12/09/2024 65comments  |  Jump to last

With a lot of 'noise' generated by comments made by John Textor, in particular his comments on Sean Dyche, interim Everton CEO, Colin Chong, has felt compelled to step forward and clarify the position on the potential sale of the club.

Textor, the American billionaire who has been in talks with the Club's majority shareholder, Farhad Moshiri, for the past few weeks over a potential takeover of the club, spoke with Alan Myers in his video interview with Sky Sports yesterday and expressed his confidence that he could complete a deal before the end of November.

He was also asked about speculation that surfaced earlier this week regarding the future of Sean Dyche should Textor and his Eagle Football Group succeed with a buyout of the Blues but he knocked back the suggestion he had already lined up a potential successor to the current Blues boss.

“The club is aware of the comments made by John Textor in relation to a potential purchase of the club," Chong said. "While positive conversations and progress continues to be made with Mr Textor to formalise any deal with him there remains some work to be done to complete the transaction.

"Accordingly, the comments made by Mr Textor merely represent his personal view on club matters.

“Everyone at the club is staying focused on providing the best support possible to Sean and the squad as we head into the weekend’s fixture.

"The club will provide updates in respect of new investment when there is material news to communicate to supporters and other stakeholders – and this will be done through official club channels."


Reader Comments (65)

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Steve Brown
1 Posted 12/09/2024 at 13:58:59
The club statement shows they’d prefer Textor to stop talking.
Dave Williams
2 Posted 12/09/2024 at 14:08:14
A compulsion to bask in the limelight or a subtle way to put pressure on Farhad to agree a deal?

His wealth would suggest that he knows what he is doing.

Michael Kenrick
3 Posted 12/09/2024 at 14:09:13
Interesting to see how uncomfortable the Everton hierarchy obviously are with the openness and transparency proffered by John Textor already!!

This statement was totally unnecessary as Textor made it abundantly clear he has no influence and it's just his opinions – albeit as the prime perspective potential purchaser.

Very odd that they would think it needed saying, especially in such a blundering and clumsy manner — "delaying the press conference for a club statement" — puts far too much on something of very little merit.

James Flynn
4 Posted 12/09/2024 at 14:25:27
No, this is a proper statement.

I'll be glad to see Dyche gone, but we don't need the players hearing a potential new owner, during his exclusivity period, saying anything about managers he likes.

We have a manager in his last season, with no word from current ownership on whether he'll be extended or not.

Textor should keep his trap shut. It's bad enough.

Tommy Hughes
5 Posted 12/09/2024 at 14:33:52
Oh yeah god knows what this board are up to? At least Textor sounds like he wants things to happen for the club. All I can say is I just hope he can get it over the line and start to sort the mess out.

I'd take anyone right now who can stablize the club with the mess Moshiri has left us in. It needs sorting out and a new manager put in straight away or we will be a Championship club in another month under Dyche and we will go down.

Thanks, Moshiri. Embarrassing that the board have put this statement out – we're just a laughing stock of English football… what a mess.

Nigel Scowen
6 Posted 12/09/2024 at 14:44:02
Michael @ 3


Nigel Scowen
7 Posted 12/09/2024 at 14:51:11
Steve @1

I’m sure they would

Peter Hodgson
8 Posted 12/09/2024 at 15:03:04
I agree that Mr Textor shouldn't really be saying what he has just yet BUT in the absence of any word from Mr Moshiri or Everton to date his words are to an extent very much welcome. It shows, if it is to be continued, that he is quite prepared to converse with the fans.

This is in stark contrast to the Everton of old and the current Everton which is truly welcomed. Please take note Mr Moshiri and Mr Chong.

We don't want a daily blow by blow account of how things are progressing, nor any confidential briefings or information but just to be considered as pieces of the jigsaw that should be kept in the loop as Mr Textor has done.

I look forward to this 'openness' continuing well into the future as the Club will benefit in the long run.

Ben King
9 Posted 12/09/2024 at 15:04:16
Pointless pointless pointless club statement. Achieves nothing.

Personally I'd like to see Dyche stay and given a chance with money. We've given him a crap set of circumstances and criticised him for struggling with them?!?!? Go figure?!

Les Callan
10 Posted 12/09/2024 at 15:19:20
When was Colin Chong made chairman?

I'm confused.

