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Kovač and Garcia still on Everton shortlist

| Sunday, 01 September 2024 60comments  |  Jump to last
Niko Kovač and Rudi Garcia could be invited to present their case to Everton's ownership as the club's search for a new manager continues.

According to The Mirror's David Maddock, Farhad Moshiri is hesitating on pulling the trigger on appointing Vitor Pereira as Rafael Benitez's successor because he is reluctant to make another hair-trigger decision.

It is believed that Frank Lampard has held two interviews with club representatives and will be asked to meet with Moshiri and his business partner Alisher Usmanov in person to convince them that he is the correct man for the job.

Wayne Rooney is also high on the list and the club will make efforts to contact him via the administrators at Derby County.

Maddock also claims that Everton remain in contact with the Royal Belgian FA with regard to Roberto Martinez and will check in with them one last time before they make an appointment.

Kovač has been among the candidates that are reported to have been the Board's shortlist since Benitez was sacked eight days ago but despite his impressive work at Eintracht Frankfurt and Monaco, plus his double-winning success at Bayern Munich, there have been question marks over the reasons why he was sacked by the French club.

Garcia, meanwhile, was heavily linked with the Goodison vacancy last summer after Carlo Ancelotti left the Blues but nothing came of the speculation.

Reader Comments (60)

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Ron Marr
1 Posted 24/01/2022 at 23:47:24
Bring me the head of Rudi Garcia. What's the scoop on Rudi? Glad to see Lampard and Kovac are in the mix.
Tony Twist
2 Posted 24/01/2022 at 23:49:53
Christ, lets hope so. There is no dodging who is to blame for the state we are now in, it's not blue Bill. This issue is from a clueless man with more money than sense. I hope we wake up from this nightmare soon.
Dale Self
3 Posted 24/01/2022 at 00:03:34
Nice Ron, always dig a Warren Oates/Peckinpah line. The carousel has now become worth riding a round or two. Garcia could get the team going and would improve our image over time. That one is not a brown plate special. Although to be fair after reading Steve Ferns take on Pereira I'm much relieved.
Justin Doone
4 Posted 25/01/2022 at 00:26:52
Currently no stand out candidate. This could quickly change as other managers become available in the next few months.

I'm an admirer of Kovac. I think he's done well at a few big clubs and that experience of delivering on expectation is a huge draw.

Questions will always be asked about why so many clubs for a young manager and a lack of English Premier league experience.

But his positives far outway other candidates whilst the negatives are what nearly all managers go through.

Derek Thomas
5 Posted 25/01/2022 at 00:47:29
Tony Twist @2; Spot on. It's the man formally know as 'Mr 92 - Hasn't a kin clue'.
He's now 'Mr 94 - should be out the door'.
Though Bill is not blameless, not by a long chalk.

But look at us and look at Watford...some might say - at least were not Watford - and yet they comprehensively beat us 5-2, without seemingly breaking a sweat.

The chart of managerial responsibility must be like one of those optical illusion things were you end up where you started...or in a dead end...or both.

(If we were a painting it would be like crossing Heronymous Bosch with Dali.)

But with Bill and Moshiri able to...but not at the same time...throw a six and dive in with a veto or over trump somebody with a a mad 4D game of Uno crossed with FM and Nap.

Confused? They are, we are, I am - how to conjugate the noun Everton

As soon as you think you find an answer - they change the question.

Mike Gaynes
6 Posted 25/01/2022 at 02:35:48
Great news. Two of the six guys at the top of my wish list. Way, way, way above Pereira, Rooney, etc. etc. etc.
Kieran Kinsella
7 Posted 25/01/2022 at 02:59:51
“Question marks” over the Monaco sacking. But no question marks about Pereiras multiple sackings? Moreover why are Usmanov and Kia involved in interviews? They’re like the new Philip Green lurking in the shadows but officially with no role.
Andrea Jacobs
8 Posted 25/01/2022 at 03:13:16
First of all, who is responsible for bringing Moshiri in, it's Blue Bill isn't it? That's done now, the path has been set. There's no escaping relegation. If not this season, then next.

Appointing Ancelotti just slowed down the process of rejuvenating this bloated and unmotivated squad. The classy Italian had his plus points, obviously, but overall it was a dumb move.

Benitez was the unforgivably dumb move, and now we're going to be relegated. The anger and desperation to avoid relegation in the ‘90s, I fear now, has been replaced by a resignation and quiet acceptance, borne out of so many years of depressing mediocrity.

