim Lloyd
6 Posted 16/06/2024 at 11:04:01
Thanks Robert. you've given a good and informative article. Showing us it's very likely that the Freikin bid, if successful, will get the business side sorted out as a first prority.

Leaving the football side to the Manager (hopefully, Dyche) and Thelwell, to carry out a search for best we can get, in loans and perhaps steady players that don't cost much.

You've shown how many good value players are knocking about and, hopefully, we'll look at bringing in youngsters with talent.

Even without the threat of the Premier League coming for us again, it's likely to be a hard season.

As for the last lot in charge? Professionalism, Integrity, Business Acumen! I don't think they knew what those words meant.

If we're lucky, we won't get any more points deducted, but whether or not, our season and our future depends on us staying up, but equally, if not more importantly, is getting the good ship Everton on an even keel and staying afloat.

If his bid is successful, and it looks like he's the one, he's certainly proved he's a good businessman, wants success and knows how to achieve it.

Barry Lightfoot
7 Posted 16/06/2024 at 11:08:35
Once Bramley Moore is complete Everton's turnover will be significantly more than Roma's it's currently fairly similiar.
Tony Abrahams
8 Posted 16/06/2024 at 12:04:05
Professionalism, integrity and business acumen, might not sound like much Paul, but they have all been badly lacking for many, many, many fucking years.

I’ve been watching a few old videos this morning, videos that always get my Everton Emotions started, and it’s quite clear that the only time Evertonians have really been truly united over the last couple of decades, is when we have helped pull the club clear of relegation.

Give Everton Football Club, true professionalism, genuine integrity and clever business people and I’m absolutely certain that the fans will do the rest.

I’m not talking being champions overnight, but even the Mickey Mouse Cup, would feel like heaven for the thousands of absolutely fantastic and fanatical Evertonians, who have truly stood the test of time - Potless.

Danny O’Neill
9 Posted 16/06/2024 at 12:53:00
As always, detailed research Robert.

I just want this sorting out one way or another and eagerly await the fixtures being released next week.

Tony. The League Cup. Just give us it. Partly to bury my demon, but also to give my son and nephew, as well as countless young Evertonians something.

Give us Europe. Forget the Scottish, thousands of Evertonians would travel ticket or not.

Then we go and rebuild this great club of ours. I will never stop, I just want those young supporters to have something other listening to the likes of me.

Jamie Crowley
10 Posted 16/06/2024 at 13:05:36
Robert excellent article, thank you.
Ray Roche
11 Posted 16/06/2024 at 13:22:51
Yes Robert, good, informative article, thanks 👍🏻
Mike Summers
12 Posted 16/06/2024 at 13:23:37
Tony @8, Danny @9

I stood on the Stretford end in 1977 for the league cup final second replay convinced it was going to be our year, now 47 years on it still frustrates the life out of me how this club has not achieved at least one Mickey Mouse cup. Whenever the subject is raised I always go on the defence and tell them we would have won it in 70/71 with our 1st Division winning side but didn’t bother entering, the rules were changed the following season that made entry compulsory.

Dale Self
13 Posted 16/06/2024 at 13:57:06
Robert, thanks again for sharing your vast football market knowledge. We have a decent core of players that could benefit immensely from just having a few more quality squad players. It won’t be exciting in the sexy continental sense but we will have the resources to put up a good fight.

A couple of good unexpected results and possible struggles with manager/player turnover in the top six and we may be in a speculative position by January. Then is when Friedkin tells Thelwell to go get the new improved Super Kev; the one that gets us in European competition again.

Robert Tressell
14 Posted 16/06/2024 at 13:59:46
I'd love to see a League Cup win too. What a massive lift it would be for the club and the fans.

That and European Qualification – even if just the Europa Conference League.

Ray Said
15 Posted 16/06/2024 at 14:00:10
This is the view of Roma fan Alessandro Marinella. I dont know enough to agree or disagree and post it purely so others can read and make up there own minds;

' I will try to explain who the two sharks are, father, who have been killing Roma for four years. Dan and Ryan Friedkin are two sleazy speculators who took Roma for two cents.

They exploited the debt that the old management had, since without debt they would have had to pay it out of their own pockets.

They only paid out of their own pocket the part given to James Pallott, i.e. 190 million euros that the old owner had put in from his pocket.

This cost Roma to the Friedkins.

The rest, to reach the 590 million, or Roma's valuation, they financed the remaining 400 million euros of debt with JP Morgan.

They didn't pay them, but they shouldered them. It's very different!