Peter Hodgson
11 Posted 12/09/2024 at 15:22:42
Colin Chong in his statement said “The club is aware of the comments made by John Textor in relation to a potential purchase of the club. While positive conversations and progress continues to be made with Mr Textor to formalise any deal with him there remains some work to be done to complete the transaction."

Now that the world and his dog is aware (thanks to Textor) the world (in particular the blue world in L4) encourages you to get on with it then so that we all can welcome closure to this long running saga and let Moshiri go back permanently to Monaco.

Fred Quick
12 Posted 12/09/2024 at 15:48:03
I can see a reason why the club felt it important to issue a statement, as Textor's views on what might be required at managerial level could be misconstrued by Everton's staff and players.

Chong has to work with these people on a daily basis and any lack of clarity could destabilise the manager and players. Having said that, perhaps a meeting with the manager and players in private, would have been simpler rather than a public statement.

Lewis Barclay
13 Posted 12/09/2024 at 15:58:42
This demonstrates how messed up the management of the club is.

Clarifying Textor's statement just draws more attention!

In their current positions, I would rather the club were as open as Textor seems to be and Textor was as closed as the club has been.


Eddie Dunn
14 Posted 12/09/2024 at 16:01:23
Would Chong have made the press statement without Moshiri's say so? I doubt it.

It is refreshing to hear anything considering the awful track record of our absentee owner.

I remember how he was speaking through the odious Jim White at TalkShite. That of couse did not last and I've noticed White being even more pithy towards us ever since.

I suppose Chong's words are to allay the worries of the manager. But surely it's simply just more "noise" to Sean.

Brian Williams
15 Posted 12/09/2024 at 16:10:15
If the club had said nothing you'd have a collection of moaners on here having a go at them.

Different decision by the club, different set of moaners.

Jay Harris
16 Posted 12/09/2024 at 16:23:02
I think it is very refreshing to hear the philosophy and plans of the potential new owner — unlike the smoke and mirrors culture of the Kenwright-Moshiri era.

Chong and the board appear to be more concerned about their own positions but, if I was Textor, I wouldn't be too happy with this announcement.

Ajay Gopal
17 Posted 12/09/2024 at 16:26:03
I think John Textor was quite naive in his comments when asked about Sean Dyche. He could have easily side stepped the question with something like “I believe Sean Dyche is doing a fine job under challenging circumstances and he deserves to be supported”.

No need to bring up hypothetical scenarios/names of Brazilian players from his club and asking if Dyche would be comfortable working with those type of players.

It puts unnecessary pressure on Dyche and he will surely be asked about Textor's comments in his presser. Dyche and the players' sole focus should be on the game against Aston Villa.

John Raftery
18 Posted 12/09/2024 at 16:32:29
The club needed to say something in response to the wide media coverage of Textor's interview in which, among other things, he undermined our current manager.

Textor clearly gave the impression a deal was close to hand. The club has painted a different picture for good reason. While this saga drags on and on the club, the staff and the players need to have one focus; climbing the league table.

The more noise around a bid often means the less substance there is to the bid.

Increasingly this all feels like a sequel to the 2023-24 series called 777.

Jay Prendergast
19 Posted 12/09/2024 at 16:47:29
Dave @2,

"His wealth would suggest that he knows what he is doing."

The current owner is very wealthy too. All these people think they know what they're doing right up until the point they don't.

Brian Williams
20 Posted 12/09/2024 at 16:49:07
Michael Lynch
21 Posted 12/09/2024 at 16:50:20
The club say nothing when clarity is required but, when silence is required, they pipe up.
Bill Hawker
22 Posted 12/09/2024 at 17:00:09
I would 100% trust anything Textor says over what anyone affiliated with the club would say.

Sad but that's how untrustworthy the people who have been running our club have been.

Kevin Edward
23 Posted 12/09/2024 at 17:00:34
Why can't they just get on with closing the deal instead of spouting off about what they might be planning once they get the keys to the castle?

The quicker this is over the better, we have suffered enough. Tumbleweed silence, followed by spouted nonsense.

I understand that the club needed to respond, but it's like having your pants pulled down in public. No one needs to comment on Sean Dyche, he's the manager and is working for Moshiri, like it or not.

Full focus should be on the Villa game, if this impacts preparation for that (which it probably will), then thanks a bunch.