When it comes to the crunch, of course, we'll all be up for the fight but this squad and any manager that comes in, won't be. It's an irreversible slide. Kovac represents slow, uninspiring garbage football, not really what's needed.

I have no idea who can rescue us? I don't think it will be a manager who is interested in coming here or is currently available, and certainly not one who is appointed by Moshiri.

We are doomed – to play in the Championship, which isn't the end of the World by the way. The stadium at Brantley-Moore Dock can go fuck itself – I have no idea how a new ground helps Everton win matches.

John Zapa
9 Posted 25/01/2022 at 04:11:05
I find it very strange that, for the month before the slow motion car crash called Benitez, it was clear that it was not working; a responsible leadership would have quietly prepared a Plan B for a manager change.

Suitable candidates would have been sounded out via agents and common contacts, a few secret meetings on Usmanov’s yacht arranged and the one (or two) chosen candidate kept ready for the day the trigger is pulled on Benitez.

Instead, the leadership is approaching the managerial search like it was an unexpected surprise, similar to Ancelloti walking out. If the selection is done after the transfer window is closed, it could be too late to keep the club up.

Ian Jones
10 Posted 25/01/2022 at 04:44:24
There is half a season left. Appreciate there is not a lot to cheer about and the club and team is in a mess but there is just under half a season to go. Plenty of time to turn it round.
Derek Knox
11 Posted 25/01/2022 at 06:06:27
This Shortlist is getting bigger day by day ! :-)
Tony Everan
12 Posted 25/01/2022 at 06:08:35
Pleased to wake up and see Kovac and Garcia being considered. The bigger question maybe is - will they consider us? Kovac of all the names we have been linked with interests me the most. Mr Moshiri and the board need to get the business done today or tomorrow. Give the manager a fighting chance to sign a couple of central midfielders.

Whoever comes in is not a magician, he’ll need these players or we’ll struggle. Mr Moshiri and the board need to be aware of this as equal, or arguably more important short term than the manager appointment.

Andrea Jacobs
13 Posted 25/01/2022 at 06:19:56
Half a season left – that doesn't address anything. We have all the classic harbingers of relegation hanging over us. The biggest one is that we are sleepwalking into it, and no one deep down really believes it can happen, and that counts for the outside perspective as well.

The fight and the urgency to avoid relegation may need to be magically turned on around the end of March. Anything can happen, obviously. It appears at the moment though, that other sides are getting their shit together, momentum and recruitment-wise.

We have all the classic hallmarks of a once big club sliding out of the top flight, probably on the final day of the season. Complacency and lack of facing the current reality; someone needs to come in and deal with this immediately.

Bobby Mallon
14 Posted 25/01/2022 at 06:34:34
Who said they are
Steve Shave
15 Posted 25/01/2022 at 06:44:19
I oscillate between the romantic choice (Rooney) and Kovac, the latter I have backed from the start of this latest clusterfuck. Garcia also a strong candidate in my opinion, why would either come here though? Periera has an interesting "profile" (adopting the Silva language in anticipation of another Mediterranean fancy dan) but he presents a massive gamble. I wouldn't want to be in the boards shoes right now, stuff this up and we are relegated, end of.
Kim Vivian
16 Posted 25/01/2022 at 07:46:08
How long does a short list have to be before it is no longer a short list?
James Newcombe
17 Posted 25/01/2022 at 09:04:00
“Half a season to go”.

I thought that, but take a look at the fixture list. At first glance it does seem quite short! Secondly, running through it trying to identify games where we might win, wasn’t a lot of fun.

If we can start giving ourselves a chance in midfield, we might be all right in the end. It’s the next three games that are key.

Peter Carpenter
18 Posted 25/01/2022 at 09:37:36
Going off Pereira, two more on the shortlist, another interview for Frank. In the meantime the icebergs are getting closer. You couldn't make this crap up!

Other clubs identify their choice and go out to get him - Villa are the most recent example. Not only are they totally lacking any football knowledge but they can't make a decision either.

How the hell did they ever succeed in business and how have we ended up as victims of these arrogant egomaniacs?

Update - Watford seem to have done it overnight! We are truly stuffed with these people making the decisions, eventually.

Clive Rogers
19 Posted 25/01/2022 at 10:21:16
They may as well put all the names in a hat and pull one out at random. Everything Everton is a complete shambles.
Michael Lynch
20 Posted 25/01/2022 at 10:26:50
It's the media throwing out all these names, not the club. We have no idea what is going on within the club - for all we know they have identified a preferred target and are in discussions. Alternatively they might have a short list, but it's unlikely to be the same short list that the Echo, or the Daily Mail, or the Mirror is publishing.