And they spread them over the management and subsequent financial statements, signing the settlement agreement in agreement with Ceferin, thus effectively blocking expenses and investments, paying the debt with Roma's own money, or rather with the money that Roma produces: transfers, capital gains, takings, UEFA prizes, stadium, box office, sold-out, sponsors, TV rights, merchandising... But the worst will come next season: Lukaku returns to Chelsea, Dybala sold, the poor players we have all remain and will be supported from a maximum of two other poor players that the new sports board will take in France. Next season we will return, after 45 years, to fight to save ourselves from Serie B.

An interesting view

Paul Smith
16 Posted 16/06/2024 at 14:11:01
Austerity to come.
Barry Rathbone
17 Posted 16/06/2024 at 14:11:30
Robert, you do write quality stuff.

I don't always agree but you are an object lesson in how to present without hostile tantrums and melodrama exactly how the forum should be

Well done

Brent Stephens
18 Posted 16/06/2024 at 14:14:48
Robert - great stuff.

Ray #15 - that sounds like you've taken that from somewhere else ("we will return" etc). What's the source?

"...paying the debt with Roma's own money". Alarmingly, that has the Glazers written all over it - a high level of leveraged debt, which it seems has been shifted onto the club and off the owners. If so, we should be worried. Ask any Man Utd fan.

Pete Neilson
20 Posted 16/06/2024 at 14:25:10
Interesting info. on Roma and the owners. I found this article which reports that the debt was left over from the previous owners rather than being loaded on the club by Friedkin. Some pretty eye watering sums paid to the city to allow them to build a new stadium.
Stephen Davies
21 Posted 16/06/2024 at 14:32:55
According to Italian media it's almost done.
Mike Allison
22 Posted 16/06/2024 at 15:15:32
I posted this earlier in Paul The Esk’s piece, so I hope you don’t mind if I paste it here as it seems to go very nicely with some of the things you’ve said:

All I want is a plan that improves our situation year on year.
Football-wise, that means three things:

1. Intelligent player trading. It’s going to become harder to ‘do a Brighton’ as there are very few clubs who can afford to buy players for the sums that Cucurella, Sanchez and Caicedo went for, but we have to have a scouting network and DoF who can buy players that both improve the team in the short term and could generate trading profits in the long term.

2. Intelligent use of the free agent market. Player wage demands may be the stumbling block to this, but every year there are a few quality, experienced players who could have a positive impact but we rarely seem to take advantage.

3. Youth Development. The big one. Obviously we have produced some very good players over the years, but I’ve always thought that there is still so much untapped potential on Merseyside. We also seem to fail in that crucial 18-21 age group where players need to go from promising youngsters to first team footballer. There is expertise out there, including at the FA whose programmes have improved hugely in the last decade. We don’t seem to produce even decent squad players. The recent release of Lewis Warrington and McKenzie Hunt are a clear example. A couple of lower league loans and then released for nothing. I can’t judge these individuals as I don’t watch them much, but their careers don’t seem to be managed intelligently enough. Even just giving them some first team exposure occasionally would improve them as players and increase their value for sales, but we don’t seem to do it. I can’t believe that they’re so bad that they would have cost us points by coming on fresh in the second half of games when we were tiring. We could either raise ‘pure profit’ through sales or have a deeper squad of cheaper players who care more about the club if we get this right.

At the moment we seem to be fire-fighting both on and off the pitch, and we’re just about managing, but it’s costing us in terms of building anything for the long term. The new owners need a clear plan, which they can explain openly and honestly, about what small improvements are going to be made year on year.

Whilst it’s not what we dreamed of, it will be enough to engage me (and most Evertonians I suspect) to see that we are at least moving in the right direction. We will just have to accept that the destination is a long way off.

Brent Stephens
23 Posted 16/06/2024 at 15:31:14
Peter #20 "I found this article which reports that the debt was left over from the previous owners rather than being loaded on the club by Friedkin."

Peter, thanks for that. That's much more reassuring! So we won't end up with the likes of the Glazers and wanting to do a defenestration job!