Billy Shears
24 Posted 12/09/2024 at 17:41:25
Jay #16. nailed it lad!

This club has failed for far too long now, every club on the planet owes the fans a voice and Christ knows we need some transparency at our club, as well as real leadership going forward.

Dale Self
25 Posted 12/09/2024 at 17:52:58
What James 4 said, well done.
Mark Taylor
26 Posted 12/09/2024 at 18:02:02
I imagine Dyche may well have asked for this statement to be made — and maybe more forcibly than that.

I'd actually almost forgotten Chong is nominally in charge.

I imagine Dyche might already be discussing his next move with his agent and I'd be very surprised if Chong was also not looking, maybe to get back to the day job.

Mark Taylor
27 Posted 12/09/2024 at 18:05:59
I came across this article and pic of Chong from 6 years ago.

Everton appoints stadium development director to progress waterfront ground

I suspect he's quite good at the day job but it is alarming what 6 years at Everton can do to you...

Anthony Dove
28 Posted 12/09/2024 at 18:13:15
It’s a pity we can’t channel all the hot air being talked about
the latest pending takeover to warm the weather up.
Dale Self
29 Posted 12/09/2024 at 18:13:57
Substitute "working for Moshiri" for "Everton".

Too often, 'the club' takes the hit for what is obviously Moshiri's and predecessors' mess.

Steve Brown
30 Posted 12/09/2024 at 18:15:19
The time for Textor to set out his philosophy, plans and passion for the club is when he is the majority owner.

He doesn't own a single share in the club, so he needs to zip it to avoid creating more turbulence in the club.

We are bottom of the Premier League table and need to concentrate on performance and results.

Jerome Shields
31 Posted 12/09/2024 at 18:26:53
A deal is never a deal until it is over the line and paid for. What we are witnessing is prolonged bidding, where the credentials of the bidder are being enhanced for positioning reasons.

The crunch comes when they have to produce the funds to fund a takeover and actually pay. But there is always the potential for a slip between the lip and the cup, especially since the seller, Moshiri, has clearly mismanaged his investment and is in hoc to lenders who will have their say.

In this context, Textor is a bidder, by an investment vehicle, who needs to sell the investment in Crystal Palace which already provides security for his Italian investment.

He also needs to raise funds from a public offering on his investment vehicle, which needs the potential of an investment in Everton to increase the value of his public offering, so that he has the funds to buy a majority holding in Everton.

If I was a seller, I would hope I would never be in a position concerning such a bid.

This is an absolute bollocks of a situation. Moshiri and Chong are naive or do not have a clue to come out with such a statement. They have no narrative of their own, and are giving credence to Textor's narrative, which is nothing more than him shooting off his big mouth.

Moshiri is trying to sell Everton for two pigs and we all have to look on as this obvious bullshit unfolds. Sometimes all you end up with is a kick in the arse and Moshiri thoroughly deserves his.

On editing, I've just seen Chong's photo again. He looks a right prat and probably is one.

Stu Gore
33 Posted 12/09/2024 at 18:29:19
Fucking Textor? How 2004 is this? Where's John WhatsApp? Or Dave InstagramDickPic III? Always behind the times!!!

Also, not sure there was a reason for the club to make any comment. Nothing has actually happened and anyone can say anything. Reactionary response to a media story that needed no action.

Danny O'Neill
34 Posted 12/09/2024 at 18:48:32
I didn't necessarily have an issue with Textor's enthusiasm. Maybe he came out of the blocks too soon and he shouldn't have mentioned Dyche as that could unsettle the manager and team ahead of an important match.

Chong has clearly come out in defence of Dyche and with a "nothing is done yet" message.

The soap opera rumbles on.

Paul Ferry
35 Posted 12/09/2024 at 19:18:50
There are as I type five articles on ToffeeWeb about Textor.

Looks like he's taken over something.

Peter Hodgson
36 Posted 12/09/2024 at 19:28:52
Yes, it will rumble on, Danny, now that the media have hold of it. Maybe that was the intention initially, Now that these comments from Textor and Chong have been published, there is no doubt about it.

I just hope that it manages to focus minds and leads (quietly) to a deal being struck which pleases both parties as Textor either said or inferred that he was happy to go with the deal he's agreed with Moshiri.