There's plenty to be angry about with making stuff up, or being taken in by the media, who are simply trying to get clicks on their sites so they can sell more advertising.

Derek Knox
21 Posted 25/01/2022 at 10:32:45
Clive @ 19, I could just imagine them doing that, and pulling out Marks and Spencer, and scratching their heads as to which to appoint ! :-)
Sam Hoare
22 Posted 25/01/2022 at 10:38:22
Better options. These two along with Lucien Favre would be on my shortlist above Rooney, Pereira, Lampard etc.

I wonder if part of the indecision revolves around whether to find a short term; someone to keep us up essentially and then re-assess this summer; or whether to find someone who could steer us longer term?

Short term it could be that the likes of Rooney, Martinez, Lampard, Pereira etc are decent options. Longer term i'm much less convinced.

Duncan McDine
23 Posted 25/01/2022 at 10:39:43
Like it Derek! The M&S comment reminded me of an old joke about underwear - must have been women’s knickers because they had C&A written on them (after the Irishman saw that his socks had L&R on them)… well anyway, the meaning behind C&A in that joke perfectly describes our Chairman and Owner.
Pat Kelly
24 Posted 25/01/2022 at 10:47:47
Just waiting on the right man to be sacked.

Mick Roberts
25 Posted 25/01/2022 at 10:48:01
No interviews get rooney is now he will install passion for the club and give the young players a chance we need to get off this roundabout of big name managers and give it to someone who is hungry for the fight
Robert Tressell
26 Posted 25/01/2022 at 12:15:10
It is hard to tell whether these sorts of managers are genuinely good - or whether they were in the right place at the right time when a club had assembled a good group of players. I honestly think they are average managers who had a bit of luck and haven't really managed to repeat it since.

Whatever the case, I see guys like these plus Pereira as next years' P45 candidates. This isn't progress. This just tides us over till the next crisis.

We need someone now to keep us up, simple as that.

Watford have very astutely hired Hodgson although it may be too late.

I would be confident that Allardyce or Dyche would keep us up. Allardyce for 6 months or Dyche for a couple of years before he is sacked for the awful football.

After that, move to a proper DoF model with someone like Hoeness (Hoffenheim) or Terzic (Dortmund) as coach. These sorts can build us properly - a bit like Arteta has done at Arsenal - for the longer term

Fran Mitchell
27 Posted 25/01/2022 at 12:23:22
Kovacs has been distinctively average everywhere he's been.

Average is probably all we can expect, but his record doesn't inspire really.

Did ok at Bayern but only got the job due to being a former player. And winnowith Bayern is akin to winning in Scotland.

50% win rate at Croatia, poor for international football. Less than 50% at Frankfurt. Did well at Monaco last season, but overall a 56% win rate in a generally poor League.

Rudi Garcia has always performed well I think. He'd be a sgood, steady manager for 2-3 years.

So not inspi

Anthony Murphy
28 Posted 25/01/2022 at 12:43:05
I think Lampard would probably be the most likely to get the immediate bounce we need - he knows the league and will hopefully sort out the one area we need to improve - the midfield. I think he would bring in a couple of decent loan signings from Chelsea and would have rapport with the players. He’s a bit of an arrogant prick, but maybe we need that sort? Hate to say it, but he would also be a good fit should we go down.
Derek Knox
29 Posted 25/01/2022 at 12:44:12
Duncan @ 23, Ooh You Are awful. But I like you ! :-)
Brian Murray
30 Posted 25/01/2022 at 12:48:16
For what’s it’s worth Rooneys dad drinks with one of my older bro’s in swan area and says Wayne won’t work with Dunc. Don’t know where that leaves us.
Mike Corcoran
31 Posted 25/01/2022 at 12:54:36
I like the look of Favre, looking at stats for last 3 clubs, approx figures are W400 D200 L100. That’s averaging 2pts a game. Astute defensively and has improved struggling teams beyond expectations.
James Hughes
32 Posted 25/01/2022 at 12:59:26
Brian, I would be interested to know why Rooney wouldn't work with Dunc
James Hughes
33 Posted 25/01/2022 at 12:59:34
Brian, I would be interested to know why Rooney wouldn't work with Dunc
Brian Murray
34 Posted 25/01/2022 at 13:18:36
My bro has known him for years ( his dad ) not sure why he won’t work with him until I catch up with him. Ideal dream team obviously it ain’t.
Robert Tressell
35 Posted 25/01/2022 at 13:48:16
Lampard might be good for an immediate bounce - but I expect he will another one destined for the sack within 12 to 18 months or even sooner.