Phil Friedman
24 Posted 16/06/2024 at 15:37:38
Just saw that Dan Meis designed Roma’s new stadium. Perhaps he recommended us to Friedkin?
Ray Said
25 Posted 16/06/2024 at 15:38:36
Brent (18). I was tried to be clear that it was from an Italian Roma fan. He posted it in an Everton Facebook page. I thought it an interesting perspective and that it might hold interest for some.
Brent Stephens
26 Posted 16/06/2024 at 15:42:55
Ray, sorry, I should have read more closely.
Alan J Thompson
27 Posted 16/06/2024 at 16:22:16
Robert, is it possible to say what Roma's income was in that period and how Serie A TV payments compares to those to Premier League clubs albeit Roma also played and received income in lesser UEFA competitions. Also how much improvement would which club have to make to equal the others income given the standard of each competition?
Jay Harris
28 Posted 16/06/2024 at 16:56:33
Excellent research as always Robert but as others have said at least we will get professional management and everybody united behind a plan instead of the subterfuge and smoke and mirrors that brought us down under Kenwrights regime.

No investor will play Father Xmas and nor should they with PSR and FFP hovering over us.

We have to find a way to manage our way back to the top something that proved impossible under dumb and dumber.

Tony Graham
29 Posted 16/06/2024 at 17:33:18
I,M sure the business side of the club will improve, and dyche and thelwell allowed to do there jobs, what I would like to see is an vast improvement in the way the club communicates with the fans, just be up front and straight on why certain things have to happen and why particular decisions have to be made...
Paul Birmingham
30 Posted 16/06/2024 at 17:51:48
Loads going on regards the sale of Everton, based on the media, so praying that Moshiri, agrees the right deal.

Looking forward to the fixture list for next season which is out tomorrow.


Danny O’Neill
31 Posted 16/06/2024 at 18:05:38
Totally Paul.

Just get it sorted.

And get the fixture list out so we can all start planning!

Paul Birmingham
32 Posted 16/06/2024 at 18:11:24
Agreed, Danny, the chaos of the Moshiri era but now with hopefully a "real buyout deal" progressing, its a huge preseason for the last season at the Old Lady.

Hopefully, hopefully, deliverance and salvation will be soon, for Everton.

Rob Halligan
33 Posted 16/06/2024 at 18:50:13
Paul # 30……it’s actually Tuesday they are out. Unless you’re in Australia or New Zealand! 😁😁
Paul Birmingham
34 Posted 16/06/2024 at 18:54:15
Rob, yep your right, it's one day and about 14 hrs.. Tuesday as you've said.

The ales this p.m. ( don't take too many these days) has enhanced my maths again🍻🍻🍻😂🙏

Mark Taylor
35 Posted 16/06/2024 at 19:03:32
Pete 20

Interesting link that. Looks like he will at least know some of the issues facing us.

In our case, he does not have a minority share issue to manage- or not much of one- but he is faced with a lot more debt than even Roma accrued and how that is dealt with in this acquisition will be the key to whether we can look forward to a hair shirt or something a little more comfortable. If we are forced to sell Jarrod, hair shirt it is. For me that would be a bad start.

Interesting how it works in Italy. Some people here seem to think we can tap the state up for some investment funds for development. The local Italian government sees the money needing to come the other way.

Raymond Fox
36 Posted 16/06/2024 at 19:03:33
Thanks Robert, well spelled out.

Moshiri gambled and lost big time, at least give the guy credit for trying, Friedkin its seems will probably go with the pragmatic approach.
With few exceptions though, position in the League is determined by how much is spent on players. How valuable the squad is.
So if you take that as fact we are likely to be bouncing along the bottom again this next season.

Its going to be vital that the scouting system is much improved on recent times, thats area where we have been poor.

If this takeover comes to fruition we have a solvent club again and we are still in the ball game, and oh a brand new stadium.

Anthony Dove
37 Posted 16/06/2024 at 19:39:31
The article worries me as I have up to now been in favour
of the Friedkin takeover. There are evidently a number
of interested parties now and I was hoping one would
provide a reasonably quick end to the last thirty years
of austerity and or mismanagement. The sale of our
prized assets is not going to achieve that. An early
statement from Friedkin might allay those concerns or…..

Anthony Dove
38 Posted 16/06/2024 at 19:44:40
Is it pronounced Freed Or Fryed? Hopefully it’s Freed.

Dale Self
39 Posted 16/06/2024 at 19:50:14
My hope and belief is that Friedkin will provide the blueprint and funds to get Everton back to what they do best; We have always been the type of club that assembles an overachieving team rather than buy champagne players.
Ian Bennett
40 Posted 16/06/2024 at 19:59:32
Yes, that's how I saw it. Roma haven't massively improved under his stewardship, and inherits a club in a far bigger mess on and off the pitch. That's a worry.

