12/09/2024 16comments  |  Jump to last

With a lot of 'noise' generated by comments made by John Textor, in particular his comments on Sean Dyche, interim Everton CEO, Colin Chong, has felt compelled to step forward and clarify the position on the potential sale of the club.

Textor, the American billionaire who has been in talks with the Club's majority shareholder, Farhad Moshiri, for the past few weeks over a potential takeover of the club, spoke with Alan Myers in his video interview with Sky Sports yesterday and expressed his confidence that he could complete a deal before the end of November.

He was also asked about speculation that surfaced earlier this week regarding the future of Sean Dyche should Textor and his Eagle Football Group succeed with a buyout of the Blues but he knocked back the suggestion he had already lined up a potential successor to the current Blues boss.

“The club is aware of the comments made by John Textor in relation to a potential purchase of the club," Chong said. "While positive conversations and progress continues to be made with Mr Textor to formalise any deal with him there remains some work to be done to complete the transaction.

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"Accordingly, the comments made by Mr Textor merely represent his personal view on club matters.

“Everyone at the club is staying focused on providing the best support possible to Sean and the squad as we head into the weekend’s fixture.

"The club will provide updates in respect of new investment when there is material news to communicate to supporters and other stakeholders – and this will be done through official club channels.


Reader Comments (16)

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Steve Brown
1 Posted 12/09/2024 at 13:58:59
The club statement shows they’d prefer Textor to stop talking.
Dave Williams
2 Posted 12/09/2024 at 14:08:14
A compulsion to bask in the limelight or a subtle way to put pressure on Farhad to agree a deal?

His wealth would suggest that he knows what he is doing.

Michael Kenrick
3 Posted 12/09/2024 at 14:09:13
Interesting to see how uncomfortable the Everton hierarchy obviously are with the openness and transparency proffered by John Textor already!!

This statement was totally unnecessary as Textor made it abundantly clear he has no influence and it's just his opinions – albeit as the prime perspective potential purchaser.

Very odd that they would think it needed saying, especially in such a blundering and clumsy manner — "delaying the press conference for a club statement" — puts far too much on something of very little merit.

James Flynn
4 Posted 12/09/2024 at 14:25:27
No, this is a proper statement.

I'll be glad to see Dyche gone, but we don't need the players hearing a potential new owner, during his exclusivity period, saying anything about managers he likes.

We have a manager in his last season, with no word from current ownership on whether he'll be extended or not.

Textor should keep his trap shut. It's bad enough.

Tommy Hughes
5 Posted 12/09/2024 at 14:33:52
Oh yeah god knows what this board are up to? At least Textor sounds like he wants things to happen for the club. All I can say is I just hope he can get it over the line and start to sort the mess out.

I'd take anyone right now who can stablize the club with the mess Moshiri has left us in. It needs sorting out and a new manager put in straight away or we will be a Championship club in another month under Dyche and we will go down.

Thanks, Moshiri. Embarrassing that the board have put this statement out – we're just a laughing stock of English football… what a mess.

Nigel Scowen
6 Posted 12/09/2024 at 14:44:02
Michael @ 3


Nigel Scowen
7 Posted 12/09/2024 at 14:51:11
Steve @1

I’m sure they would

Peter Hodgson
8 Posted 12/09/2024 at 15:03:04
I agree that Mr Textor shouldn't really be saying what he has just yet BUT in the absence of any word from Mr Moshiri or Everton to date his words are to an extent very much welcome. It shows, if it is to be continued, that he is quite prepared to converse with the fans.

This is in stark contrast to the Everton of old and the current Everton which is truly welcomed. Please take note Mr Moshiri and Mr Chong.

We don't want a daily blow by blow account of how things are progressing, nor any confidential briefings or information but just to be considered as pieces of the jigsaw that should be kept in the loop as Mr Textor has done.

I look forward to this 'openness' continuing well into the future as the Club will benefit in the long run.

Ben King
9 Posted 12/09/2024 at 15:04:16
Pointless pointless pointless club statement. Achieves nothing

Personally I’d like to see Dyche stay and given a chance with money. We’ve given him a crap set of circumstances and criticised him for struggling with them?!?!? Go figure?!

Les Callan
10 Posted 12/09/2024 at 15:19:20
When was Colin Chong made chairman ? I’m confused.
Peter Hodgson
11 Posted 12/09/2024 at 15:22:42
Colin Chong in his statement said “The club is aware of the comments made by John Textor in relation to a potential purchase of the club. While positive conversations and progress continues to be made with Mr Textor to formalise any deal with him there remains some work to be done to complete the transaction."

Now that the world and his dog is aware (thanks to Textor) the world (in particular the blue world in L4) encourages you to get on with it then so that we all can welcome closure to this long running saga and let Moshiri go back permanently to Monaco.

Fred Quick
12 Posted 12/09/2024 at 15:48:03
I can see a reason why the club felt it important to issue a statement, as Textor's views on what might be required at managerial level could be misconstrued by Everton's staff and players.

Chong has to work with these people on a daily basis and any lack of clarity could destabilise the manager and players. Having said that, perhaps a meeting with the manager and players in private, would have been simpler rather than a public statement.

Lewis Barclay
13 Posted 12/09/2024 at 15:58:42
This demonstrates how messed up the management of the club is.

Clarifying Textor’s statement just draws more attention!

In their current positions, I would rather the club were as open as Textor seems to be and Textor was as closed as the club has been.


Eddie Dunn
14 Posted 12/09/2024 at 16:01:23
Would Chong have made the press statement without Moshiri's say so? I doubt it.
It is refreshing to hear anything cosidering the awful track record of our absentee owner.
I remember how he was speaking through the odious Jim White at Talkshite. That of couse did not last and I've noticed White being even more pithy towards us ever since.
I suppose Chong's words are to allay the worries of the manager. But surely it's simply just more "noise" to Sean.
Brian Williams
15 Posted 12/09/2024 at 16:10:15
If the club had said nothing you'd have a collection of moaners on here having a go at them.
Different decision by the club, different set of moaners.
Jay Harris
16 Posted 12/09/2024 at 16:23:02
I think it is very refreshing to hear the philosophy and plans of the potential new owner unlike the smoke and mirrors culture of the Kenwright-Moshiri era.

Chong and the board appear to be more concerned about their own positions but if I was Textor I wouldn't be too happy with this announcement.

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