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Ferguson in line for Blackburn job

Saturday, 27 July 2024 44comments  |  Jump to last

Duncan Ferguson is being considered for the job of manager at Blackburn Rovers.

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Reader Comments (44)

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Brian Murray
1 Posted 30/05/2022 at 12:44:01
Time to go into the big bad world, eh, Dunc? I'm sure Bill will bail you out again if it's too much.
John Cartwright
2 Posted 30/05/2022 at 12:52:43
I hope Duncan gets the job. Not sure what his role is at Everton, but if he does a good job there at Blackburn, the prodigal son may return home one day as Manager
Andy Wilkinson
3 Posted 30/05/2022 at 12:55:17
I wish him well and every success. He needs to cut his teeth somewhere and who knows, I think he may prove to be a good leader and manager. We may even wonder why he was never given the job at Everton.

Mark Rankin
4 Posted 30/05/2022 at 13:08:14
If he is interested in stepping up to be a manager ,he has to go and prove himself. If he was successful I'm sure he'd be back with the blues one day!
Joe McMahon
5 Posted 30/05/2022 at 13:10:14
Andy @2,

Because only someone of Zidane statue in the game means you start managing at the top. Even Frank and Wayne Rooney with all their experience of the Premier League and Europe, including many honours started in the Championship. Ferguson and Unsworth both need to start at a lower level.

Steve Brown
6 Posted 30/05/2022 at 13:10:56
Good luck to Duncan, I hope he gets the job.
Tony Abrahams
7 Posted 30/05/2022 at 13:13:30
Good luck Duncan, and remember that sometimes you are only as good as the people you bring with you onto your coaching staff. It’s obvious that Ferguson has got real leadership qualities, so hopefully this will amongst other things, help him become a successful football manager.
Danny O’Neill
8 Posted 30/05/2022 at 13:18:02
I hope this comes off for him. There was a very successful Everton manager and former player that cut his managerial teeth at Blackburn.

My only negative is that he should have done this much earlier.

He's 50 now and has been warming the bench in terms of manager / coach status for many years wasting time, in my opinion.

Good luck to him though. The icon that was all the lost generation had to cling onto and a true adopted Evertonian.

Brendan McLaughlin
9 Posted 30/05/2022 at 13:19:03
Odds on favourite apparently. Best of luck to him, if he goes.
Brent Stephens
10 Posted 30/05/2022 at 13:41:10
Strange that he hasn't tried his hand elsewhere a lot earlier. Anyway, best of luck to him if he gets it.

I wonder if he's already had a nod and a wink from Blackburn? A wink he'll welcome. A nod invites an involuntary reflex response in the form of a Glasgow kiss.

Simon Jones
11 Posted 30/05/2022 at 13:46:53
I think a lot of Blues will be looking for Blackburn Rovers results if this comes off. Could be a good opportunity to send one or two on loan there. Rovers are a decent side and will have their eyes on promotion.
Mark Ryan
12 Posted 30/05/2022 at 13:52:11
He will need a good coaching team around him, perhaps Seamus might join him? If he gets some decent support he can do well. ersonally very relieved he's finally moving on and I wish him all the best. Take Delph with you, Dunc, cheers pal!
Joe McMahon
13 Posted 30/05/2022 at 13:57:10
I'll keep ya posted, guys. I live about 10 miles from Ewood. Still full of Kopites though.
Jamie Crowley
14 Posted 30/05/2022 at 14:13:24
Duncan has to do this, if there's truth behind this story. It's well past time for him to strike out on his own. Thus far him not doing so, at least in my opinion, looks to lack bravery and / or confidence, from the outside looking in.

Get out there Dunc and cut your teeth man, and do it quickly.

Pat Kelly
15 Posted 30/05/2022 at 14:14:02
After all his service to the Club, I hope Everton do the right thing by Dunc and take up a collection for him. Let's be generous. Davies, Mina, Gomes, Seamus would do for a start.
Tony Everan
16 Posted 30/05/2022 at 15:05:39
Will really look forward to see how big Duncan gets on at Blackburn, it will be a great test for him. We’ve all seen he can get players fired up and playing for him, but has he the tactical ability and necessary man-management skills to cope with a long hard season?

I wish him the best of luck, it would be a sight to behold him getting Blackburn promoted next year in the play off final.

Larry O'Hara
17 Posted 30/05/2022 at 15:13:07
Good luck, and they are a good club with proper fans 🤞
Paul Hewitt
18 Posted 30/05/2022 at 15:14:54
He won't leave his cozy job here.
Nick Page
19 Posted 30/05/2022 at 15:39:28
Just go!
Iakovos Iasonidis
20 Posted 30/05/2022 at 16:30:26
I love the man, I hope he gets the job and try himself. I wish him all the best! His role seems to have diminished so I believe this is a great opportunity for him.
Denis Richardson
21 Posted 30/05/2022 at 16:39:44
Good luck to him. Only slight issue I'd have is that he should have tried his luck at a lower level years ago. He's already 50….
Martin Mason
22 Posted 30/05/2022 at 16:43:00
Are they looking for a Chairman and owner?
Rennie Smith
23 Posted 30/05/2022 at 16:45:00
If he goes, I'd love the big man to be a success (which I think he will).

You don't get many of his kind in the players these days, Noble at West Ham is the only other one that comes close. We know he'd die for the club, which for some on this site seems to be a negative???

Interesting that people say he's taken too long to go it alone, there may be two very good reasons in that:

1. His obvious love and dedication to the place;
2. He's taken his time to learn from others, what to do from the best (Carlo) and what not to do from the dire (Benitez).