If true, then good, despite what Chong has said, but I am not going to say that he (Textor), as a buyer, is automatically 100% always right with what he thinks is the deal with Moshiri.

Unless he has it in writing, there may be small, but significant, details to iron out still. The fact that Moshiri is so unpredictable should serve as a warning to him.

Good luck everyone as we need a new owner asap.

Oliver Molloy
37 Posted 12/09/2024 at 19:30:26
If this fella takes over, it looks like he will have lot more to say than Moshiri — good thing or bad thing? I don't know, to be honest.

Most top business people get the deal done before saying anything.

Keith Slinger
38 Posted 12/09/2024 at 19:36:51
I would think this will be good for all parties, Moshiri gets his release from EFC and Textor gets his majority shareholding etc?

And EFC get a new owner with a bit of nouse instead of an Iranian clown etc?

Raymond Fox
39 Posted 12/09/2024 at 19:41:54
Textor shouldn't be talking about who he likes as manager, that can only unsettle Dyche, his staff and also the players.

I don't think he will in the end buy the club, I'd say its 30% he does and 70% he's not our next owner.

Moshiri gets a lot of flak, granted a lot of it warranted, but to be fair to him the debt the club is in is partly down to the brand new stadium he's had built.

I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have started that project if he knew his Russian friend would get blackballed.

He did also foot the bill for half a billion or whatever it was for the purchase of players.

The mistake he made was trusting the 'football experts' he employed and 'you know who' to buy the right players.

Chris Jenkins
40 Posted 12/09/2024 at 19:46:38
John Raftery #18,


Brendan McLaughlin
41 Posted 12/09/2024 at 20:07:17
Not quite sure why Textor felt the need to do this interview now. If a deal is close, surely the prudent thing to do is wait until it's over the line rather than start talking about a club you don't yet or may never own.

Everton's response suggests there's still work to be done.

Seems like a negotiating ploy by Textor to put pressure on Moshiri for whatever reason.

Jay Harris
42 Posted 12/09/2024 at 20:32:58
The only person putting pressure on Sean Dyche is Sean Dyche.

We know that group of players is better than nil points and he needs to start organising and inspiring them to achieve some results.

Craig Scott
43 Posted 12/09/2024 at 20:59:13
I'd prefer a future owner (majority shareholder) of the club to leave their talking to the back room negotiations. Not spout off to the media about what they will or won't do before they've even closed the deal.

We've endured years of a mouthy chairman spouting bullshit in public to the embarrassment of the club, so it would be nice to have an alternative owner who quietly gets the job done behind the scenes.

They can then inform the media of their intentions once they've actually forked out the readies to purchase the majority of the club's shares.

John Daley
44 Posted 12/09/2024 at 21:39:12
This is what stirs the previously stitch-mouthed, wank Deadpool from ‘Wolverine Origins' club officials ‘working behind the scenes' to finally crawl out and make a statement to fans?

None of the stuff that's gone seriously tits up and had grown men tearing their hair out, frothing at the mouth and furiously walking the dog… for fucking ages… at 5:30 pm every Saturday and whenever any further (inevitably) bad news about the club filters out?

Nah. Just this.

Just some bloke getting a bit over excited at the prospect of buying the club.

They spent years with a chairman who used to wax lyrical about stuff like the time Burt Reynolds walked off the set of ‘Smokey & The Bandit' to ring Bill and ask him if he wanted to go for lunch, only for Bill to put Bob Latchford on the phone and how Burt immediately shed so many tears of sheer joy his sopping tash was the wettest and slickest it had ever been when a safe distance removed from lady jizz.

They've got an absentee owner who not only tried to sell the club to criminals and conmen but also sought to convince supporters it was a masterstroke on his part: "The more time that I have spent with the 777 team, the more my confidence increases that we have found the right people to take the club forward in the modern era”.

When 777 partners were in the same position, they were willingly taking money off them pre-takeover and had Josh Wander attending games, doing Q&A sessions with fan groups, and meeting the fucking mayors of Liverpool and Greater Manchester.

Yet, one Yank still on the outside looking in and getting a bit carried away in his enthusiasm while trying to engage is what causes them to cringe with such embarrassment they feel the need to immediately issue a statement?

How strange and utterly redundant.

Jimmy Hogan
45 Posted 12/09/2024 at 21:55:55
Who is your dream coach?