But I suspect all clubs are in the same boat, of paying too many players big contracts that they can't get rid of. And so the clubs have to wear those contracts until the situation can be addressed. Only then can you redirect cashflow into cheaper, emerging talent. Until then it's treading water.

Arsenal under Arteta did a good job in clearing the decks of very high earners - Ozil, Aubameyang, etc were successfully moved on, and he brought in better lower paid players.

Robert Tressell
41 Posted 16/06/2024 at 22:19:39
Alan # 27, sorry if I have the wrong end of the stick - but I think you're asking whether the extra TV revenue in the Premier League might make things easier for Everton / Friedkin.

Unfortunately, no. That's because the wages / transfer fees in the Premier League are higher too. Also, we're in a much bigger mess than Roma.

Anthony # 37, the article is intended to be realistic rather than negative - although I appreciate it's not a stirring read. Unfortunately, there are already 8 extremely wealthy clubs in the Premier League who we are seriously adrift of. We could spend £300m this summer and still have a weaker squad than the likes of Villa, Spurs and Newcastle. No new owners are going to come in and try to spend their way to success.

It might sound a bit boring, but under Moshiri relegation and insolvency had become a case of when not if. The turnaround, though not quick, at least looks like it's about to start.

Kunal Desai
42 Posted 16/06/2024 at 22:47:11
Based on what he has done at Roma I expect we'll be run prudently with the club being on a financially sound footing moving forward.

As fans we'll need to be patient and pragmatic over the next couple of seasons. Moving away from relegation battles and solidifying mid table security over the course of next season and our first season at Bramley Moore.

The next 24 months I expect the commercial side to vastly improve as well as other areas including our academy/scouting plus the general communications from the club to trend in an upwards direction. Hopefully by the the third or fourth season at Bramley Moore we can witness some great european nights again but until then it's going to be a patient build up.

Alan J Thompson
43 Posted 17/06/2024 at 03:34:54
Robert(#41); My question was more about the position of each club of debt to income ratio. Everton may owe a lot more than Roma at the time of Friedkin's intervention but is our income proportionately higher and does our position hold the added advantage that we have now got some big earners off the payroll and the possibility that if we avoid another points penalty that we could finish higher in the League with the added income it might bring. I'm also hopeful that any new owners would at least renegotiate some of our loans with a reduction also in interest rates with a view to being a little more flexible on incoming transfers rather than just loans and free transfers even allowing for an improvement in scouting etc.
Jack Convery
44 Posted 17/06/2024 at 05:18:31
A case of out of the frying pan and into the Friedkin ?
Interesting times to follow me thinks.

Let's hope it's not another example of Goodbye Boris, hello Liz aarrrgghhhhhh. That would be very Everton !

Danny O’Neill
45 Posted 17/06/2024 at 06:13:20
Let's just get it done, whoever it is.

Fixtures out tomorrow.

I struggle to think of owners in recent top flight football who aren't in it for their own interests, so I won't concern myself with that.

Having spent years in the States (I've been to 30 of the 50), pet hate. Stop saying Yanks.

I will call on the American cohort to correct me, but if you call someone from from the southern states a Yank, they will likely be offended.

They are American.

Let's get this one over the line and then make arrangements for the first match.

Sam Hoare
46 Posted 17/06/2024 at 07:46:42
Great piece Robert, I wrote a comment on the other Friedkin thread with a few of these recent unglamorous spending habits but good to see it put in considerably more detail.

Initially at Roma there was more than a hint of Moshiri about Friedkin's approach. But he seems to have learned after that.

I don't think that things could get a whole lot worse than under Moshiri but I also don't think that Friedkin will make things a whole lot better (at least on the pitch) for a while. The thing that worries me the most is that he appointed Mourinho, who in my opinion has looked an expensive flop since his last season at United. One of the biggest flaws in Moshiri was not putting in place the right managers, board, DOFs to bring progress. Lets hope Friedkin has better judgement when it comes to appointing leaders.

Tony Abrahams
47 Posted 17/06/2024 at 08:11:59
Paul@4, when you say there is much to tell about the chaos of the last twelve months (if not longer! - Come on Paul, - definitely longer) I found it very concerning that the two bids which both had an Everton connection behind them, were knocked back for this fella.

Hopefully this turns out to be the best bid but a part of me is still very concerned that things are not what they seem.

I hope my information is wrong but, I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if this wasn’t a complete 100% buyout, when you consider everything that has gone on before, and especially in the last bemusing 12 months, that you mentioned.