He failed to get a very strong Derby side promoted. He failed to get an excellent Chelsea side anywhere near contention (the defence was truly awful).

Sam Hoare
36 Posted 25/01/2022 at 14:16:01
Yeah, not sure why people are so keen on Lampard who has no connection to our club and as Robert@35 says did fairly uninspiring work at Derby and Chelsea.

is it just the glamour of his name? Lets not fall into the Moshiri trap!!

Brian Murray
37 Posted 25/01/2022 at 14:34:16
I’m not looking for attention I’d rather be looking forward to a big second half of the season however I can elaborate on Rooney snr conversation with my bro. Rooney refuses to work with Dunc because he’s a dope. Rooneys words not kia or teary arse or Jim white.
Richard Lyons
38 Posted 25/01/2022 at 14:37:26
I sometimes find myself thinking that the easiest thing for Moshiri to do, and the best thing for Everton fans, would be to dissolve the club and sell all its assets. All Evertonians could then switch allegiance either to the other great Merseyside club (Tranmere Rovers of course), or, if they don't live close by, a local League Two club of their choice. At least they wouldn't have as much anguish every week, as they would have no expectations.
Then I wake up in a cold sweat...

Actually, none of the apparently shortlisted managers give me any confidence. We need someone with a proven ability to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse, and I don't think such a person exists on the earth.

Richard Lyons
39 Posted 25/01/2022 at 14:37:41
I sometimes find myself thinking that the easiest thing for Moshiri to do, and the best thing for Everton fans, would be to dissolve the club and sell all its assets. All Evertonians could then switch allegiance either to the other great Merseyside club (Tranmere Rovers of course), or, if they don't live close by, a local League Two club of their choice. At least they wouldn't have as much anguish every week, as they would have no expectations.
Then I wake up in a cold sweat...

Actually, none of the apparently shortlisted managers give me any confidence. We need someone with a proven ability to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse, and I don't think such a person exists on the earth.

Stephen Vincent
40 Posted 25/01/2022 at 14:44:32
Derek #5, I would have thought that Edvard Munch's The Scream was far more appropriate right now.

Fran #27 Garcia has an over all win rate of less than 50% and only 53% for Lyon last season, in a relatively poor league.

Barry Hesketh
41 Posted 25/01/2022 at 14:47:29
Grant McCann the manager of our FA Cup opponents, Hull City has become available following his sacking earlier today.
Joe Hurst
42 Posted 25/01/2022 at 14:47:47
You seem to have said that twice, Richard: (38&39)

Will it need to go to VAR?
(Very Arsey Rambling…)😏

John Pickles
43 Posted 25/01/2022 at 18:36:29
Ask Farhad for his list in order of preference, then select the one at the bottom.

He knows less than Jon Snow.

Mike Gaynes
44 Posted 25/01/2022 at 19:04:07
Fran #27, wow, I think your Kovac comment is high and wide. A 57% win rate at Monaco doesn't impress you?? In the two years before Kovac came in, they won less than 30% of their games. He resurrected that club.

At Frankfurt he was hired in March and saved them from relegation, then got them up to mid-table and into a Cup final the next season, then WON the cup over Bayern the season after that. And Frankfurt is a club like us, once glorious and now stuck in the mud. I'd say a 42% win rate in the savage Bundesliga -- and two Cup finals in three years -- is pretty damned spiffy. Yeah, he was in over his head at Bayern, but I'd have him all day long.

Richard #38, if you want to root for a local winner, there's always Marine! COYLW! (See Pete Mills for details and tickets.)

Alex Gray
45 Posted 25/01/2022 at 19:40:50
I'd take Kovac all day, to be honest.

Interesting links for loan moves for Alli and Ndombele. I know Ndombele has been poor for Spurs but in France he was a monster.

Gaute Lie
46 Posted 25/01/2022 at 20:09:35
Why Kjetil Knutsen is not Even mentioned surprises me.

Bodø/Glimt with a budget of 7-8 mill pounds won the Norwegian league two years in a row. Beat Mourhinios Rome 5-1, took a draw away.

And plays very entertaining football. And yes, he speaks English.