Dyche or the Brazilian title winner, Ferreira?

Paul Ferry
46 Posted 12/09/2024 at 21:59:14
Is that the choice Jimmy? No one else?

I know that neither Dyche or Ferreira are my dream coach.

Nigel Scowen
47 Posted 12/09/2024 at 22:09:36
Jay @42,

Definitely, it makes you wonder whether he is prepping an excuse in advance.

Jimmy Hogan
48 Posted 12/09/2024 at 22:13:27
Gavin Johnson
49 Posted 12/09/2024 at 22:37:30
I like what I've seen from Textor and I'm curious about the stories I've seen where it infers another rich investor would be on board with him if the deal happens.

I think it's okay to give his opinion about the club he wants to buy. The only comment that I didn't like was the one where he said Branthwaite could have been sold for something like £51M...

He doesn't yet own the club so I don't get what the benefit of disclosing that is, other than it might give other clubs ideas they can snatch him in January for a low fee which won't be to the benefit of Everton.

James Marshall
50 Posted 12/09/2024 at 22:53:46
I feel like a bit of a lone voice when I say I don't trust Textor, and believe very little that comes out of his mouth.

I'm struggling with all his talk of how he loves Everton, and all the bullshit about owning Everton like becoming President and living in the White House. Pull the other one - it was only a few weeks ago he was harping on about how great Palace is, right up until he was told to do one when he wanted to buy the club outright.

He's blowing smoke up our collective arse and I'm not having it.

Not only that but he's previously stated he hates owning football clubs, and he's also planning to float the club on the stock market. He reminds me of Kenwright with his dewy eyed bullshit.

I don't trust him as far as I can throw him.

Gavin Johnson
51 Posted 12/09/2024 at 22:58:36
Never heard of Abel Ferriera except the film director who made King of New York and Driller Killer amongst his other films...Good films btw.
Barry Lyndon
52 Posted 12/09/2024 at 23:03:20
Look at the size of Colin Chongs Cranium. Fucking Humongous.
Si Cooper
53 Posted 12/09/2024 at 23:20:47
James (50), you are far from being a lone voice although I do think you are particularly harsh in saying he can’t be excited by the prospect of owning Everton because not long ago he was excited about his investment in Palace.
Both could be true. He’s not claiming he’s been a supporter for years, just that owning a football club is perhaps the biggest thing he will ever do.
Gavin (49), maybe he’s simply aware that young Branthwaites future is something he can’t necessarily control and so he is sensibly making it clear that he is ‘inheriting’ a scenario where the player has already been influenced by interested clubs.
Simon Harrison
54 Posted 12/09/2024 at 23:44:01
James [50]

You're not a 'lone voice' believe me.

I for one share your... 'scepticism'?

How does the old cliché go, something like this in this case

"Talk is cheap, buying a football approx. £600m+ in debt, alongside other issues, is not!"

In this case I strongly believe he should stay silent, until he has put up, and got the keys to the castle; then by all means crow as much as you like...

All Textor did yesterday in his statement, was

i) Disrespect the Crystal Palace fans, organisation and his fellow shareholders at CPFC.

ii) He also disrespected the Everton management team, and club. "A distressed club, that is a fantastic opportunity to buy"

iii) He also made overtures about how our last genuine game-changer (Branthwaite) should be valued. With a view to probably sell to fund.

iv) Additionally, he has obviously kicked the proverbial hornet's nest with his comments, with regards the current EFC 'rump' board, and probably (in my opinion) overstated where he stands regards the current positioning regarding his attempted takeover.

This shouldn't be taking place in the public domain until everything is signed, sealed and dusted...

It all comes across as very ungracious to those involved in the deal, and the very integrity of the deal. To me that is...

Bob Parrington
55 Posted 13/09/2024 at 02:08:26
Not so sure about any of this.

I do agree that John Textor probably went a bit overboard with his comments. Maybe the Everton board just felt it might be unsettling, particularly when some fans argue for him to sack the manager and coaching team. Maybe let's just "Lay off the talk about the manager/coach & team"!

Also, with Usmanov getting edgy and suing one of Moshiri's businesses, Moshiri and the Everton board might just want Textor to zip it for now.