Christine Foster
48 Posted 17/06/2024 at 08:31:53
Tony, I read it exactly that way and thats the very reason the bids with Everton connections fell by the wayside, they both wanted all Moshiri's shares and I just don't think he is prepared to sell all of them at one and take a bath.
Rob Dolby
49 Posted 17/06/2024 at 08:35:18
This takeover doesn't fill me with optimism.

More of the same but more organised won't get us fighting for top 10.

I don't know enough about the details of all prospective new owners or how much they have bid for the club but joining up with the Roma owners who have just come out of their own psr mess doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.

New season around the corner, expectations at an all time low. Touting our best players around to the highest bidder, I am fed up with the lot of it.

Eric Myles
50 Posted 17/06/2024 at 09:03:14
Danny #45, isn't the correct expression (from Gone with the Wind?) DamnYanks?

Or Damn Yankees if referring to the baseball team?

Tony #47, so this guy is still not your Titanic Hotel bidders?

Rob #49, or touting our players to the lowest bidder re: Branthwaite!

Robert Tressell
51 Posted 17/06/2024 at 09:03:31
Alan # 43, you are right, the wage bill will benefit from the departures of Gomes, Alli and (probably) Godfrey - but we are still in a mess and remain very likely to operate the playing squad on a shoestring for a couple more seasons yet.
Tony Abrahams
52 Posted 17/06/2024 at 10:24:12
That was the group getting advised by Keith Harris, a man who said that when working for Everton, it was amongst the most dysfunctional boardroom he had ever seen Eric.
David West
53 Posted 17/06/2024 at 11:16:07
Robert A good overview.
As you say hopefully they have learnt from their mistakes and we won't have the 3-4 year finding their feet period like Roma.
It's never going to be a quick fix, even with Saudi billions, PSR has seen to that.
Sustainable growth & development of the team is now what's needed.
He should have alot of contacts who he can call upon to enhance our weak branding, merchandisin,sponsorship and new new stadium Opportunities.

There's nothing wrong with prudence as long as you are making progress!

Ed Prytherch
55 Posted 17/06/2024 at 13:42:30
Eric #50, a Damn Yankee is a Northerner who joins the exodus to the South and then complains about it. A Northerner who moves South and is positive about it is a Southern Improved Yankee. My wife is one of those.
Lewis Barclay
56 Posted 18/06/2024 at 10:46:10
Nice assessment!

I think there are bigger gains to be had at Everton (in terms of league position, at least) for less investment. With some squad upgrades, it's entirely possible for Everton to finish just inside the top half of the table.

I think minor short-term upgrades, getting to the new stadium - think players coming to the end of their career (like Barry, Distin), - supported by youth/academy players bought in for the longer term 3-5 years - with a view to winning cups and European places in 5 years I imagine.

Brian Harrison
57 Posted 18/06/2024 at 11:10:12
I thought that Friedkin was going to get an exclusive deal with Moshiri like 777 had, but haven't seen anything confirming that. I would hope that while the talks with Friedkin are ongoing someone at the club is aware of the possibility of further points deductions if we again fall foul of the P&S rules. If we are in danger of transgressing the rules then we have only 12 days left to do something to make sure this doesn't happen. The problem is the same people who were in charge who thought we would get away with the overspend are still in charge and that's hardly likely to change in the next 12 days.
Brian Williams
58 Posted 18/06/2024 at 11:26:42
The exclusivity will be announced shortly, days rather than weeks I believe.

Same people in charge?

Not quite mate. 😉

Mike Price
59 Posted 18/06/2024 at 13:28:36
Whoever takes over needs to have a close look at Thelwell. He’s been limited at best and shocking at worst, the Beto and Chermiti deals being prime examples.
As most are saying, smart recruitment and selling, are our keys to progression.
Stu Darlington
60 Posted 18/06/2024 at 20:59:27
Be careful what you wish for re the Friedkin takeover.
He’s a business man and therefore his focus will be on making money,not necessarily developing the Football Club for the benefit of the supporters.He’ll do this by growing the assets and leveraging loans against the club to dabble in other interests.I know all business consortiums have similar objectives with the possible exception of the oil states who are more concerned with “sports washing “their dodgy reputations than making money.For this reason I would prefer the AJ Bell &co,s bid.At least they are Evertonians and hopefully would have the interests of EFC at heart.
It would seem to me that now is the time for Kevin Thelwell to earn his corn and bring some young talent to the club at reasonable prices.Loan signings are limited in number and out of contract players rarely produce any diamonds as they are out of contract for a reason.
Mike Allison
61 Posted 18/06/2024 at 20:59:32
We need to sign about 5 on free transfers just to have a squad of players at all at the moment.