David Pearl
47 Posted 25/01/2022 at 20:16:00
This muppet of an owner should have had these discussions weeks and weeks ago. Not start looking the day after sacking him. We do not have a Number 10 on the books but we go for El Ghazi. My head is near to exploding.
Mike Gaynes
48 Posted 25/01/2022 at 20:39:32
Gaute #46,

Probably because he's never managed anywhere else... and because the Norwegian League is ranked only 23rd in the world. It would be like taking an untried manager out of English League One or Serie B.

Christy Ring
49 Posted 25/01/2022 at 20:58:07
Sam Hoare #36,

Lampard has no connection to our club, what difference does that make? What connection have Kovac, Garcia and Pereira?

As for the fairly uninspiring work at Derby, he took over an ageing team, brought in young players on loan, beat Leeds in the playoffs and lost the final to Aston Villa.

He went to Chelsea, couldn't sign anyone because of a transfer embargo, after losing Hazard in the summer, made the top four and a Champions League place, nominated for manager of the year.

Harshly sacked in my opinion, Tuchel won Champions League with same squad. Premier League management experience considering we're in a relegation battle is huge, plays a lovely brand of football, high tempo, and could bring in Terry to sort out defence?

Sam, nothing to do with the glamour of his name

Rob Halligan
50 Posted 25/01/2022 at 21:17:34
Christy, don't forget Lampard also got Chelsea to the FA Cup Final in his only full season at the club. At the moment we would crave for an FA Cup Final.
Christy Ring
51 Posted 25/01/2022 at 21:31:12
Romano saying tonight Pereira is flying in with his staff.

I hope it's more bullshit, if not unbelievable.

Ed Prytherch
52 Posted 25/01/2022 at 21:52:09
Anything is believable with Moshiri. He is advised by a gangster and a sleazy agent.

I hope that it is Wayne Rooney or Frank Lampard as I feel I could trust either of those two. The further away from Britain they hail, then the less I trust them.

Mike Gaynes
53 Posted 25/01/2022 at 21:55:06
Same goes for TW posters, Ed!
Dennis Stevens
54 Posted 25/01/2022 at 22:07:00
Well, after Brian's earlier comments, Rooney has risen a little further in my estimation. I be fascinated to know who he would have working with him, maybe we'll get to find out in due course.
Brent Stephens
55 Posted 25/01/2022 at 22:09:13
Mike #53 Oh no it doesn't! No football / Merseyside snobs on ToffeeWeb measuring you up in terms of where you come from. A blue is a blue is a blue.
David Pearl
56 Posted 25/01/2022 at 22:12:32
Mike, 53

And!! Imagine playing scrabble witn an American and losing all those gh's

Mike Gaynes
57 Posted 25/01/2022 at 22:25:34
Yep, David, but we Yanks lose out on a few Scrabble points for words like "honour" and "rumour" and "anaemia" and "cheque".

Plus a C is worth 3 points and an S is worth only 1, so we lose out on "defence" and "licence".

Stu Darlington
58 Posted 25/01/2022 at 22:33:16
I am not a gambling man,but I believe our present situation leaves us with 2choices. It boils down to which of the choices is the best bet.
Is it persist with Duncan Ferguson,with all his shortcomings until the end of the season and then reappraise the situation ?Or do we take a punt on one of the names on the long/short list?
I know which I’d put my money on, but what do I know.
What would Peter Reid say?
Andrew Keatley
59 Posted 25/01/2022 at 22:54:16
Christy (49) - I think Lampard laid the groundwork for Tuchel to come in, address their defensive insecurities, and instil a winning attitude. Maybe if Chelsea had been more patient with Lampard then he might have achieved similar success, but that is the cut-throat nature of top-level management, even for club legends.

Lampard made a lot of brave decisions, some slightly forced by the transfer ban, but repeatedly playing the academy graduates was his legacy. And the fact that those academy graduates including Mason Mount, Reece James, and Callum Hudson-Odoi (and maybe soon Billy Gilmour) are now established first-team players and internationals - as well as those off-loaded since (Guehi, Tomori, Abraham) swelling the club’s coffers to the tune of £100+ million… he probably left the club in a better state than he found it in - and skilful (and let’s face it, lucky) microsurgery from Tuchel turned that squad into Champions League winners.

Nigel Pearson had the same thing happen to him at Leicester; he built a squad that had already turned a corner - and Ranieri came in and with style, skill and good fortune was able to take the club to new and legendary heights.

Ed Prytherch
60 Posted 26/01/2022 at 14:52:37
Mike #53 I was born and raised in Ormskirk, about 12 miles from Goodison Park.

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