Lyndon Lloyd
56 Posted 13/09/2024 at 04:56:05
I think the Club wanted to quell the talk about Dyche in particular because it is pretty unsettling to a current employee and it was guaranteed he was going to be asked about it during the presser, which he was by Vinny O'Connor.

I'm not sure they'd have done it in this way were it not for Textor's comments about Dyche and the insinuation in some media quarters that if Eagle Football Group come in, the Gaffer will be getting the "Spanish archer".

Ernie Baywood
57 Posted 13/09/2024 at 07:16:11
James 50 - it's quite funny reading people claim that they like Textor because he's 'honest' and 'says it like it is'.

What they mean is that they like what he said.

None of us have any idea whether he is honest.

A degree of scepticism is warranted.

Paul Hewitt
58 Posted 13/09/2024 at 11:18:32
Moshiri is the one that wanted the press release yesterday.

He doesn't think the sale of the club is as close as Textor does.

James Marshall
59 Posted 13/09/2024 at 11:24:54
Ernie @57,

Yeah, those are usually the same people in my experience, who follow populists like Farage, Trump and tiny Tommy Robinson Yaxley-Lennon.

Honest, "say it like it is" types – or liars, frauds and grifters as I prefer to call them.

Martin Berry
60 Posted 13/09/2024 at 11:28:25
I expect big changes if this man gets control of Everton as I think we can all agree there has been a lot of mess behind the scenes so far. Hopefully he can offer progress and stability.

I like the fact he is actually talking to the fans even though he does not yet own the club. Communication up until Colin Chong's intervention has been non-existent from the current owner.

Brian Williams
61 Posted 13/09/2024 at 11:37:35
None of us have any idea whether anyone is honest until we know them well enough.

None of us know any of the protagonists well enough to make an informed decision on whether they're telling the truth or not.

So believing or not believing what's being said is just down to the individual's choice.

Neither choice carries any more weight than the other.

Pretty obvious, I know, but... meh!

Mike Hayes
62 Posted 13/09/2024 at 12:41:19
Where was Colin Chong when all the dodgy deals 777 were embroiled in?

He's quick to jump on the bandwagon now Textor has said a lot of positives.

James Flynn
63 Posted 13/09/2024 at 17:20:38
Mike (62) - Textor said this when he bought into CP, “Over the past six months of discussions, I have also developed a real affinity to Crystal Palace FC, its history, the staff and, of course, most importantly the supporters who create an incredible atmosphere at every game – one I cannot wait to witness again when supporters return to fill Selhurst Park this season."

How many words did he change to say the same thing about us?

Anthony Jones
64 Posted 13/09/2024 at 17:24:52
We don't know how many other offers are out there waiting to be made. Probably not many, but Textor should probably have not gone ahead with this interview.

The deal isn't done yet. It could easily be seen as an underhanded way of pressuring Moshiri to sell at a lower price. Imagine the raging mob if our American Knight in Shining Armour is told that another group have offered more money to buy the club?

Commenting at all on Dyche felt unprofessional to me. Can he manage random South Americans? Not relevant at this point, but he does need to perform for us right now.

Steve Brown
65 Posted 13/09/2024 at 17:44:12
From the Athletic.

“It is just a straight, equity purchase of the shares of Everton Football Club, if it happens. While I like to feel it’s greater than 90 per cent probability, I’m not the owner of Everton Football Club and (Moshiri) still has plenty of options.”

There are two important parts to this answer at the media conference.

The first is the bit about using equity to buy Everton — earlier in the answer, Textor stressed that the transaction would be “debt-free” — which will be music to the ears of the club’s supporters, as the nine-time English champions are already more than £1billion in debt.

However, what Textor means is he is using cash — his own, plus an unspecified amount from “a couple of friends with terrific resources” — to buy Moshiri’s 94 per cent stake. It does not mean he will be wiping away all of Everton’s debts, or not using new debt to recapitalise the business.”

Positive that he is looking at a debt free purchase and, interestingly, it will be separate from Eagle Football Group and the multi-club model. He will want to take advantage of close collaboration though.

He is definitely has a greater risk appetite than TFG. And he does need to stop talking to the media and concentrate on getting the deal done.

Bottom line is someone needs to buy us - and soon.

Alan J Thompson
66 Posted 14/09/2024 at 09:39:43
Sorry for being late to it but this sounds like the dreaded vote of confidence.

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