I don’t mind the new owners being tight and implementing necessary cost cutting, as long as there is a clear plan for steady, gradual, sustainable improvement.

Frank Wolfe
62 Posted 19/06/2024 at 05:52:22
We need stability in the short term and a long term plan. Signing young players for reasonable prices with possible on-sale value supplemented with more experienced loan players would be my model. However, it requires patience from the fan base. We all have a tendency to want instant results or to sign a top class centre forward etc etc. We are not in a position to do that and it generally doesn't work anyway. Hopefully when BMD opens our revenue streams will improve but we still need to stick to a consistent long term plan.
Ryan Holroyd
63 Posted 19/06/2024 at 21:40:00
What was wrong with the Chermiti deal?
Ian Bennett
64 Posted 20/06/2024 at 17:50:23
The key bit in the first 6-12 months is can he find a blue chip name for the naming rights of the Everton stadium.

Get a good deal over a 5-10 year period, and that could transform the finances.

Bill Gienapp
65 Posted 22/06/2024 at 19:39:29
We don't need to spend more, we need to spend smarter. Start doing that, and hold on to Branthwaite for another season, and I'll be feeling pretty good about things.
Ray Jacques
66 Posted 24/06/2024 at 15:59:13
We need stability, organisation and a business plan with appropriate and suitable people in positions to make decisions.

Only then will we move onwards and upwards.

Christopher Timmins
67 Posted 27/06/2024 at 13:05:36
A new owner will obviously mean that the manager's position will come under review.

Interesting times ahead when the change happens.

Raymond Fox
68 Posted 27/06/2024 at 15:07:49
You never know, Chris, but I think the new owners will stick with a safe pair of hands for a season at least.

I suppose the danger time for Dyche is if we are still a Premier League club when we move to the new ground

Personally,I'd stick with him for 3 years but we all know, if things go pear-shaped for a period, he might be asked to leave.

Robert Williams
69 Posted 28/06/2024 at 19:58:07
Robert, what I would like to see from the new regime are a few young kids walking around wearing our kit. My 10-year-old grandson is the only one in his class, nay in the school, who is not a RS supporter and he proudly wears his Everton Kit on every occasion he is allowed to, in school and outside.

Kids are the future of Everton Football Club – get them wearing the colours.

Robert Williams
70 Posted 28/06/2024 at 20:12:58
Seems to me that Mr Friedkin is in the building trade. Like any homeowner will know, if the roof leaks that is the first thing to attend to. Start at the top.

Everton are in desperate need of good management to get their house in order and this fellow has my wholehearted support to get the job done.

I will not saddle him with a time frame – he will already have one and whether we understand his blueprint for the club or not we should trust him to get it right.

After all he will be like a breath of fresh air compared to the stench that the last two left us in.. There will be a much better Ah-roma around the place – No shit!

Julian Wait
72 Posted 03/07/2024 at 20:23:13
I was in Leipzig for the Austria vs Turkey game yesterday, and happened to be sitting in a small resto-bar, next to an American (USA) and his kid / kids, watching Nederlands vs Romania beforehand.

We got chatting.

I won't name the organization or role, but he has a very senior a major global operational role in a very well known major sport.

He's also a football fan, as well as a business man, and played in college.

The first thing that impressed me was that, when I told him I was from Liverpool, he didn't assume I was a red, like so many do. He asked "Red or blue?"

The second thing was that when he asked me where Everton were with ownership, and I started off by mentioning Friedkin, he said "Oh, the Roma guy" and he went on to say "That will be much better for Everton, the 777 Partners things was never going to go well; Friedkin is a very good option."

Okay, so it's a bit "me nan's hairdresser's nephew met a guy in Aldi who knew someone who had given Friedkin a ride in a taxi", but the guy was clearly a proper sports management guy; when I scanned (ie, stalked) him on LinkedIn, he had been in major roles in US sports leagues and organizations as well.

I really hope this Friedkin deal goes through.

John Burns
73 Posted 03/07/2024 at 20:58:39
Nice one, Julian. I get the same vibe from things I've read.

But I definitely understand the reticence and suspicion surrounding the process from Evertonians.

Daring to dream has been a wiped out option for such a long time. Hope this guy can remove those shackles...

Bill Gall
74 Posted 03/07/2024 at 21:28:42
I wonder if going on Friedkin's father and himself's background on making their fortunes, will the new stadium be called the Toyota Stadium?

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