That experience could be invaluable rather than running headlong into it and getting the bullet straight away.

Lee Courtliff
24 Posted 30/05/2022 at 17:57:14
I was 13 when we signed Duncan, he's a real childhood hero of mine. I still watch his winners against Liverpool and United to this day.

But, I am a bit disappointed that he's stayed in a coaching capacity for so long. He's already 50 and far too old to suddenly become a very top manager, but he may do well at a Championship club.

I was put off him becoming our manager when he said that he favoured the 4-4-2 formation, and that just screams long ball football to me. I wish him all the luck in the world, though.

Brendan McLaughlin
25 Posted 30/05/2022 at 18:14:04
Now being denied
Will Mabon
26 Posted 30/05/2022 at 18:19:50
This would be interesting to see. He's been marginalized now, at least on match days, sat quiet and still on the second row with no visible input. Who knows at Finch Farm.

His first management job might possibly prove the beginning or the end for him, with little in between. He's had a huge experience of different managers afforded to few, in recent years (bad or not). If he can implement that learning, he could do very well. Good luck, if he goes for it.

Will Mabon
27 Posted 30/05/2022 at 18:21:15
That coulda saved me a bit of typing, Brendan!
Rob Baker
28 Posted 30/05/2022 at 18:51:20
Sadly Big Dunc only knows Finch Farm and Goodison Park. He won't leave his comfort zone.
Joe McMahon
29 Posted 30/05/2022 at 21:05:51
Daniel Farke is doing the rumours for Blackburn, and that makes more sense.
Allen Rodgers
30 Posted 31/05/2022 at 13:47:52
I really don't see David Unsworth as a manager at Championship level until he gets experience lower down the pyramid. He was linked with Barrow but they've gone for Pete Wild from Halifax.
Alan J Thompson
31 Posted 31/05/2022 at 15:36:54
Does this mean the opinionated Alan Shearer won't be stepping up at one of his old clubs? So much to say, so little done...
Kim Vivian
32 Posted 01/06/2022 at 08:33:45
I feel a bit sorry for Duncan to be honest, and hope he gets a crack at a decent job like this. I don't know quite what his role is at Everton, but a little like that left over item from the Ikea furniture you bought, presumably like that, he has a job to do but no-one quite knows what so sticks it back in the box.

He has a wealth of experience working with some pretty experienced managers which he could bring to a management job, but as (I think) Jamie mentions he seems to be suffering from a lack of confidence which is quite reasonable given he has been left out in the cold pretty much over the last 3 years or so.

Despite his bravado and bluster which we have all seen in the past, I think Duncan is probably quite a sensitive character and mentally may be suffering because of this. He is there as a potential asset, whoever is in the hot seat at Everton, but to be continually left on the sidelines can be pretty demotivating.

I noticed in the various video captures following our 3rd goal against Palace that his celebrations were, by his standards, pretty muted and he was not really embracing other touchline staff.

As I said, he seems a bit like the spare part left over from a flat-pack job so do hope he can get a real crack at a proper, as opposed to stand-in, management role, and wherever he goes, I will be watching the results.

Tony Graham
33 Posted 01/06/2022 at 08:59:25
Why leave a well paid cushy number with no pressure, for a hot seat...?

He's lucky – as long as Uncle Bill is here, he'll be looked after...

Joe McMahon
34 Posted 01/06/2022 at 09:05:42
I was speaking to a Rovers fan at work who would like Nigel Clough.
Alan J Thompson
35 Posted 01/06/2022 at 16:10:26
Would this be a permanent move or are we just loaning him out to a Championship club for experience?
Brian Murray
36 Posted 01/06/2022 at 16:40:56
If Bill has any say in it, he will be going nowhere. He likes and needs his grateful gang around him.
Justin Doone
37 Posted 09/06/2022 at 14:13:06
Blackburn are a worse run club than Everton so the chances of a manager being or bringing success with the terrible owners they have is an almost impossible task.

They are a great example on how bad Everton could become should we continue our shambolic performances on and off the pitch.

Avoid Duncan, there's better run clubs to take a chance with.

Joe McMahon
38 Posted 13/06/2022 at 15:02:50
Local(ish) news where I live. Duncan ain't going to Blackburn Also, Vincent Kompany is to be manager of Burnley.
Michael Kenrick
39 Posted 13/06/2022 at 16:01:34
Aww... that's a pity for Duncan, getting the cold shoulder.

Who did get the Blackburn job, Joe?

Joe McMahon
40 Posted 13/06/2022 at 16:09:07
Not confirmed Micheal, but looking like it's Jon Dahl Tomasson. He left Malmo a few months ago.
Paul Hewitt
41 Posted 13/06/2022 at 16:34:25
If ever a guy is wasting his career, it's Duncan.
Will Mabon
42 Posted 13/06/2022 at 17:54:26
Paul, I think you'd have to ask Duncan's opinion of his payslip and working hours to know if that's true.
Danny O’Neill
43 Posted 13/06/2022 at 18:08:04
I don't know why, but I just have a hunch that Kompany wouldn't be a good fit for management.

Don't ask me why.

I don't think Duncan is interested in managing but I'd like to see him give it a go. I've not been a fan of calls for him to be Everton manager, but if he can go and prove himself, then maybe he's a future option.

Blackburn would have been, still could be a decent one to cut his teeth with.

Paul Hewitt
44 Posted 14/06/2022 at 13:57:20
See the Dundee United job is now available. Perfect for Duncan.

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